
Chapter 10

The room was silent as darkness fell upon the manor. Sitting in a chair by the window was Zane. His body on alert;The pheromones slowly sifting around him: light and sweet: like a spring rose in bloom. His steely gaze on the Omega.

Who in turn had nestled himself on the opposite corner of the room. Sitting: knees pulled to his chest: as he wrapped his arms around them. His gaze never left the Alpha. He grit his teeth and bit his bottom lip. His body was burning: breathing was heavy. He noted how calm Zane had been for the last few minutes. His resistance was pretty impressive. Made him almost attractive. His eyes shifting lower down Zane's form.

Aaron shook his head hard.

"Shut up. He isn't!" Mumbling to himself.

Slightly turning his body he looked away from the Alpha.

Zane shifted in his seat.

"Can't you Omegas control your heat?"

Aaron gave him a look that sat between quizzical and dumbfounded.

He didn't want to outright call him stupid.

"Can you Alphas control your ruts?"

Zane looked at him with a blank expression. He turned his head as if to think about it.

Aaron huffed.

"No, we can't" He replied. He was too exhausted to fight.

Zane looked back at him.

He watched Aaron as if he was studying the young man.

The Omega counted his lucky stars that Zane was a dominant Alpha. Any other would have jumped at the chance to have their way with him. For Zane to withstand the scent he was providing was truly a miracle.

"How long has it been?" Aaron glanced over.


"The time...how long has it been?"

Zane looked at a small clock that sat on the mantle.

"Almost an hour", He replied plainly.

Aaron clenched his jaw. His fingers digging into his biceps.

"That damn doctor. He fucking knew". Aaron used the side of his fist to hit the wall.

He felt miserable.

The medication he had taken didn't seem to work either. Zeke's pill was a dud. Which was to be expected of a black market drug.

Aaron had closed his eyes: the light flickering from the fireplace was making him dizzy.

Unbeknownst to Aaron that his own pheromones had become stronger.

He took his mind to a quiet place. Peaceful. A small home on a hillside. Away from any danger. Flowers blooming along a path that connected to an ocean side view. He could practically feel the breeze blowing through his hair. The smells of maple trees that huddled together like a forest. The woodsy air. Calming. Serene: and very strong.

Aaron slowly opened his eyes. His mind back into the room he was locked in. The sounds of the flames crackling in the logs. Their embers taking flight. Though the smell of wood filled the air.

He breathed in slowly and out. The smell was making his head a little more clear. His body didn't tremble as bad. His headache had almost gone. Just a feeling of pure bliss. His body reacting to the it's effects.


Aaron's eyes shot open. Just a foot away; squatting to the floor: was Zane.

The wood smell was emanating off of him. His hand was out, inches from the Omega's shoulder.

A sense of panic filled him. Already against the wall, Aaron felt trapped. The wolf in front of him looking to pounce on its prey. Anxiety rising causing his breathing to quicken: he put his arm out in front of himself as protection.

Zane wasn't fazed.

"Just take my hand". He softly waved it in front of the Omega.

Aaron glanced at the appendage and then back to the dangerous emerald eyes.

"You don't look like you're in pain when you can smell me." Zane pointed out.

"Take it."

Aaron didn't move. His eyes solely on Zane's.

The Alpha frowned. He stood back up: looking down at the Omega.

"If you think I'm going to try and have my way with you then I'd advise you to think again."

Aaron said nothing. The look on his face indicated he was feeling threatened.

Zane's eyes narrowed.

"I don't know what was done to you in your past but ...here..."

Zane put his hand out one more time. Palm facing the ceiling like an owner trying to coax its pet. He kept in eye contact with Aaron.

Aaron's eyes shifted back to the hand. To where the wonderful smell was coming from. Zane's had looked soft. No calluses or marks. The hands of a person who had no struggles in their life.

His body had already begun to tremble again. Every cell in his body screamed at him to take hold of that hand.

Aaron had stressed himself to the point he was about to cry.

Slowly: Aaron reluctantly took a hold of the Alpha's hand.

It was a different feeling that rushed over him. These hands hadn't grabbed him. These hands didn't forcefully roamed his body. Rather these hands were soft. protective. When Aaron took hold of the hand there was a rush of relaxation filtering through him.

"Why are you helping me like this?" Aaron asked opening his eyes. His fingers now entwined with Zane's.

Zane looked at their hands and then back to Aaron.

"To show I at least have manners of my own". Aaron cracked a half smile.

