

I looked towards the familiar street where I used to live. There were only about nine houses, all spaced about 200 meters apart with tree rows between them. This little neighborhood was just outside the city, far enough that we couldn't hear it and close enough to drive there easily.

It was a nice little neighborhood except for the two families who let their dogs run all over. I still have a strong dislike for them.

Behind the five houses on the side of the street I lived on, there was a Maine state forest. I used to enjoy playing in it when I was young. Mom and Dad never let me go too far in, though, and showed me where I wasn't allowed to go farther, unless there was someone with me.

This world's time scale is very slow compared to the ones I'd been in. Even though I'm now ancient, it's only been about two years for this world.

I looked through the void into the house with wood siding to see if they still lived there. I found my old room still untouched; they must have been dusting it since there was only a very thin layer.

On the wall hung my compound bow, still with the small game arrows next to it, although the fetching was turned a different way. I always turned them the same way, so someone must have used them. Maybe those damn rabbits got into Mom's garden again.

I teleported back to a small fort my sister and I built out of branches and opened the door to my room in my world, where Luna and Lila were waiting.

"Come on, I'll show you a world you can't even imagine."

They walked out into the thigh-tall grass and glanced around the trees. "I definitely cannot imagine trees!" Lila said teasingly.

Luna ignored her and asked something, "So, are you going to show us your parents? I want to see the combination that made someone so handsome."

"They got divorced, and my dad, his name is William, just decided one day he was moving to another state across the country. Then I only saw him like once a year, so probably not him. My mom, though, you probably can. It'll just have to be in a way that doesn't give her a heart attack from me being alive. So, I don't know, maybe just go visit where she works or something."

"Tell me about her and your sister."

"Sure, my mom's name is Michelle, and she was too good. She took care of us and schooled us when Dad left and really did her best, which is a lot more than many others. I say she was too nice because I should have gotten in trouble more than I did, which would have probably made me more responsible. I also never got a real job even though I wanted to. I was, for some reason, embarrassed to bring it up and only tried hinting at it once in a while, but she always found something she wanted me to fix on the house instead."

I really felt like a jobless loser who would never get a girlfriend, but that's too embarrassing to say. I love my mom and wouldn't trade her for another; she just really didn't know how I felt, and it was my problem for not telling her. If she did, it would have been different. Of course, then maybe I never would have crossed that interstate and met these two, so how can I be mad at myself for not saying anything.

"My sister's name is Zari, and we got along better as we got older. When we were really young, we'd fight over things, but as we got older, we played together without fighting very often. Then when we got even older, we just kind of did our own thing. She should be 19 now."

I motioned to the little fort built from sticks and branches. "This is one of the things we built and played in."

Lila walked around it. "There's a ribbon with your name on it tied around this."

I walked to the other side and saw, sure enough, there was a slightly tattered black ribbon with my name printed in black letters on it. Well, I'm sure I'll find out who put it there eventually.

I called out the other four girls and started explaining the rules for this world to everyone.

"No magic or strength from cultivation. Pretend to be mortals with no ability. This world is technologically advanced beyond your imagination, and most things you want to do will have a solution that won't cause people to panic.

Also, you all need illusion magic to tone down the beauty exuding from you. I'd rather not have to go on a killing spree because people tried something. Just take it down to the peak of mortal.

Nyla and Lila need to glamour their tails and ears to appear human since there are only humans in this world.

You are all wearing the clothes I gave you earlier; they are the clothes of this world.

You're all adults in this world since you're past 18 and can do what you want, except for Nyla, who isn't 21 and doesn't quite look it either. You're not supposed to drink alcohol. Lila, I've marked 21 on your ID, but no one will believe you. Nyla, I still marked 21 on yours also; you're at least almost believable. Everyone else looks 20-22, so you'll still get asked for it if you want to buy something that requires it.

No just killing people if they piss you off, find a way to get rid of them that people don't know you did it.

Don't get hit by vehicles, not that it will hurt you but rather it's too strange if you're alive and well after it."

Lila raised her hand, "What's a vehicle?"

"I'll show you that later. Hmm, what else, what else... Oh yeah, don't let my mom know I'm alive; she'd have a heart attack. My name will now be Alexander Cyrus for a while."

They all nodded. "Alright, let's find a hotel to rent some rooms at."

I teleported into an alleyway I remembered that was only a few blocks away from the hotel I wanted and signaled the girls through my ring to follow since there was no one here. A few seconds later, they appeared, and I could see they had applied their illusions and glamours.

