
Chapter 227 "Memory Manipulation"

Yes, Skyler manipulated his memory before meeting Dumbledore.

Skyler employed a method distinct from common forgetting spells or memory modification spells. He utilized the absolute mastery inherited from Slytherin. While the effects of these three methods may appear similar, their underlying principles differ significantly.

Having proficiency in all three types of magic spells, Skyler thoroughly understood their distinctions:

Imagine memory as an intricate network with innumerable interconnected nodes. Each node represents a complex piece of original data and possesses numerous sockets and plugs. These sockets and plugs form cross-node links, organizing the original data into an information network. Through layer upon layer of this network, a complete memory system emerges, logically self-consistent and echoing back and forth.

(For those familiar with data analysis, this principle is akin to raw data being nodes and the interlinked nodes forming an information network. A comprehensive knowledge system is created when these networks intertwine and stack.)

When subjected to a forgetting spell, certain nodes on the extensive network are directly erased, as if they never existed.

This is also why the deceptive Professor Lockhart managed to evade detection for an extended period. The complete forgetting spell inflicts nearly irreparable damage to memory, making it challenging for anyone to expose him.

However, facing a master like Voldemort, one of the world's foremost wizards, poses a different scenario. The Cruciatus Curse stands as the sole known method to break the Oblivion Curse in magic. It demands highly skilled execution to induce both pain and torture simultaneously without driving the victim insane.

Memory modification spells also referred to as memory manipulation spells, encompass various types based on their effects and durations.

A common example is found in the seventh book of the original series, where Hermione decides to employ it on her parents, erasing their memories to ensure their safety while she participates in the battle against Voldemort.

This type overlays new memories onto the original ones, effectively sealing and concealing the primary memory nodes. These relevant memory nodes do not vanish but instead get buried from the main consciousness into the deeper subconscious.

The effects of this spell are reversible; by casting the correct unspell, the subject can restore their original memories. In the original book, Hermione successfully employed this technique in Australia to retrieve her parents, unlock the magic, and reunite her family.

However, the drawback lies in its vulnerability to detection. If someone suspects foul play, especially skilled Legilimens, they can bypass the false memories and unearth the concealed real memories.

In the original book, young Tom Riddle manipulated memories using this magic after committing murder. He altered the recollections of his uncle and the house elf Heggie, framing his uncle for the Riddle family murder and implicating Hokey in the manslaughter of his owner, Hepzibah Smith.

While the overall magical prowess of most Ministry of Magic employees may not be exceptional, this assessment applies to ordinary civilians, excluding Aurors and other armed forces, as well as members of the wizarding court.

The selection process for wizarding court members is rigorous, making it challenging for even pure-blood families to infiltrate despite centuries of effort.

Before Skyler's appearance, even the influential Malfoy family had never secured any seats on the Wizarding Court.

The unspoken rules, understood by Skyler, outlined that, aside from the easiest shortcut of obtaining the Order of Merlin, a prerequisite for Wizarding Court membership is the ability to cast a fully physical Patronus Charm.

The Patronus Charm, considered a reflection of the soul, gained significance due to the "Book of Spells" record of Reztian's attempt and the subsequent backlash.

A common misconception prevailed that individuals capable of casting the Patronus Charm must possess pure hearts. Although untrue, this notion became deeply ingrained in the wizarding world's perception of the Patronus Curse.

Mastering the Patronus Charm is a well-known challenge, and most wizards aspiring to join the Wizarding Court must conquer this spell. This requirement underscores the complexity and proficiency of the members, making it evident that none of the wizards in the Wizarding Court are ordinary individuals.

The successful concealment of the two murders from the court members at that time attests to the clandestine nature of those acts.

However, during Skyler's second year, Dumbledore's suspicion intensified after discovering and confirming the existence of Horcruxes in Tom's diary. Voldemort's nonchalant and dismissive attitude towards the notebook raised concerns, leading Dumbledore to speculate that Voldemort might have created more than one Horcrux.

Yet, this remained a suspicion, as Horcruxes were not the sole method for achieving immortality, and Dumbledore couldn't ascertain if Voldemort had undisclosed backups.

In the fourth part of the original work, following Harry's escape from Little Hangleton Cemetery, he and Dumbledore revisited Voldemort's resurrection and the events at the cemetery.

Dumbledore, perceiving Voldemort's claim of going further on the road to eternal life than anyone else, reluctantly accepted a truth he had been unwilling and hesitant to believe: Voldemort had indeed created more than one Horcrux.

This revelation was astonishing. Throughout history, numerous dark wizards with formidable reputations and exceptional magical abilities existed, yet none had achieved or dared to attempt this "feat."