His smile fading as he faded out. He pulled the hand to his face as he slumped forward into The Alpha's lap.

He couldn't concentrate on what was around him. Just the scent of flowers and wood filling his mind. He went to move his arms but found he couldn't.

He regained his consciousness once again. His eyes were leveled with a bare chest. A strong pair of pectoral muscles protruding towards him.

Tilting his head up he came eye to eye with the emerald eyes.

Panic was about to set in again until he felt a tight squeeze around his body.

"Don't move". The Alpha's voice was low.

Feeling with his feet, the soft fabric below him, he realized he was laying on a bed. The Omega felt heat emanating off of the Blonde's body mixed with his pheromones. Aaron instinctively move in closer.

"I said don't move!" Zane's voice hissed. A hint of discomfort.

Aaron could feel somthing against his stomach. It was somewhat hard. Warm. And: twitching?

Zane's breathing had also become more deep. Almost as if he was concentrating.

Aaron reluctantly spoke.

"Just let me go. It's harder on you than me".

Zane didn't budge.

"He opened his mouth and spoke slowly.

"If you move now, I don't know what I might do".

His hands clenched Aaron's back.

Aaron: body wanting to act on its own: only wanting to inch closer to the Alpha.

His heart beat faster. It was driving him mad. Every bone in his body wanted to be touched, to feel an Alpha's body on his. Though Aaron's sensible side lingered by an inch. He had made a pact with himself that he would never let an Alpha have him: hurt him.


The omegas eyes opened. Zane staring at him. His skin a light shade of red.

This was the first time he had used his name.

Aaron could tell by the look on his face e that he was at his limit.

"Why would you even touch me like this?" The Omega asked. Feeling a tad frustrated.

"I didn't know how else to help. You looked like you were in pain".

Aaron couldn't find the strength to fight.

His instincts choosing his next words.

"Then...so we're both more comfortable..." He trailed off.

Zane's attention solely on him.

"You can...use my theighs". Aaron looked down at the Alpha's chest. His body now trembling with anxiety and excitement.

He could feel his own arousal by just saying those words.

Neither of them moved or said anything.

The room was quiet. The only auditable sounds was the two of them breathing.

"Turn around". Zane finally spoke.

His tone was sharp.

Aaron's heart about leapt from his chest.

Zane had relaxed his arms so the Omega could move.

His body obeyed. He turned as Zane now spooned him from behind. The Alpha's hips pressed firmly against him. His hot breath on the nape of his neck.

Aaron felt movement behind him. The sound of clothing being pushed around.

A pair of hands landed on his lower back.

He stiffened. Fingers grabbing a hold of his waistband.

Fear creeping him: he reached behind him.

"It's alright". Zane's voice whispered into his ear.

He didn't sound the same. His own instincts had taken over him as well.

Aaron released the Alpha's hand as his pants slipped down to his knees.

Zane's hand slipped between Aaron's theighs as he lifted his leg: enough to slide between them.

The Omega jolted as he felt a long hard member slide against his skin. His own member partially erect. Zane brushed against scrotum: lowering the Omega's leg a bit.

The Alpha began moving his hips in a slow motion. Aaron could hear every breath in his ear.

He moved his hand up to his mouth: biting on it. It felt good. More than good.

Zane began to pick up pace.

His arm was firm around Aaron's waist. His other arm wrapped around the chest. Holding onto the Omega for dear life.

Aaron reached down and began to stroke his shaft.

More. He was craving more. The sensible side of him now gone.

Some pre-cum had dripped down to his fingers. Making it easier for his hand to slide in unison with Zane's thrusts.

The arm that wrapped around Aaron's chest slowly moved across his chest. It slid along his neck and up to his jaw. Zane: leaning forward: ran his teeth along the Omega's exposed neck. Biting lightly.

That set Aaron off. He moaned as he leaned back into Zane. Turning his head so the blonde could get better access.

Aaron felt himself getting close. He squeezed his theighs together.

His grunts and moans came rushing out as he spurted a rope of white liquid. Dowsing his hand in it.

Zane had stopped moving as he felt Aaron's body tighten. His theighs squeezing him.

Finally he went limp.

The Omega catching his breath. His head was still fuzzy. He hadn't come down off of the heat high.

And Zane knew this.

Zane grabbed Aaron's shoulder and turned him over onto his back. He moved closer, settling himself between the brown haired man's legs. He loomed over the Omega. His eyes almost glowing as he looked down at Aaron like a piece of prey.

"Not yet".