I could see through them since they hadn't cast them at full power, but no one else would be able to.

Lila kept touching where her ears were, "It's so weird to think people can't see them."

I thought about it and came up with an idea, then explained it to her.

She changed the glamour on her head so they could still be seen, however if one looked closely, they would appear to be held on by a headband under her hair. Usually they would also be moving around y as she was listening, but now they seemed to be only in one place if you couldn't see through the glamour.

Elaria spoke to remind me of something I forgot, "Master, if we need illusions to bring us down to the mortal limit, do you also?"

"I completely forgot about that, thanks."

I cast an illusion on myself, bringing my handsomeness down to the mortal limit, and Lila giggled, "You're so ugly now!"

"You're the ugly one!"

Oh shit! I could almost see the flames of anger burst from her as she launched herself at me. I started running towards the end of that alley. "Forgive me! Even if you were a toad, you'd still be beautiful!"

"Bastard! Are you comparing me to a toad?!"

They were still so beautiful that in reality; other women would find it hard not to be attracted.

I exited the alley and ran in the direction of the hotel. When Lila exited the alley, she stopped chasing me and stood with an amazed expression. "Woah."

The other girls caught up and looked around, also amazed.

I walked back a little bit, feeling it was now safe, and stood next to them.

"These things passing by on the road carrying people are the vehicles. They are like carriages and go way faster. They also don't give you a whole-body ache."

I waved my hand in front of their faces, and they snapped out of it. "Let's go to the hotel. You can then see the view from the window."

They followed me to the hotel, taking in all the sights to see, but also noticed something else as I walked, Luna asked about it, "You seem to walk differently. It's more smooth and refined."

I nodded, "I practiced better footwork while you were cultivating and reached the second realm of movement. Now every step I take is more precise."

There are 9 realms of movement: Initiate's Glide, Wind Walk, Subtle Phantom, Flowing Mirage, Sonic Dash, Lightning Shadow, Quantum Blink, Celestial Dance, and Void Walk.

We reached the front of the hotel, and I remembered I had no money. I should stop by a bank and deposit some, then get a debit card they can all use. For now, I just made some cash with the system shop, put it in a briefcase, and walked up to the desk. I don't know how much it will cost, but 100k should cover it.

The receptionist smiled happily and blushed slightly, "Welcome to the Grand States Hotel."

The Grand States Hotel was the top hotel in the state, and their hotels were among the best in the country. Of course, the price tag is also among the top, but what does that matter when I'm just creating the money.

"I'd like whatever your best rooms are, adjoining ones if possible."

"The penthouse is currently available. It's on the top floor and has multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, and a pool. It's set up like a house."

I waited for her to tell me how much I owe, but she just stared at me, "And? How much do I owe you?"

"14,500 a night."

I took out 87,000 and set it in front of her, "Here's enough for 6 nights."

She got a dreamy expression and didn't complete her job. I called Elaria over.

"You pay her, 14,500 a night. Here is 87 thousand. Her head is in the clouds. Bring the room key and get enough for everyone. No room service."

"Yes, Master."

Upon hearing Elaria, the girl woke up, I felt her gaze on my back as the rest of us walked towards the elevator.

When we reached it, I saw it needed the key to even go to the top floor, and we had to wait a minute for Elaria to come over with the keys. She handed it to me and began giving one to each of the others while everyone watched to see how to use these without magic.

I inserted it into the card reader, and the doors opened while they watched on in amazement.

"Alright, let's go up."

We all walked into the spacious elevator, and a middle-aged lady wearing the hotel manager's uniform hurried over and stepped inside.

The doors closed, and she greeted us respectfully but seemed to be hiding shock as she looked at each of us blushing, "Welcome to the Grand States Hotel. I am Rhonda and will show you around the room if you like."


She seemed delighted, and when the elevator doors opened, she let us into the room, showing us around.

It had three rooms, and I picked one facing the direction I wanted for Luna, Lila, and I. The other four would have to share the other two. The beds were plenty big, and I know for a fact they didn't mind sharing.

After the lady left, the girls pressed themselves against the glass windows, staring out, then went to the other side where there was a deck with the pool looking over the railing.

I went out to buy a computer while they had fun examining all the new items in the room and the environment outside.

Chapeter 60! I hope you enjoy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

CarathAthorcreators' thoughts