
Spider Ghost

After returning home and now without needing to hide anything from May, Peter takes the suitcases to the basement and prepares to turn it into a small base. While cleaning and organizing the place his phone rings, briefly checking it he is surprised by the recipient.

(Gwen? Do you want to meet? Hmm, I guess I can tomorrow.)

After answering he continues organizing and opens the suitcases to start designing the suit.

Mainly he chooses the color black to camouflage himself at night without having to use skill, the design of the spider and the eyes is red, Peter believes that red eyes are more intimidating than white ones, for the full body he uses more than a suit tight-fitting spandex combat suit and adds small details with technology stolen from Stark Industries on the chest, shins, forearms and the mask that is a combination of a helmet and a cap with 180 degree vision, imbued with technology stark, has a small AI that records things like locations, statistics, damage, etc.

"Peter! Dinner is ready." After dinner he continued working.

The suit adjusted the body temperature depending on the weather and had small internal pockets, all reinforced with graphene, it was 3 cm thick almost looking like armor, the suit weighed 10 kg, in the end it was heavy but compared to Peter's strength, It was nothing, plus it could resist Cal.24 without any problem.

(Thanks Stark).


Unaware that his technology had been stolen (again), Tony was having fun with some girls after a successful arms sale negotiation.

"Hey beautiful! Bring me more alcohol! Let the party continue!"


After having spent the whole night designing the suit it was already 5 in the morning and Peter didn't feel the least bit tired, finishing packing the spider on the chest, Peter put on the suit and it automatically pressurized and adjusted. to your body at room temperature.

Looking in the mirror was a 186cm Spider-Man with muscles.

(To be honest, I see myself more as a villain than a superhero.)

Testing the stingers, they came out of the suit without any problem without damaging it, like the spider web, Kaine's mark did not melt the suit when used and the poison ray did not damage it either, testing the camouflage it worked perfectly, assimilating with the environment, even Unless you touched Peter you were never going to find him.

(Okay, I guess that's all, it's time to implement more plans.)

After taking off the suit, which expanded and contracted perfectly for folding, Peter checked how his social networks were doing when he saw the massive increase in videos on YouTube and tweets, Peter saw some messages from Google and Amazon wanting to meet and discussing business, after ignoring them, he started looking for 2 people Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, these two guys would help him in his dream of an empire.

{Do you want to create Riot Games?}. With that message sent to those two, Peter was almost guaranteed one of the best games in the entire League of Legends world.

(I guess waiting for smartphones to become a sensation will take a long time... I could buy Android Inc. If we do that).

Contacting the company and offering 60 million dollars, Peter finds that Google is also bidding and they increase it by 65 million, after a small bidding war Peter buys the company for 105 million dollars, Android Inc. not believing That his company is worth so much gives almost all the power to Peter, who already has a name that covers all his current and future businesses.

"Samp Inc. sounds good."

After checking the time, he makes breakfast for May and prepares to go out on "patrol" although the suit is so that they do not discover his identity immediately since Peter knows that with magic or another special ability they could find out who he is, keep the Active camouflage at all times is essential to go unnoticed at least for now.

Swinging around the city, Peter discovers why every Spider-Man he knows likes to do it because it feels liberating and fun, arriving at the iconic building from the movie. Peter sits down and starts thinking about something that's been on his mind. in the head.

(Why didn't Norman Osborn show up that day? In fact, according to what I remember, he should already be the green goblin and be terrorizing the city, although I admit that I haven't seen the news, I should have heard something-).


An explosion interrupts Peter's thoughts and he is completely disconcerted since the explosion is close to where he is and with his super hearing he can hear screams of crying and despair.

(Is this a coincidence? Or is fate supposed to play a role here? I haven't even been Spider-Man for a day and this guy just shows up out of nowhere killing people).

Not knowing what a canon event is, Peter heads towards the scene where the goblin is in green terrorizing the city with his grenades.

When he arrives he sees something that he already suspected but that still surprises him, a woman in a black and white spider suit was fighting with the green goblin.

(Looks like Gwen is Spider-ghost, my grandchildren would be very excited to see her).

Seeing that Gwen, whom Peter recognized by her scent, was taking care of Norman, he decided to watch the fight while silently saving people from the rubble and explosions.

The people without knowing what was happening were only quickly taken to safety by a "ghost" since Peter never removed his camouflage, meanwhile without realizing what was happening, Spider-ghost was still fighting with the green goblin and they were too close to fight. Peter's dismay.

(I mean, I understand that the green goblin took a serum that gives her abilities but she should still be weaker than spider powers, so why does it seem like Gwen is going to lose.)

