
Awkward Silence

[Pinnacle Academy Stadium 1 - Arena A Student Section Stands]

"Rel, Camila just sent me a message" Jan poked me showing the notification on his watch.


[Messenger App: Camila Garcia (Classmate): Jannnn I would love it if you come see me at the arena tunnel ฅ^ >ヮ<^₎]< strong>

Looking at the message I assume this is Camila's way of pouncing for praise from Jan and also trying to win his heart. I think it was pretty obvious what she was trying to do.

"Oh, I see," I replied uninterested. "Well, Goodluck with that Jan I'm gonna leave."

Getting up from my seat I gave my self a little stretch before leaving then I felt the strength of two mountains grab my wrist.

"No. You're going with me." Jan said while gripping my wrist tightly.

[Warning! You're losing -1 HP every second Jan holds his grip on you.]
