
Crimson Lucifer

(1 out of 2 chapters this week)

The silver-haired maid brought a vase with dirt inside of it and put it on the table.

"There is a flower seed inside of it. I would like to see how this works."

Sirzechs motioned at the vase.


As Raynor said, he lifted his hands and then summoned a knife in his left hand. He then concentrated two types of magic on his index finger and then cut it with his knife.

A drop of blood concentrated beneath his finger before dropping into the vase.

The whole vase shook for a while before a flower erupted from the dirt. It grew rapidly even the grass around it appeared!

The pair of devils looked at this with slightly opened months.

For one the magic they sensed from him was ancient. For a second he just grew one of the hardest flowers to grow in the underworld! The hell flower!

And they are not even in hell, to begin with!

"Is this proof good enough?"

"...Yes. It's good enough. Though I do wish to see how it works on a proper devil."

Raynor nodded at him before pulling out a small glass bottle, he filled it up with water before channelling some magic into it.

He won't be giving his blood that easily. He ain't stupid, pure magic with water is enough.

"Here. This one is on the house. Give it to a woman who wants a child. Though it is only going to last a day or two. So make sure she does the deed with her husband or whatever." He handed over the small bottle with glowing water inside of it.

The Crimson Satan handed it over to the maid who disappeared with a red circle.

"Now let's talk business."

Raynor nodded at him. This is where the juicy part is.

"Do tell me how you want this to be done." Lucifer said with some giddiness. This was it! They most likely have a breakthrough he has been waiting for many years!

"I will be selling them in bottles like these. So I assume you can arrange something with the pharmacies. For more permanent deals like increased or decreased fertility will be done separately with proper ritual sites.

We can have a deal struck depending on the clients."

There is no need to be said, Raynor won't accept just anyone. He has more than enough wealth. What he wants are items or something of interest.

"We can arrange the money which you will be receiving. Though money is not something you are much interested in?"

"Nope. Money…does not have that much meaning for me. When I was spirited away I plundered an enemy city. All their gold, silver, and gems are mine. So money is not an issue."

The Crimson Satan didn't even blink upon hearing that. He can see that he has killed a lot of people, maybe an entire city.

"In that case, you want hunting grounds. They do exist in the Underworld. Their ownership change can be arranged."

Raynor smiled when he heard that.

"Sounds good."

Sirzechs nodded at him.

"Then I will be your first customer. For 5000 bottles of those fertility potions, I will give you a piece of land with a forest in which wildlife is abundant."

"Deal. Though bottles are something you will need to arrange."

"No problem."

And so…Raynor became the proud owner of some land in the Underworld.

While Sirzechs bought 5000 new people for his species, a great deal if one could say.

After agreeing on the terms for the trade, the Crimson Lucifer ordered some tea and snacks.

A few minutes later he approached the next subject of conversation.

"...About Serafall. I want to understand what happened. She is still Leviathan and a fellow Satan. Her popularity is immense in the Underworld. If the people learn what happened between you two there are possible riots. And I am not joking."

Raynor nodded with a hum.

"The issue is that she wanted to kill me. I didn't kill her because she is Sona's sister. Otherwise, you would have an empty position in your government."

The Crimson Satan slowly nodded, he closed his eyes for a second.

"Then it's life for another life. She tried to take yours in turn you took hers."

The Wolf King smiled for a second.

"Indeed Lucifer. You understand it well enough."

"Yes, I do. Regardless, we need to reach an agreement on this. I already started the hiring process for her by adding more people to the Diplomatic branch of the government.

I ask as a favour to allow her to work as it is for now. Until her workload lessens up."

The teen slightly looked shocked to see that Sirzechs is asking this as a favour!

"...Sure, I guess…though this weekend is going to be busy so I will summon her."

"... That's fine."


After finishing the talks Raynor left, and The Crimson Satan sighed. He had a multitude of different emotions about this.

"Was it wise to go so easy on him?" The Silver-haired maid said from the side. She was perplexed by how equally the pair spoke to each other. It was strange for her. Does this Human think he is on equal footing with the current ruling Devil?

"There was a perfect balance that needed to be reached when dealing with someone like him. Neither overbearing nor submissive. You either prey or a friend. If I tried to use force he would try to kill me,

If I were to reveal myself as desperate he would abuse it."

"...I understand that he can nullify elements but our sheer demonic energy would crush him." She pointed out the obvious.

"And what about all those thousand souls he has? If he is to die he could detonate them all. We have no idea about his blood magic limits. Or other tricks he has. He is simply too dangerous and valuable."

The Maid slowly nodded… he is valuable…until they find a way to replicate this magic…


After striking a deal with Satan himself, Raynor returned home to make some food as his mother was returning from work shortly.

He would make something light this time around.

A few hours later his mother finally returned home.

"Ray, did you forget something?" The first thing his mother did after seeing him she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

"...you asked for a wolf pup?"


"...A silk dress?"

"...maybe? But no."

"Some gold?"

"...No…Though I wouldn't mind."

"Different types of wine?"

"No, I still have a lot of that other one."

"A dragon egg?"

"...Skip that."

"A piece of land in my territory?"

"...No! Raynor! Seriously, you forgot to bring your girlfriend to see me!"

"Oh…sorry I was busy… fought with a Satan and made some trade deals with Lucifer…been busy few days."

