
Chapter 957 When will you leave?

Martial artists always had keen hearing, and even after walking a good distance, Lu Jianxi could still hear the mutters of the farmers behind her, "Pfft, when they coaxed us to come back, they promised us all kinds of things, but now that we're back, they're not giving anything. The officials are just stingy."

Apart from this woman, there were others who approached Lu Jianxi for tools, clothes, and such. Lu Jianxi used to say that she would find a way to solve these issues, but this time, after hearing what Long San had said, she felt she needed to carefully consider the situation. Those households without able-bodied men, the widows and the elderly, should receive help, but those with laborers could be decisively turned away.

Having left the village, Lu Jianxi and Long San returned to their carriage, where Long San was still wearing his ever-present smile, "You didn't give that woman any compensation, did you?"

"No," Lu Jianxi replied.
