
Chapter 2: Your Son Is Evil!

Arsha was ready to die and yet his body was saying no to that notion, his resolve wasn't strong enough and because of that, his whole body got covered in flames just before the spider's claw could get to him.

The heat from the flames caused the beast to flinch back a little but as hungry as it was, it wasn't going to let its meal get away that easily.

With a quick thrust, the beast was finally able to pierce through its target but because of the flames, it ended up missing the main striking point, which was the heart.

Nevertheless, it could still finish him up now that it had a hook on him, it could just pull him up and wrap him up nicely but before that, those flames needed to die down.

With a good amount of Arsha's blood dropping to the floor every passing second and his consciousness slowly fading, the flames surrounding him slowly began to weaken until it was finally gone.

With the flames now gone, the spider's claw could be seen sticking through his left shoulder, and although he had not completely lost consciousness, his eyes looked dead.

The spider didn't waste any time in quickly pulling its meal up, but just before it could bring it any closer to its face, a strong gush of wind quickly swept through the forest and past them.

After that, a strong force of wind blew toward them, but that wasn't just normal wind, that was the force of a large wind blade.

The blade slashed the spider's claw into two allowing Arsha to drop to the floor with that part of the claw still stuck in his body.

The spider was still trying to figure out what was going on when what looked like a ball of lightning came from above and stomped it into the floor.

The beast didn't even get a chance to fight back as a strong blast of lightning spread throughout its body from the point of impact and then finally, its body was torn apart by a strong force of wind that pushed back the trees on both sides.

There was a hole now on the spot where the spider was stomped into the floor, and standing on its edge now was a little girl whose body was generating sparks of lightning and her silver hair was being held up by the force of wind surrounding her body at the same time.

She had crimson eyes just like Arsha's and perhaps it was an effect of her abilities but they seemed to be glowing.

She was breathing heavily with her hand on her chest but now wasn't the time for her to take a break.

"Arsha." She muttered in between her pants as she quickly scanned the area with her eyes until she found him on the floor with that claw still stuck in his body.

"No." She gasped before quickly giving herself a push with her wind ability to get to him.

It took her less than a second to get from where she was standing to him, but it wasn't like he was far away from her.

As expected, Arsha was no longer conscious and that left a terrified expression on her face as she slowly crashed down on her knee before lifting his head on her body.

She used her wind ability to quickly but carefully pull the claw out, and now that it was out, she quickly pulled off her shirt and quickly used it to tie the area.

Just as she was doing that, she noticed something that left her in dismay, Arsha's heartbeat was slowly getting fainter and fainter by the second.

"No." She gasped before slowly laying him down on the floor. 

With a worried expression on her face, she joined both of her hands together as mild sparks of lightning began to surround them.

"This should work, it has to work." She said to herself before placing both of her hands on his chest.

As she sent those electrical currents through his body, the young boy started to act like he was going into seizure and at that moment, she could hear his heartbeat getting faster, something that made a smile of relief appear on her face.

"Thank goodness." She said with a sigh of relief before slowly taking her head off his chest.

Tears were starting to form in her eyes now, and before she knew it, it began to drop down on the floor. She tried to stop it but it just wouldn't stop.

"Why do you always have to be so stupid and reckless?" She sobbed before raising her right hand above him.

She wanted to slap him, but after using so much willpower just to get the hand close to his face, it ended up being a tap on the cheek.

"Hmmm." She sighed before turning her gaze to the side to catch something wrapped around in a thick web, she could tell from the shape that there was a person in there. "That's right, Arsha wasn't the only person who went missing." She muttered with a dejected look on her face.

__________ _________

After taking the time to cut Ava open from the web, the silver-haired girl decided to carry her corpse along with Arsha back to the village.

Arsha regained consciousness before they could get to the town, and in order to give everybody a proper explanation of what happened to everyone, she got him to give her a detailed explanation of how everything went down.

She believed that a detailed explanation would make everyone calm down but that wasn't applicable to a situation like this.

The fact that there was a dead girl involved coupled with the fact that Arsha was involved were the main reasons why a detailed explanation was not going to work in this situation.

They were immediately surrounded as soon as they walked into the town, and almost all their gazes were on Arsha.

"No, Ava." A young woman said with a voice devoid of hope as she dropped to her knees beside the lifeless body of Ava. "No, this cannot be happening."

Her body was trembling as her heart filled up with burning hatred, a burning hatred for the person she believed was the cause of this.

"You." She bit her lower lip before turning her gaze to Arsha who had his gaze on the floor now.

He wanted to avoid that mean glare by any means, that glare that always made his heart sink deep into despair, that despair of contempt and pure hatred.

It wasn't coming from just her, everyone else around them looked at him that way.

"You evil child, killing those two wasn't enough for you, now you've decided to take my precious daughter too!" She screamed before raising her hand above the young boy.

At that moment, a blonde-haired woman rushed into the area and quickly wrapped her hands around Arsha.

"Mother?" The silver-haired girl said with a shocked expression on her face. "You shouldn't be here."

"It's okay, Ariel, let me handle this." She replied before tightening her grip on Arsha.

After saying that to Ariel, she turned her gaze to the woman who was glaring at her.

"I understand how you feel, trust me, I don't know how I would deal with losing a child. You're angry at my son because you believe he was the cause and now you want to take out your anger on him. Please, he's just a little child so I cannot allow you to hit him, let me take the brute force for him instead, as his mother."

"If that's what you're suggesting then I don't have any problem with it." The woman retorted immediately before sending her hand down her soft cheek.

"Mother." Ariel gasped.

She wanted to intervene but her mother turned to her at that moment with a look she could read clearly, she just wanted her to stay quiet.

"How can you hold and call that boy your child?" She blurted in rage before sending her fist down her target's face. "He is an abomination of a child." She added before following her punch up with a slap.

The response from the crowd was of cheers and approval, and if there was anyone who disapproved of this barbaric behavior, their voice simply got drowned in the crowd.

"Your son is a curse to this town." She spat on her before sending a kick down her gut. "His body reeks of evil!"

Watching all of that was unbearable for Ariel, she tried so many times to close her eyes but they just couldn't close, the only thing she could do was fold her hands into fists.

"Your son is evil." Those words were followed up with a slap yet again. "He is evil, an evil Demon, that's what he is."

At that moment, Ariel just couldn't take it anymore, she bit her lower lip in anger before a strong force of wind suddenly began to build up around her.

"That's enough!"

As soon as those words left her lips, the grieving mother who just lost her daughter along with everyone else in the area suddenly got pushed back by a strong force of wind.

Everyone was knocked off their feet which left only the three of them standing there in the middle.
