
Chapter 4: My First Classes Are Interesting. Pt 2

Raven gave a light hum as he finished his breakfast. Today he had potions, defense against the dark arts, and magical history and differences.

The classes yesterday had been interesting and burning in equal degrees. Sure he also had charms and herbology, but he didn't feel the drive for them he did the others. Of course that didn't mean he wasn't the best student there.

After all, he was the best wasn't he?


"There will be no foolish wand waving inside of my classroom. I expect you all to at least possess a bit of patience and knowledge unlike your Gryffindor counterparts." Professor Severus Snape said he almost glided around the room as he talked.

"Now who can tell me the difference between" Snape started, but was cut off by some quiet snickering, which was heard by everyone.

Turning it was two ravenclaws in the corner looking into a book laughing. The professor didn't take this kindly. So he moved to that desk and slammed the book shut with a wave of his and glared at the two.

"Since you two seem to believe yourselves capable, what is the difference…" so the professor shot question after question at the two students who fumbled and could only answer 1 out of the five questions.

Said questions were also in the first two chapters of the potions book. Seriously, such a disappointment for a Ravenclaw student.

"Mr. Inanis, what is the only potion that must be let to sit for six months before being taken." The professor asked and Raven stilled for a moment before answering.

"Felix Felicis. Liquid Luck. Brewing time isn't too long, but it must sit and wait for six months before use. Overuse is highly recommended to not do, less you invert your luck." Raven said and the man seemed pleased at least one person wasn't a dunderhead.

"Correct. 5 points for Ravenclaw." Welp, there were 5 points of the 30 lost by the two idiots, not that it really mattered. After all, the prize at the end of the year was a shiny cup that didn't change anything.

"Now open your book to page 5. We will be going over proper safety measures, it seems this is required for some dunderheads." Snape said with a nasty glare to the two well cowed students.


"Welcome everyone, I am Julian Harest, I am a former auror captain. I am here teaching you all this year as a favor to Professor Dumbledore. I will be teaching you defense against the dark arts this year." Julian said with a small smile on his slightly scared face.

"Now, today I have decided for us to start with a practical lesson. Wands out, form a line." The man said as he waved his wand and a wooden dummy was conjured up.

Raven could only smile as he realized wizards were capable of creating things from nothing, though they do seem to fade away quickly.

"Now the spell I will be teaching you today is the knockback jinx. Flipendo. Fli-PEN-doh, is the correct pronunciation. I want each of you to pronounce it for me before you use the spell." Professor Harest said with a stern look, he no doubt didn't want to have any issues, best to ensure they don't happen.


"Flipendo." Raven said quietly as he pointed his wand forward and the spell shot from his wand and struck the wooden dummy, sending it flying against the wall and breaking it apart.

Raven himself stared at his wand with a bit of confusion, and came to the quick conclusion that he overpowered the spell. After all, everyone else mostly just caused the wooden dummy to move back a bit. Not fly and slam into the wall, thus breaking it.

"Well done Mr. Inanis, though I would recommend practicing in your spare time to feel for the proper amount of magic to use to get the proper results you want." The professor said with a smile as he had Raven take a seat again as he waved his wand and vanished the remains of the dummy before conjuring a new one.

Those that were left tried to replicate what just happened, but none of them could.

Raven felt he might have a bit more magic than the others. Some of his fellow students seem to become… fatigued, yes that was the best word, after casting a spell so much.

Some might not become fatigued, but he could see a slight sign of exhaustion in them. Yet he never felt that. No matter how much he used his magic, he never felt any exhaustion. He didn't even feel any drain from overpowering the spell just now.

He just sighed in slight annoyance, he'd have to study this more. Thankfully he had a fully stocked library to use.


"Welcome everyone! I am Fealon Grant. I will be teaching Magic History and Differences. Now this class will be simple and only happen for this year. Now, I suppose the best way to start will be explaining about the different kinds of human magicians." Professor Grant said as he waved his wand and the three whiteboards he had flipped around and showed three blank human body diagrams.

Except for the fact the three of them had something unique to them.

The first had a glowing blue orb situated in the chest, but a small line went to the arms and legs. The second also had a glowing orb in the chest, but not as bright and no lines. The third had circuit-like lines around the body, not that half the class knew what those were.

"Now, I suppose the first thing is classification. Wizards/Witches. Mages. Magus/Magicians." The Professor smiled as he pointed to each one as he said it.

"Now a wizard/witch, which is what we are. We have a metaphysical organ situated in the area around the chest. Connected to it are metaphysical gateways for magic to travel from the organ and to the point of desire. A magic core as we call it, has three different stages. Birth. Awakened, which is when you turn 13. Then matured, this is 7 years past when awakened, so 20, unless of certain circumstances that can cause it to reach maturity early. After that, the growth of the core slows down to a snail's crawl." He explained as he waved his wand and the board flipped leaving only two visible.

"Next is mages. They also have a metaphysical core in the chest, however instead of using a focus as wizards and witches do, they do magic through calculations in the shape of a magical circle. Our kind are capable of this, but mages are predisposed to that kind of magic. However they can forever increase their magical reserves with much more ease than either of the other two human magic users." Another board flipped only leaving one behind.

"Third and finally, are magus and magicians. They have magical circuits extended from the soul itself all over the body. Their power is predetermined at birth. They can have x amount of circuits that produce x amount of magic energy. Magicians are a sub branch of magus we will be covering in future lessons." He finished and Raven titled his head curiously as he listened to the last one much more closely.

Though the second one, mages, sounded interesting to him, using mathematical formulas, or so he assumed, all shoved together in a correct order and pattern, in the shape of a magic circle, to cast magic could be a interesting way of casting magic, the word magician seemed to just have a pull towards it.

He wasn't sure why, but he really wanted to know. Perhaps this class would let him learn why.

For now though, he should really pay attention. He didn't want to be surprised by reading callouts.


Minerva McGonagall stared at the match in her hand with a frown, or rather the former match turned into a beautiful blue needle with a bit of silver designs.

The work of Raven Inanis before he left the class.

By all rights, the world should have turned the needle back into a match already. Yet it hasn't. She could understand it taking time to return to its base state, with what sensing ability she had, the teen had a ridiculous amount of magic. More than most she has met.

Yet the amount he had used during class, while excessive, was not enough to last this long. Something wasn't right, and she would find out why. Her curiosity was brimming to find the answers.

However for now, she would focus on something much more important.

All the paperwork her husband still hasn't done!


So yeah I'm taking some creative liberties, things are obviously different then they should be since I'm jury rigging three different magic systems, for just humans, and not trying to just give no effort in mixing them. So if things are different, that's why.

Of course the situation of the MC is weird and different and will eventually be explained. So for now, I'll leave y'all with that, so until next time my dear readers.

Please comment if you have any questions, so until then!

-Voidy, The Insomniac and Sore Writier

P.S. Special surprise being dropped sometime by the end of the week.
