
Arrival (2)

[Eldoria, Mercenary Headquarters, Floor: 1-A - Reception]

The reception area was vast – sleek, polished stone floors, and plush couches that looked more for show than comfort.

A single desk, gleaming chrome, stood against the far wall.

Behind it, a masked assistant tapped away at a screen, their expression hidden.

I wasn't so excited to meet the big boss, I know that Jaxon Cain has handled the majority of his operations running the mercenary corps from the back of his head.

Approaching the desk, I addressed the assistant.

"Evening, uh... I've been called up by the big boss... for a meeting?"

She stopped typing and looked up. "I don't think we're expecting any newbies during this hour. But I'll check with the Big Boss first."

As she picked up a phone dialing Jaxonn Cain, I activated perceptive mind to see who this person was.
