
Chapter 229 : An Enchanting Night (2) (NSFW)

Afterward, Midori was shoved out of her bed chamber.

"Do not worry about Ame Ojou-sama!" Mai shouted from within. "We will take care of her! Please have a wonderful night with Kiyoshi-sama!"


Though touched by her maids' concern for her love life, Midori couldn't help but wonder if they'd fully considered her predicament. Were they seriously suggesting she seduce her husband-to-be?

If this were the Takigawa mansion, Grandpa Takigawa might feel compelled to break Midori's legs and lock her up in her bedroom until her wedding day arrived!

"Young Madam, good evening."

Hattori's sudden greeting almost caused Midori's soul to jump out of her body.

"G-good evening, Hattori-san."

The head servant was conducting his usual nightly around before he retreated for the day.

"Do you need something, Young Madam?" He asked, helpful as always.

"N-No, I am good."


