

~ Alex's Pov ~




Seeing the time fly so much. I got out of my seat, packing up all the books I read. I noticed that my intellect was barely growing as of late...

'The books here just don't seem to do it anymore...' I sighed, since I couldn't farm knowledge as much as I wanted to being here. Due to majority of the books here, that are either incomplete, or very outdated...

I sighed again... This was not even my only problem, the machine would soon be capped at a 100 tons, and making another like that would take some time. Time I didn't want to spend being here...

Leaving those thought behind, I took my time, placing the books I had on their respective shelves. Wasting no time to leave...




"W-Wait..." Hmm? I heard a voice call me, it sounded like Rogue's...

I turned back.

Seeing her running up to me was actually quite cute, I wonder why the guys were even bullying her, now that I really took a good look, she's extremely beautiful too...

She huffed a little, before she spoke, "I... I just wanted to say sorry for what happened earlier... And, my name isn't rogue either. It's Anna... Anna Marie." She spoke softly. I smiled, though, I felt as I shouldn't pry as to why they call her what they did...

I spoke up, not wanting the mood to be any more awkward. "Well, the name's Alex Young, a pleasure to meet you again, miss Marie." I did a mock bow.


I heard her let out a small chuckle, I looked up to her dimples showing from the way she smiled. And boy, was it gorgeous... I felt like she didn't have many interactions like these. Why not make her treasure it?

"The pleasure is all mine." She said , her accent was somewhat unique, and I wasn't used to it. Still, It made her more charming than she already was.

I then held out my hand, willing to shake hers, however as soon as I did. She backed up a little. 

'It seems it was true... No physical contact it is.' This, was a little rough...

"Wait, Alex... You, can't touch me." she added quickly yet apprehensively. However, I was very curious about something...

I used speeds that the normal human eye couldn't hope to track in such a close distance, grabbing her hands. Before she could register what happened, I held her hand out. With mine clasping it...

"I guess your powers don't work on me..." I quickly shrugged with a smile. Whatever her abilities were, they had no effect on me. It was a stupid move, sure, but one had to take risks in life, if one didn't, wouldn't be much of a life would it?

"Wh... Wha-What? That... No... How... Everyone else..." She said, stammering and muttering, in what seemed to be shock.

I saw her eyes quickly meet mine. I smiled at her in return to not make it seem weird... She quickly turned away in response though. I was used to that, but I could tell that this wasn't in any bad way...

She pulled away from me.

"I can touch ya', but how? The people I touch, I read their memories, an' make them weak... But you, it doesn't work on you..." She told me.

If this was as bad as she was making it be, I feel sorry for her. But, I didn't want to make the mood seem heavy, so why not a sly remark?

"I don't know, but it doesn't, wait... Isn't that supposed to be a good thing by the way?" I said to her, with a small grin. She looked at me with disbelief. Upon realization of what I meant, she gave me a soft jab on the my shoulder...

However as soon as she did, I could see her face getting as red as a tomato.

"I'll-I'll see ya' tomorrow." She responded, storming off.

'Damn... Isn't that my first time talking to a woman for that long, and a beautiful girl my age too?' I thought, smiling...




~ Anna's Pov ~




What was that? I tried to play back that damn scenario over and over, but it just doesn't make sense...

Why couldn't my powers work on him? But, for once, that didn't bother me...

'He was... So easy to talk with. It was as if I knew him for years....' I thought.

"Who feels like a true friend?" I heard someone say.

I turned around. "What? Wait! You heard that?" I asked. When I realized who it was, I wasn't that surprised anymore... It was Jean.

She was here at the worst possible timing...

"Sorry, sometimes my powers can be a little difficult to work with... Sorry for prying." Jean spoke.

"It's... Fine, I should get going." I said, walking away.

"Wait-Anna... You know you can't keep going like this... You'll need to train those powers of yours again..." Jean said, I could hear the concern in her voice.

"You've stopped for the last couple of months Anna... You can't keep being like this." She finished.

I stopped.

'Of course I know. But, none of you can help me.' I thought.

Due to how my powers work, the most the team could help me with were tips, and even then it didn't help much, not when they themselves were cautious of me.

It wasnt as if they were bad people. I could tell they wanted to help...

'Wait a minute... Alex could help me?' I thought to myself.

He's the only one that isn't affected by my powers, at all. But, will he? I've never spoken to him other than earlier. We aren't close, I'm not even a friend.

I couldn't just ask him to help so suddenly. But, if it can help me get better, its better than nothing. I had to try...

"Y-Yeah your right, I'll start again, tomorrow..." I told her. She was right, being like the way I am now wouldn't solve any of my problems...











