
chapter 8- dream sword?

Arin's POV*

"... Kim Chundong."

Kim Soohyuk called hajin once more before activating his smartwatch. he was checking hajin's information on the watch.

"Didn't you use a sword?"- he asked this dumb question to hajin.

"I decided to change my weapon."

"After coming all the way to Cube?"


Kim Soohyuk didn't look happy with hajin's choice but he nodded with a slight frown.

"That's fine. Cadets can make their own choices at Cube. Instructors won't interfere at all. But that also means the responsibility falls on cadets."

Kim Soohyuk moved on, but the whispering among students didn't stop.

"Gun? Is that guy insane?"

"Why did he even come to Cube if he wants to be a mercenary?"

Before entering Cube, cadets got to try all sorts of weapons. It was to find the weapon that suited their Gift. of course i didn't, i had someone go for me in my stead.

"You can easily change the main weapon you chose today. And regardless of what you chose, you will go through the same training and tests. That means the weaknesses of a weapon will be yours to handle."

Kim Soohyuk announced while looking at hajin.

"Now, we'll assign you your rooms and your personal belongings will be sent there. Afterward, you're free. Classes will start four days later, that's next Monday."

Kim Soohyuk spoke as he looked at hajin with pity.

'Stop looking at hajin like that you fools'

was what i thought. hajin is really pitiful, at the beginning that is. later he'll be one of the top mercenary. that too with the same gun. then you'll see you fools~~!!!!.

kekeke....hahahha.... i was really excited and happy, just imagining how their faces would be when hajin will crush all of'em using a gun, makes me excited.

And thus, the main weapon selection ended.

oh, and i forgot to tell. i chose a...


"Here are the dorms for the first years. Each building had 100 floors, each consisting of 5 rooms. Guys are to the right, girls are to the left. The key to your rooms will be stored in the smartwatches you'll get now."

... so, i should be on the right side right?, cause i'm acting as a guy now?.

"Arin crestaine"


".... your smartwatch"


cool, hajin used this smartwatch every time in the novel. i always wanted it and now, i have it....

as i was admiring the smartwatch, the instructor called hajin.

"Chundong, Kim Chundong!"

"Huh, me? Why?"

"... Why?, Your smartwatch, come to take it."

"Ah, yes."

ah shit, i forgot this happened. i would have gone to help him but, i don't want to take any risks, especially after our coincidental(?) meetup. so i left to my dorm.


"Big, humongous...."

That was the only thing i could speak. i hate big houses. it makes me feel uncomfortable.


let's not be picky and just live with it. All of my stuff is also here. as i was doing a little bit of touring around the house,

—ding dong

The door bell rang.

An electronic voice rang out beyond the door.

—Rank 20, Arin Crestain, Take Your Luggage.

It was a robot.....or not. There was no one outside the door except a cuboidal cardboard box. I was a bit surprised, was i going to get a laptop or something.

Without hesitating. i brought it inside. closed the door, cut the tape on box. and opened it.

"h-hey..... I GOT IT !!!!"-I screamed at the top of my lungs. The noise didn't matter since the walls were noise proof.

2 years ago, i finally found the weapon of my choice. I wouldn't say that i found it 2 years ago, since the weapon was a dream weapon of mine, even in my previous life!!!.

its a magic whip sword along with 2 side waist daggers. you must think it's childish right?. well, i don't care!!!!!. I've always wanted this. it was my first choice.But.....i had to discard it. for 2 main reasons.

one, it couldn't be made. the sword i was looking for was a magic sword that could become a whip and split in 2. no one could possibly make both of then in a same thing. it's either a splitting sword or a whip sword.

Don't get me wrong both of then sound nice but, i just had to get my dream sword. where else except in a novel's world would i get it. besides even if i didn't get this sword i would still be strong. but if i do get it, its just ..... BETTER!!!.

the second reason being, that even buying a normal sword was expensive. so a magical sword, that too custom made was, entirely another thing.

but 5 years ago i found someone who said that, my dream sword could be made but, it needed some materials. And 3 years later, i found all the materials needed and i could commission my sword. But, sadly i still had to wait 2 more years and now, i finally have it !!!!!.

oh~~~, la la la ,~~~ YES!!!!!!!, YAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!!!!, KEKEKEKEKE, HAHAHAHA!!!!

i wanted to scream like a monkey more but, i was even more excited to test it. but i can't, especially in cube.

after all the weapon i selected was daggers... i want to cry, i didn't know i was getting my sword today!!!!. if i knew that i would be getting it today, i would have chosen a sword!!!!.(:<)< p>

arghhh!!!... fine, i'll admire the beauty of my little baby today, and practice with this sword tomorrow after leaving cube.


[Next day, in the 'post outcall history' class]

" 'Outcall' – a magic power explosion that occurred 50 years ago and shook the world..."

Blah, blah, blah!!!!. Who the hell would listen to this crap, oh right 'she' would. As i said this Rachel 's face popped up in my mind. Why the hell would hajin write all of this 💢💢.

Poor Rachel, She has to memorize all of this shit. I don't care though, i bet hajin doesn't either. Since both of us have the gift —observation and reading— we can just zoom past all the tests. Although mine was a modified one.

" Then what was the name of the Tower conquered by the guild Apostle of Saints on August 17th, 2023, and what was its reward?"- the teacher continued

"Minor questions like these don't come up often, but you should still know about conquests of Towers and Dungeons."- the teacher warned everyone. Rachel, took notes. And chae nayun is..... Hopeless.


Oh, i think hajin ended his self talking, explaining about how easy this lesson is due to his gift. He should be looking at chae nayun right about...now

*Smile, hajin smiling at chae nayun*

Chae Nayun hated studying. She had the ability to take the number one spot among female cadets, but because written exams were holding her down, she had to give up the first place seat to Rachel.

Even if she gnashed her teeth in mortifying defeat, written exams were still too much of a hurdle for her.

At that moment, Chae Nayun turned her head halfway towards hajin. Her curt eyes glared at the person sitting behind her, in other words hajin. She must have heard hajin laughing. After all, Sharpshooters had keen senses.

as hajin lowered my head and focused on taking notes. Chae Nayun clicked her tongue and faced back front.

The lesson continued.

It happened, i don't know if it happened exactly but, it happened.

The bell rang only after two hours had passed.

"Make sure to go back and read the notes you took today. Otherwise, you'll cry on the exam."

The grey-haired professor wearing round eyeglasses left with those words.

I felt like just running to the professor and saying ' i won't read it, so what. What will you do '

No seriously, i feel like I understood chae Nayun's hate towards studies. If it's this boring and annoying, i would also hate it. Just as i said that Chae Nayun complained

"Argh, so annoying, why do I have to learn all this? Written exams are so annoying."

However, her face was blooming with smiles. It was most likely because of the next class. Ugh I hate both theoretical's and practicals, how am I going to survive cube!!!!!.

