Selene looked out of the window and felt boredom wash over her. Over the past few months, she had been training the newest Witches and Sorcerers that had joined Feluc as well as studying herself. She had been diving deeper into one of the more advanced magic disciplines that only those with Baldur's or Selene's permission could study.
Sabes walked up behind Selene and ran her hands through the woman's white hair, gently petting her superior.
"Thinking about our king once again?" Sabes asked teasingly
Selene puffed up her cheeks and grunted in agreement. It had only been 5 months since Baldur had left but that had been the longest amount of time that the pair had spent apart since they had been together.
Selene ran her hand over her stomach as she had done countless times whenever she really missed Baldur. It had grown significantly over the past few months. In a few more months, she would be ready to pop.
Sabes noticed that she was rubbing her stomach so she decided to change the topic to the baby.
"Have you thought of a name for the little guy?" Sabes asked while absentmindedly rubbing her hand through Selene's hair. Baldur and Sabes had thought many times that the softness was some type of mutation but all tests proved them wrong.
"Not sure yet," Selene said and got even more depressed. "I was hoping that Baldur would come up with it."
Sabes knew that she had stepped on a landmine so she tried to change the subject once more.
"How about we ask Queen Jendi. I'm sure that she will have a list of names suitable for him," the second in command of the Witches suggested. She was running out of strategies to keep Selene distracted and could only turn to their former queen to help her. At least until the baby came. Then Selene would be kept busy by it.
"She left to have tea with the ladies of the Roh house," Selene informed her second, already having gone to her mother-in-law. As much as Jendi enjoyed spending time with Selene, she also had to perform diplomatic missions between the planets. At least that was what she called it.
In reality, she would sneak away to the Game World and go on hunting expeditions with some of the more senior members of various Knight Households to go have fun. The Knights around them would constantly complain since they would have to make sudden trips to the dangerous place and the higher-ups would never bring additional support, risking their lives.
Sabes nodded. She was used to Jendi's sudden 'tea parties'. Luckily, she had snuck in some Witches amongst her guards to ensure her protection.
Selene could only sigh again before she got up and began making her way down to The Hoard. If she couldn't perform any spells, then she would simply study some more and learn more about the Ruinous Powers.
'Come on, little guy. Let's go learn about who we're gonna kill in the future,' Selene thought as she kept a hand over her belly while humming a calming song.
While Selene was back on Feluc carrying a child, Baldur was progressing quite fast. In 5 months, they had not come across a single planet or system that resisted or rejected them. This allowed Baldur to relax but it also gave him a migraine.
The sooner he was able to teach Fulgrim how to fight and demonstrate it, the sooner he could allow Fulgrim and his Legion to go off on their own.
Luckily for Baldur, Fulgrim had begun to get along with all the officers in his fleet. He regularly spent time on the other ships and ingratiating himself with the officers and men under them.
Thanks to that, Baldur's worry about a possible mutiny or the soldiers not obeying all of his orders had lessened.
While Baldur was resting in his room after having just brought another planet under compliance, he heard a knocking on his door. Baldur went up to answer it and Spencer was there to speak with him.
"Come in, Captain," Baldur stepped aside and offered to let the captain inside but Spencer shook his head in refusal.
"Apologies but I must decline, Sir. There is an emergency," Spencer came to make an urgent report. "The 7th Fleet has come across a Xenos species with numerous slaves and warriors that can match our Grey Knights. They say it's the Rangda again."
Baldur's expression suddenly fell. If it was the Rangda, that was a serious issue.
The Rangda was a powerful species that appeared around the time that Fulgrim was found. They came and destroyed an outpost guarded by the 1st Legion, killing millions of Imperial Soldiers and 5,000 members of The First, the creative name for the 1st Legion.
That was believed to only be a scouting party and the 1st time the Imperium had been invaded. When pursuers were sent out after them, none could be found. Whether one of his fleets had located one of the worlds under the Rangda's control or a simple outpost, it didn't matter. The Rangda were a giant threat that was not to be underestimated.
Baldur went into his room and opened a map to see where the 7th Fleet was supposed to be at the moment. Once he got an idea of it, he decided on a Rally point.
"Send a report to Terra as well as all nearby fleets and armies of the Imperium. Tell them that the 2nd Primarch is ordering for all of them to gather around Xenkoulia. This goes for all Astartes as well. Recall all the Grey Knight fleets and tell them to meet us there as well if they are not currently engaged in battle. Send word back to Feluc and have as many Witches and Sorcerers that they can spare get on ships and get ready to meet us!" Baldur gave order after order, not even giving himself room to breathe.
"Are we going to leave the 7th Fleet until the reinforcements arrive?" Spencer asked
"I shall never abandon my sons. We head straight to their location."
Spencer nodded and ran to the bridge while passing on the orders that Baldur gave through his earpiece. He also knew just how precarious of a situation that the 7th Fleet was in.