
Chapter 134: The meeting

The next day;

The sun's blinding rays hitting my face forced me to rise from my sweet slumber. Shutting my eyes tightly, I rolled to my left to avoid the harsh sun.

"Damn that's too bright." My eyes felt sore because of the rays, and it made me wonder why I left the blinds open. I heard slight footsteps and the sunlight disappeared, giving me a sense of relief. But it was at that moment I remembered that I wasn't at the dorm.

Flaying my eyes open, I got into a sitting position to observe my surroundings. Indeed I wasn't in my dorm but in Shawn's hotel room. 

"Morning gorgeous." I saw Shawn coming out of the shower with a wet hair and a wet upper sculpted body.

'it is a good morning.'

"Good morning." I said with a yawn. I watched hazily as he damped a towel on his body. 'His he heading out?'

"Are you heading out?"
