

Thursday, October 31, 1991

The Halloween banquet was a bit more costly than I thought it would be, but money well spent.

I was able to create long-lasting violet Magelights to decorate Dragonsreach. The mystic glow was quite beautiful.

When my guests entered the manor grounds, they were met by a conjured skeleton with an enchanted jack-o'-lantern for a head.

The skeleton escorted the guests along a path of two rows of Bluebell Flame. Floating harmlessly above the flames where enchanted jack-o'-lanterns.

The jack-o'-lanterns, were softly singing in unison with the skeletal guides.

'Come, little children

I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

Come, little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden of shadows

Follow sweet children

I'll show thee the way

Through all the pain

And the sorrows

Weep not poor children

For life is this way

Murdering beauty and passions'.

Once the guests entered the entrance hall, they were met with the sight of a dense forest lining the walls and ceiling. There were glowing eyes in the branches along the walls that stared at the guests walking by.

This gave the impression of walking through a haunted forest. It also prevented guests from wandering around my home.

Once they stepped into the refurbished ballroom, they were first greeted by a light fog covering the floor. Purple flamed candles floated above the ball-room, illuminating the conjured bats as they flew between the candles. Past the candles is the enchanted ceiling, mirroring the star-filled sky outside.

Along the walls were large animated tapestries depicting images of dangerous beasts roaring at those walking by. The corners of the hall were filled with thick cobwebs. Hidden in the thick cobwebs, were harmless constructed spiders that dropped down on any guests that ventured too near.

Along the back wall was a long table overflowing with every kind of candy and sweet I could find in Diagon Alley. There were several large cauldrons filled with fog producing punch on both ends of the table.

Tiny fairies would hover over the table and attempt to steal unwrapped chocolates from unsuspecting guests. For added insult, the fairies would even eat the stolen chocolate on the shoulder or head of the individual they stole it from.

Standing behind the table was a stumpy troll that recommended different treats for the guests to try.

Well, the recommendations consisted of the animated troll pointing to different types of candy while saying, "Mmmm... Yum-yums." Or it would say, "Try yum-yums."

The tables for the guests were covered with an enchanted table cloth that illuminated the area in a gentle glow. The centerpiece was a smoke-filled crystal ball, seated below a bouquet of black flowers. The silver plates and silverware helped reflect the light.

In the back of the ballroom stood a grand and decorative stage. In the rear of the stage is a massive enchanted bonfire spouting purple and white flames high above the small crowd.

There were small game stations scattered about the room catered for the children. Each station was run by a transfigured imp or short animated devil. Conjured wisps floated between the guests occasionally.

The biggest hit was the small team of enchanted skeletons. They would tell skeleton jokes while allowing the guests to sample the appetizers on their trays. Even if it was a bad joke, the skeleton telling it would always throw its head back and give a short rattling laugh. It reminded me of Skeletor laughing.

One particular skeleton asked an elderly couple with a feminine voice, "Where do skeletons like to go party? Any hip joint will do!" The damn thing even wiggled its pelvis at the couple for emphasis!

I nearly did a spit take at that.

The room was filled with the joyful giggles of small children and the merriment of the adults.

The crowning jewel of the night, and the most expensive, was the live performance from The Singing Sorceress, Celestina Warbeck. She is a rather famous singer in the wizarding world. The last-minute gig price and the list of comforts solidified her status as a diva in my book.

Regardless of her age and diva qualities, she had a beautiful voice. The adult guests were beside themselves with joy after Madam Warbeck took the stage. I apparently underestimated her popularity.

Seeing the joy-filled faces of my guests as they departed made the party worth every Galleon I spent. The enthusiastic comments just added to my feeling of contentment.

A drunk villager made a comment about how he couldn't wait to see what I did with the village.

His comment made me wonder what legal obligations I actually had as the lord of the village. I'll have to find out, and soon.

As the last family finally departs the grounds, I can't help but sigh in satisfaction. With as crazy and weird as my time in this universe has been, I didn't realize how much I needed tonight.

For the first time in nearly two months, I'm relaxed. Consuming an entire bottle of Beetle Berry Whiskey may have contributed as well.

Regardless of the cause, I arrived at a profound conclusion. This is my life, and a life without happiness and joy isn't a life at all.

I didn't need to fear the super-soldier serum turning me into another Red Skull. Despite all my vises, there is plenty of good still in me.

There is also no need to rush after every scrap of power. I have another five years left in this mission. Plenty of time to achieve all my goals.

Tomorrow, I will start to enjoy life a bit more.

Friday, November 1, 1991

The following morning, I woke up feeling rested for the first time in ages. After reciting the Animagus chant with the sunrise, I made my way downstairs.

Entering the ballroom, I see that Trixie has returned it to my training hall.

That little bugger probably didn't sleep a bit last night. I'll have to look into getting another house-elf to help her.

Starting my morning magical practice, I realize it's taking me longer and longer to complete. Mostly due to me gaining new spells every day. I don't plan to change anything in my routine yet. I'm casting most year four spells without a moment's thought. The spell just leaps into existence before I can fully form the idea to cast it.

When I try to fire all spells as fast as possible, there is nearly a continuous beam of multicolored bolts soaring towards my target. When using both hands, I can have six spells in the air before the first one reaches my target.

Once my morning practice is finished, I sit down to read, particularly books on Occlumency and Legilimency.

As part of my super-soldier serum preparation, I have been working on meditation and the mind arts. It may not prevent me from being manipulative, but it will help in keeping a level and clear head. After last night, I no longer fear to turn into a twisted version of the Red Skull.

