
Alex vs The Shadow Hound (1)

Alex watched the light exiting the ore in his hand and entering his body with a rush of energy. It resembled his feeling when he killed an enemy, and its mist washed him with power. For one second, all was complete and utter darkness, but then he saw his environments for what they were.

He saw now that he was in a circular room made of rock with carvings and statutes on the edges. It was like an old temple, and inside it was the remains of a society. Alex could see with some clarity the lieutenant agonizing at Tina's side, whose chest moved up and down slowly.

Alex searched the room, trying to find the Shadow Hound. On his right, on the far edge, he could see the breach glowing blue but couldn't see anyone fighting close to it. So that's the boss room breach, but the doors weren't supposed to be closed? The enlightenment hit Alex with force.
