
Island of Ice and Fire

Rick emerged from the portal and immediately wondered if he'd gotten the coordinates wrong. Almost blinded by an intense heat that came rushing at him, feeling as though he'd stepped into a furnace, the scientist groaned at seeing a red landscape all around and fire everywhere.

"Dammit, did I accidentally go to a hell again?" he asked out loud, before turning around and finding himself face to face with a heavily-melted metal gate. "Oh shit…its Punk Hazard! I'm in mother fucking Punk Hazard!"

"PUNK HAZARD" read the crooked, melted sign, where beyond the damaged gate was a town that looked just as bad. The buildings and streets were horribly warped by the intense heat, where flames that seemed to sprout from everywhere licked at almost every surface. A One Piece fan, Rick knew exactly where he was. The island was the setting of the "Punk Hazard arc", where the Straw Hat Pirates fought against the vain former-government scientist, Caesar Clown.

"Well since it's all hot and cold, this means that I'm in post-time skip One Piece," Rick commented as he bit down on his bottom 4th molar, which activated a heat shield around his body and allowed him to walk through the scorched streets of the town without harm. "But is this during the Punk Hazard arc? I'd better head to the cold side of the island. Maybe I'll catch the Straw Hats there!"

Punk Hazard's significance prior to its titular arc was that it served as the battle ground for two navy admirals to fight to the death for the position of fleet admiral, their respective ice and magma powers rendering the island into a wasteland that was half a melted volcanic landscape, and half a snowy, mountainous tundra. A majority of the arc's conflict took place on the cold side, leading Rick to walk towards the circular lake that split the island in two in search of the coveted protagonists of his favorite manga.

Reaching the water's edge, Rick tapped the ground twice with his toes to activate his rocket loafers, allowing him to hover a few feet above the ground. Gliding over the lake, the scientist watched the waters below with amusement, seeing several dark shapes beneath the surface.

"O-oh neat, it's those huge spotted sharks that the Luffy, Usopp, Robin, and Zoro ran into when they were crossing the lake," Rick commented as one of the humongous predators jumped out of the water and attempted to make a meal out of him. "Hahah, nice try, little fella. Now prepare for my first anime attack: Sanchez-Sanchez pistol!"

Rearing his fist back, Rick threw his arm into the shark as it landed back in the water. Even with his cybernetic enhancements, the genius inventor's blow didn't do much, seemingly annoying the creature if anything.

"Uhhhh we'll cycle back to that," Rick admitted to himself as he continued on. "Thank god my little bitch grandson isn't here, Morty would never let me live that down."

Reaching the other side of the lake, Rick touched down and shuddered as the scorching heat had been replaced by a bone-chilling, blizzard wind. Pulling his lab coat around him tightly, the genius lamented about not installing a "cold barrier" in one of his other teeth as he stepped through the snow and began to trudge through the tundra, looking for signs of life. Walking further inland, Rick smiled upon catching sight of a thick purple haze up ahead. It was lingering gas from the enormous bioweapon that Caesar Clown had unleashed upon the island, meaning that Rick must have arrived on Punk Hazard during or shortly after the arc's conclusion.

"Shit, I hope I didn't miss the Straw Hats," Rick said as he upped his pace into a jog, skipping through the freezing snow as he searched for familiar characters. Walking back outwards towards the frozen shore of the island, he was able to make out a few silhouettes walking through the blizzard.

"Who the hell are you?" a man in a brown cloak asked, his lopsided ball cap blowing in the wind. He and his two comrades had similar uniforms, where"G5" was emblazoned on their cloaks in dark blue print.

"Oh shit, its some marines!" Rick exclaimed as he continued to approach them. "What's up, you jobbers? You must be Smoker's men. Is he still here? And did the Straw Hats leave yet?"

"H-how do you know about all of us?" the middle soldier asked as he raised a rifle that had been tucked under his cloak and pointed it at the scientist. "Are you one of Caesar's guys?"

"No, no I wouldn't work for such a mid villain," Rick laughed as he put his hands on his hips. "Can I go see your jobber of a captain, though? Heh sorry, I guess he's a vice admiral at this point in time. Still a named character, so it would be cool to see him."

"Smoker-san is the best! Screw you for bad-mouthing him!" another one of the soldiers yelled as he pulled out a long sword and charged at Rick.

"Ooohhh alright, about to fight my first group of fodder," the nihilist genius grinned as all 3 of the marines advanced towards him. "Let's try this: Sanchez-Sanchez jet pistol!"

With that, Rick's right arm pulled back and his hand went vertical as his exposed wrist opened up. Vents emerged from his right shoulder, which immediately began to suck in air and expand the size of his arm. The marines watched in bewilderment as they were upon the scientist, only to be blasted back by an explosion of exhaust similar to a roaring jet engine, sending them flying into the distant snow.

"In retrospect, maybe I should have made this my first anime attack," Rick relented as his arm returned to normal, while much of the snow immediately in front of him melted into water. "Alrightly, let's find me a Smoker!"

Rushing down the edge of a shallow hill, Rick nearly tripped over himself as he spotted a massive navy battleship docked a short distance away. He wondered if he'd be in time for a certain event that was about to play out, according to his knowledge of One Piece's story.

"Great, looks like he hasn't shown up yet!" Rick yelled as he charged towards a large collection of marines, with a certain cigar-smoking, grey haired man in the middle of them. "If I am where I think I am, Doffy should be here soon!"