Not knowing that Spider-ghost consumes energy for every organic web she expends unlike Peter, Gwen as a crime fighter patrolled every night so she was tired.

(I can see that she has some experience in fighting, although not that much, based on that she shouldn't have been Spider-ghost for long and seeing how she's getting more and more tired I guess I'm going to have to interfere.)

After making a decision, Peter quickly approaches the green goblin who does not realize that his life is in danger. Just when Norman was going to hit Gwen with the claws of his shuttle, something happens that shocked everyone present.


Like an earthquake, in an instant the green goblin is sent flying against a building like a baseball, destroying in the process the entire building that was empty since Peter had rescued all the people, when everyone turned to see who did it. , they encountered more and nothing less than..... no one, that's right, there was no one and although the sound of the blow was heard, it was not seen who did it.

Gwen, who was immediately alarmed since her spider sense had not detected such a level of danger, searched carefully for who could have made such a blow that could destroy an entire building, she did not find anyone but that only tense her even more since it means that this person is so strong that not even she can notice it and although she was not considered super strong, lifting 20 tons was a great feat.

After the building finished collapsing, Gwen looked for the green goblin and was horrified to see what state he was in and a chill ran through her entire body.

That day a vile and heartless villain had lost his life in a horrible way.


Parker House.

11:00 AM.

Breaking news what is known as a "villain" called the green goblin who has been terrorizing NY for a few weeks and killing more than 400 civilians including children and the elderly, after a fight with the vigilante who calls herself Spider-ghost, has died mysteriously after being hit by "something" and collapsing an entire 30-story building, it is believed that it was the same spider-ghost who murdered him, however according to eyewitnesses, more evidence from the reporting helicopters at the scene, We are told that she did not do it, investigating further, the hundreds of people in the area claim to have been rescued by a "ghost" it will be this ghost who did it.

After turning off the TV, Peter hears his phone ringing and sure enough it is May asking if he was involved, briefly answering that he didn't and that he wasn't at the scene, he hangs up the phone.

(One less, a few more to go).

Although Peter did not consider murder a good thing, when deranged and hopeless individuals like the Green Goblin appear there is no choice but to murder them.

(Although I feel sorry for Harry, it had to be done anyway, there are very few heroes who are willing to kill and as long as we get rid of that garbage, more people are saved.)


Stacy House.

11:30 AM.

After analyzing the body of the villain known as the green goblin and taking DNA samples, the corpse was identified as Norman Osborn, Founder of Oscorp Industries, the corpse was found in an unrecognizable state, apparently his entire body exploded from the inside, the armor managed to sustain part of his body for investigations, Osborn who was the father of the future head of Oscorp, Harry Osborn ha-.

"That's your classmate's father, isn't it? Poor boy, I can't imagine how he must feel."

Turning off the television George Stacy turns to his daughter and says.

"You don't have to feel bad, the guy was crazy, he murdered hundreds of people and although no one deserves to die that way, I promise to find the person responsible for this."

Gwen, who was listening to her father, couldn't help but feel worse than she already was, not only He felt responsible, if not, he didn't want his father to get involved in such a dangerous matter.

(Whoever did this, I will find you).

Not knowing that she knew the culprit perfectly, Gwen made an oath, but would she be able to keep it? or Peter would find her in her place.


After having murdered the father of his "friend", Peter, who did not feel the least bit guilty, was contacted by both Harry and the two future creators of Riot Games.

After speaking with a very depressed Harry and agreeing when the funeral would be, Peter had a long conversation with Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill, after hearing Peter's ideas and that he is the owner of the new social networks on the rise, the 3 agreed to create the company and that it was under the mantle of Samp Inc.

"Peter darling, I heard about that villain, it turns out he's your friend Harry's dad, poor boy must be devastated."

May who had arrived early from work, talked to Peter about what happened and when the funeral would be, after a while, Peter helped May make lunch, after that he received a message from Gwen about seeing them earlier today. .

After answering yes, Peter took a bath and, camouflaged, arrived at the place that Gwen had told him, it was a small, very quiet outdoor cafe.

Upon arrival, Gwen was already there. When she saw Peter arrive, she was surprised by the obvious changes that Peter had made, starting with his height and muscles. The change of wardrobe also stood out a lot, since he looked more mature than expected. what was it.

"Hello Gwen."


"Looks like we have a lot to talk about." Peter says taking a seat.

"Yes... a lot".

This is a shorter chapter since I feel a little bad, but the next one will be normal

Samp23creators' thoughts