
Fifty Three

Chapter 53

"If you sway your hips again on top of another man, I will kill you just like the fucking shira who gave me this damn curse!"

The man viciously spoke which sent shivers down her spine. Not just because of his threat but due to the sudden confirmation of her initial assumptions.

Kythe has begun his blackening, and slowly turning into a Kuri. Afflicted by his previous mate, dealing a critical hit on him by accidentally accepting a contracted beastman, who hasn't completely turned into a Kuri. In the end, both of them suffer. 

One with death and the other with a living curse, a threat of transforming into a savage beast.

Likened to a déjà vu, Mary is experiencing that female's plight like a walkthrough. And now, she is in the same boat as Kythe, who delays his transformation by sucking essence, after having sex with him. 
