
Stars & Ores

"Oh–you wish to have something else instead of cash?"

Jin noticed that Alston's tone showed that he wasn't very surprised by his suggestion.

"Yes, instead of cash, having a store would be nice."

"Now that is something I did not expect." Yet contrary to his words Alston remained stoic with no sign of surprise.

For a while Alston remained pensive, "Though stores in the middle of the city are unoccupied due to the previous stampede.

It's not something we are something we are currently trying to give away, at least for free. 

I'm not sure if you're aware but since the last stampede our flow of foot traffic is not good resulting in our internal economy to go down.

Our solution was to invite external merchants to set up their business here using those stores as incentives, no rent, and a low tax for a couple of years.

So that begs the question: Compared to those merchants, what exactly would an orphan like you sell?"

"I was going to sell Pokémon."

Alston showed a look of disappointment, "You might have gotten lucky and obtained two Pokémon but that won't always be the case.

Your business wouldn't survive."

"Besides selling Pokémon, I was planning on providing some Pokémon services."

"Such as?"

"Training, and taking care of any excess Pokémon. Maybe in the future I would sell something else."

Alston simply deadpanned, "I don't believe anyone would give you any credibility regarding such services."

Jin was disappointed at being close to having a store.

As Jin was brooding in disappointment a knock resounded through the room, "Come in."

Stepping inside the room was a young man, he seemed a tad nervous as he handed over a paper to Alston before making his way out of the room.

"Well it seems you are quite lucky indeed, the Teddiursa you brought in seems to have no permanent injuries. Besides that it has a five star talent."

"Five star talent, do you mind explaining that?"

"The league has made a device that is capable of measuring a Pokémon's talent.

From one star all the way up to five stars. 

Five stars is the highest talent a Pokémon can possess."

'Five stars? There is no way blue is the highest. If anything MMORPG and fanfictions have told me that legendary items or potentials are always golden or yellow or a sparkling orange.

Yet it can't be orange or yellow; those are too common.

It must be their technology, they can't measure a Pokémon's potential above five stars/blue.'

"Since it's the highest talent available surely the Teddiursa is worth a store would it not?"

Alston remained quiet, thinking before replying, "I still can't give you a store, but I can give you a nicer home than what I had intended to give you."

"A nicer home?"

"That's correct I initially planned to give you some cash and a vacant outer home. 

But seeing such a high quality talent, Teddiursa, I changed my mind. I will give you a vacant home closer to the middle of the town."

"Are the external traders really that important?"

"Yes they are, most of our materials and supplies are gathered from other towns or cities.

The only good thing we have here is the fact that Cape town is the outermost town towards the wilderness."

"I want to know why build in this location and what would be something that would help the town gain foot traffic?"

Alston didn't expect these questions much less from a young boy.

"Cape town was built here initially since a river was located nearby, and the forest here is dense but within years we realized the wood here isn't of high quality.

Compared to wood found in other regions there is no reason to buy the wood from this area.

As for gaining foot traffic we would need to be able to bring specialized traders, Pokeball smiths, Poke Specialist, and Poketraders. 

But everyone from these occupations tend to stay in towns where Pokeballs smiths are located or there is an abundance of Pokeballs.

I'm not sure if you know what a Pokeballs is…"

"I know what a Pokeball is, it's made from apricorn and Tumblestone or iron chunks. I've just never seen it before." 'Just not in this life.'

"I'm surprised you know those materials," responded Alson.

'Of course I found those materials but comparing those materials I want the store more. Who knows how long into the future before I could benefit from those stones.' 

"You know Alston I really want that store," I told Alston I started to dig into the bag containing everything I gathered.

At glance it seemed that there were only claws from Rhydon and Ursaring, but I dug deeper and pulled out a piece of Tumblestone.

This time as Alston's eyes saw the Tumblestone he was visibly unnerved, It was the most reaction Jin managed to get out of Alston.

"Where did you get this," Alston asked as he snatched the Tumblestone from Jin's hands inspecting it.

"It wasn't the only thing I found there, it was also Iron found," Jin said as he took out an Iron ore a smaller size than the Tumblestone.

Alston eyed the iron ore, clarity and a sense of calming came over him once more, "Boy you've done Cape town a great service finding these ores, if there's veins near where you find these you would have done an even greater service."

"Well ya know Alston I would really like a store."