
Forty Five

Chapter 45

Atasha flinched as she was rendered frozen in her spot upon witnessing Regalus sneezed. Her once ruddy cheeks instantly turned ashen and pale when she realized what she had done.

Whereas, her arms remained awkwardly stretched in a forward position along with her fully open palms having just cast a downpour on the stubborn python. 

The rapid and violent pounding of her heart and visibly shaken hazel orbs cannot conceal the increasing panic and anxiety that's growing inside her.

'Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Atasha, you dumb idiot! What did you do this time?' 

The girl muttered curses, her shallow breathing was sharp and unstable. She mentally smacked her head, perpetually regretting her rash action. 

With her nervous and trembling feet, she ran quickly to Regalus' side when she saw him drenched in cold and started sneezing. 
