

My heart pounded against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat accompanying the crackle of electricity coursing through me. For the first time, I unleashed the storm simmering within, my body thrumming with a power I'd only dreamt of. 

"Get out of the way; I'll take it from here now," I said to Jan and Louise, waving them off.

"Valencia, what's that surrounding you?" Jan asked out of the blue as he pointed at the electrical energy that sparked around me.

"I'm not too sure; this is the first time I've properly used it." I shrugged it off.

"Are you sure you can fight that thing on your own?" Louise questioned me, and to be honest, I wasn't sure, so I wanted to give this a try.

"Yeah," I replied swiftly without hesitating as Louise seemed to put his polearm to the ground, indicating his agreement.