After a light lunch, I dress in a stylish Acromantula silk robe. With a soft crack, I Apparate to The Leaky Cauldron.

I smoothly land in the back courtyard of the magical pub. I walk straight through the pub to the tall, open fireplace. I drop a few sickles into a small tin and grab a bit of Floo powder. Tossing the Floo powder into the fireplace, I step in and clearly state, "Ministry of Magic."

With a green flash of flames, I vanish from The Leaky Cauldron. I carefully walk out of a black and gold fireplace after another burst of green flames.

Looking around The Atrium, I quickly make my way towards the end of the long hall. As a visitor, I should have used the red telephone box located in the heart of London. I would then have to register my wand and be directed to my destination.

The funny thing is, nothing is stopping a visitor from using a Flo as I did. It's just assumed that only Ministry employees can use the Flo Network.

The massive hall isn't overly crowded, but there are dozens of wizards and witches moving about. I seamlessly blend into the crowd and past the Guest Registration booth.

Finally, reaching the elevators, I step in and press the button for my first destination, the Department of Magical Transportation.

After thinking it over, I decided to get my license for Apparition.

I will eventually use Apparition in front of others, and I don't want to deal with the hassle of a Ministry official coming to question me. This should save me a headache later.

There are only three doors on this level, so finding the Apparition Test Centre was rather easy.

An older gentleman with bad breath assisted me with registering for the license. Deciding to have some fun, I wrote the College of Winterhold as my place of magical education.

The gentleman didn't question me about it, but he did stare at my registration for a long moment. I assume he was trying to place the name or committing it to memory.

Five Galleons and nearly a dozen Apparitions around the test center, and I was the newest licensed wizard in Britain.

Back in the elevator, I headed to my second destination, the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

I plan to anonymously sponsor a wizarding duel tournament. I also plan to participate in said tournament.

This has two benefits for me. The duels will give me practice against other wizards and will add to my resume for the D.A.D.A. position after I win.

I have no doubt I will win. All it would take is wrapping my opponent's wand with Grand Telekinesis before the duel starts. After the signal to begin is given, I can either sabotage his aim or just rip their wand from their hand.

There shouldn't be a need to resort to that. I'm confident I can win fairly. A fair duel actually benefits me more. During the tournament finals, I can find an opponent to put on a show. By dragging the duel out a bit, to will allow me to display a bit of my ability.

I just have to pick the right opponent. I don't want to underestimate the wrong wizard and end up defeated. Of course, that idea may die before it's born after watching a few duels. It's possible to encounter a wizard as dedicated as myself.

A bit of showing off with a wand won't matter. I don't plan to use a wand in a real fight, and most Death Eaters won't see that coming.

Stepping off the elevator at level seven, I briskly enter the Magical Games and Sports office.

The untidy office causes me to slightly pause. Quidditch posters are hanging lopsided on every wall. The counter is covered in random pamphlets, and random bits of sports equipment are scattered around the room.

A plump witch in a pointed hat promptly stands up behind the counter to greet me. With a cheery tone, the witch says, "Good afternoon, love. How may I help you?"

With a charming smile, I casually lean against the counter. I look into the dark-haired witch's eyes for a moment before answering her. Using a pleasant tone, I lightly state, "A good afternoon to you as well, Miss?"

The short witch answers with a wide smile, "Bertha Jorkins."

"It is so nice to meet you, Bertha. My name is Xavier Dovahkiin, and I really hope you can help me."With a giddy reply, "I'll do my best, Xavier."

Showing Bertha a troubled expression, "Thank you, Bertha. You see, I need to talk with the Department Head about sponsoring a sporting event. I know it would cause you a great deal of trouble, but I would be most appreciative of any help you can give."

Bertha's eyes open a bit wider as she quickly replies, "Oh no, Xavier. That won't be a bit of trouble at all. I'm more than happy to help you. Come with me. Mr. MacFarlan is out right now, but Mr. Bagman is in."

Bertha swiftly escorted me to the back of the office.

I'm pleasantly surprised that it went so well. I've always heard you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but it's nice to finally see it in action. Besides, what's the harm with a bit of flirting?

After thanking Bertha, I quickly find myself seated in front of a portly blond-haired wizard. It takes me a few minutes to recall that 'Ludo' was in The Goblet of Fire book, and he has a gambling problem.

After recalling that, it was rather easy to sway the overweight man into promoting 'The 1991 British Dueling Championship'.

It took an hour to refine some of the finer points. The tournament would begin on the second weekend in December, with the final matches taking place on the weekend of Christmas.

This will give people a week between each stage of the tournament to place bets. The Hogwarts students will be home for Christmas break during the finale. If their parents buy them a ticket, the students should be able to witness the first dueling event in over sixteen years.

I'm sure Ludo inflated the amount of money needed to 'properly' sponsor the event. Regardless, I still stand to profit from this deal. With the twenty percent from ticket sales, winning back my price money, and placing bets on myself. I might even double my investment.

I intended to make a few inquiries to my legal obligations as a Lord but, I couldn't find an office dedicated to the governorship of a village. The offices listed in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement didn't hint at anything similar to what I need.

I guess it makes sense. I doubt there are more than a couple dozen witches and wizards that govern a village. That's not really something that rates its own office.

I'm sure there is someone on the Wizengamot that could answer my questions, but I would rather not walk around the Ministry any longer than I have to.

Departing the Ministry in the telephone box for visitors, I was in a rather good mood. Seizing the opportunity of already being in the heart of London, I step out in search of a few muggle minds to toy with.