It's crucial to note that murder serves only to provide the energy required to split the soul in the process of creating Horcruxes.

It could be argued that the murder itself is the most inconsequential aspect of the entire process. The entire ritual for creating Horcruxes is dark, cruel, disgusting, and perverse—something that would undoubtedly lead to the author's confinement if written about explicitly.

To generate more than one Horcrux for Voldemort, who had already corrupted his soul to the utmost evil level, required a new word to describe the depths of his malice.

At this juncture, Dumbledore was 90% certain that Voldemort had indeed crafted multiple Horcruxes.

Ultimately, in the fifth part of the original work, Dumbledore heard Harry recount his witnessing of Arthur's entire attack from Nagini's perspective during sleep. The revelation emerged from the smoky snake emitted by the silver instrument, confirming the concept of "substantial separation."

This meant that Voldemort's soul had fractured into numerous fragments, with mysterious connections existing between these fragments.

Prompted by this discovery, Dumbledore revisited the suspicions surrounding the two murders related to the young Tom Riddle and reignited the investigation. Despite the passage of many years, Dumbledore successfully dismantled the memory modification spell, employing Legilimency to extract the genuine memories. This process confirmed Voldemort as the perpetrator of the two murders.

Even though Dumbledore and Harry described this as a highly intricate and technically demanding process, they ultimately accomplished it.

Crouch's situation markedly differs from the aforementioned cases.

His memory network, orchestrated by Skyler, was ruthlessly disassembled into scattered nodes. While the memory nodes persisted, the connections between them were irrevocably severed.

The impact of a broken node mimics that of being subjected to a forgetting spell; it truly vanishes and cannot be restored by standard means or a mending spell. The original data represented by the memory nodes is too fragmented, and even with Dumbledore's extraordinary abilities, deciphering it would be an insurmountable task.

Skyler hadn't contemplated the possibility of succumbing to the Cruciatus Curse in case he encountered Voldemort.

He reasoned that deploying the Cruciatus Curse might indeed restore some of the node links, but there was a greater likelihood of introducing erroneous links. This, in turn, would eventually lead to memory confusion and induce madness.

The sole method to restore the subject's memory is for the caster, armed with knowledge of the entire memory network's structure, to once again modify the memory and reconnect those nodes according to the original linking pattern.

Crouch was currently undergoing the "absolute dominance" that Skyler had pre-set within him.

Skyler activated the second "Absolute Master" within Crouch's body, and precisely at midnight, he would be capable of reprogramming his memory back to its original state.

In an instant, he vividly recollected that unforgettable night:

He returned home after completing a taxing day at the Ministry of Magic. Lacking house-elf assistance at home, he had to juggle both household chores and attend to his unworthy son. Fearing the revelation of his son's existence, he refrained from hiring domestic help and struggled to manage both Ministry of Magic responsibilities and household duties.

In the midst of inspecting the Imperius Curse cast on his son, he abruptly realized that his home had been breached. The mansion of the sacred 28 pure-blood families boasted numerous warning and defensive magical enchantments. The intruder who forcefully penetrated Crouch's residence in such a brief period, catching him off guard, had to be someone truly extraordinary.

As a staunch politician in the Ministry of Magic, Crouch was well aware of the numerous enemies he had accumulated over the years. Expecting a dark wizard seeking revenge, he hastily seized his wand, bracing himself for a confrontation.

However, what unfolded as he shattered the door took him completely by surprise—a scene etched into his memory:

An exceptionally repulsive baby, albeit small in size, exuded a formidable aura. Though he refused to admit it, it was the man forbidden to be mentioned in legends—he had returned.

Engaging in a fight, Crouch found himself utterly outmatched. Voldemort, in this instance, was on a different level compared to when Skyler approached him for Nagini.

With prolonged training and the restorative effects of unicorn blood in the grotesque body potion, he had regained strength. Additionally, committing two murders and creating an extra Horcrux significantly elevated his power.

In a brief skirmish, Voldemort, though not at his true peak, exhibited power comparable to it when pushed to his limits. However, due to his compromised physical state, he could only sustain this burst of strength for a short duration. Subsequently, extensive use of body-damaging potions was essential for recovery.

Ultimately, Crouch was subdued.

Controlled by Voldemort's own Imperius Curse, the Dark Lord's formidable strength was countered by the toll of recent physical and mental suffering, rendering him susceptible to the curse.

Recollections flooded Crouch's mind—

While under control, Voldemort orchestrated the rescue of his disloyal son, tasking him with infiltrating Hogwarts in disguise. The primary objective is to seize an opportunity to capture Harry Potter.

This clandestine mission laid the groundwork for Voldemort's resurrection.

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