"...Pardon?" His mother freaked out.

"Yes. It was busy. I completely forgot, I made some plans to help Arno get some magic as well."

"Ray, what do you mean you fought Satan? And what about Lucifer?"

"Oh, that. My girlfriend is the younger sister of Leviathan, we had a fight, and I whooped her ass and made her into a summon. Lucifer learned about it and we made some trades. Now I own some land in the Underworld. He will send me the paperwork shortly for the land I will own."


"I need something to drink!"

"Sure. I made some light food today. Some chicken and salads! Gods! I still miss them even after eating them daily for the past two days!"

Raynor completely ignored his baffled mother. He doesn't see any sort of weirdness with his actions… people fight! Then they celebrate that victory! Easy enough! No need to complex something which is not complex in the first place!

After finishing their food, the teen's mother went to get to drink that wine while the Wolf King went to his room. It was time to consume another soul.

This time he decided to consume the soul of that Fire bitch. That soul was quite old and touched by that fire demon.

After consuming that essence, the teen feels his magic quality and quantity increase much more than he did last time.



[NAME: Raynor Valeron]

[TITLE: Great Wolf, The King of Wolves, Lord of The Hunt, The Wolf Which Swallows The World, Father of Dragons]

[OCCUPATION: Hunter/Shaman, Conqueror, Lord, Dragonlord]

[BLOODLINE: First Men {100% Pure} Sea God/Wind Goddess {Conquered}, Garth the Greenhand {Conquered}]

[INBORN MAGIC: Warging, Skinchanging, Greenseer, Beast Taming, Aeromancy{Conquered}, Aquamancy{Conquered}, Terramancy{Conquered}]

[MAGIC AFFINITY: Soul, Nature, Ritual, Blood, Air {Conquered}, Water {Conquered}, Earth {Conquered}, Fire, Shadow]

[MAGIC RESISTANCE: Cold Resistance +20%, Water Resistance +50%, Air Resistance +50% Earth Resistance +50%, Poison Immunity, Charm/Seduction Magic Immunity, Fire Resistance +1%]

[RITUAL EFFECTS: Compressed muscles, Explosive Force, Superior Instincts, Superior Magic Flow, Magic Flow Sense]

"...Heh…I still have 5 more Fire Priests. The affinity for fire should increase more."

Raynor stroked his chin while looking at the numbers.

"Though I do need Pyromancy to utilise fire. Though having affinity is a good thing."

Though consuming a 300 hundred years old witch made his soul get some more 'weight'.

Once his soul adjusts to that increased 'mass' he should 'eat' more next time.

After thinking for a while Raynor proceeded to return to his drawing. He should have done some designing earlier as he would have saved time with all of his previous totems. Now that he doesn't need to imagine instead he got it on paper it would save him some time.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

The next day Raynor was ready. He knew Sona was waiting for him outside so he pulled her into his house. Once again she was embarrassed but he didn't care. He made her some tea and sandwiches.

"...you do know that I had breakfast already…"

"Then drink your tea." He shoved the tea into her hand.


"My mother wants to see you."

This time Sona nearly choked on her tea.

"W-Why you said it now!?"

"Why are you overreacting this much? It's just a meeting. She already knows that you are Leviathan's sister. I told her yesterday."

"I-Is she fine!?"

"Yes. I think she went to work this morning…" For a second he used his senses to see if anyone was in the house.

"Yeah, she is at work. We can see her in the supermarket."

"...By the Satans…why are you dropping bombs like that? I nearly had a heart attack!"

"There is no reason to hide things like that. You should only hide when you hunt." He said with an eye roll.

"...Some warning would be appreciated."

"I suppose."

"That reminds me. I talked with Lucifer." He said after remembering his talk with Crimson Satan.


"...What did he say?" Sona asked after finishing coughing.

"He bought 5000 bottles of Fertility Potion and he owes me a favour to allow Sera to continue to work as the Satan Leviathan."

"... That's impressive…to have Lucifer's favour…that's rare! What did you get for those Potions?"

"Some land with forests in the Underworld."


"You are the first human in history to own land in the Underworld." Sona dumbly said that as she thought about this.

"That's kinda cool."

"You don't say."

Sona was baffled by the events. Raynor showed himself to be one scary guy! He beat her sister which is an achievement for history books, then he did a deal with Lucifer all that in a single day!

~~~~~~Later, After Classes~~~~~~

The black-haired devil girl was nervous as they were walking to the supermarket where Raynor's mother was working.

Thankfully she is only meeting one of his parents as the other one was a long distance, lorry driver. She is thankful to the Satans for that.

As they entered the shop. He quickly pointed at his mother.

"Let go. It would seem she needs a break."

It appears his mother has a hangover.

"Do you have some magic to heal hangovers?"

"...technically…I could increase blood circulation…I don't have anything specific…" The girl said with a thoughtful look. She ain't a wizard with an array of spells.

"Good enough."

As the pair walked over his mother noticed them. She sighed tiredly.

"Ms. Valeron… I-I am…" The girl stuttered in front of his mother.

"Relax, sweetheart… It's the perfect time for a break."

The older lady motioned to cover her as she pulled the pair into the supermarket.

A few moments later when the trio was away from people…

"A quick question. Is it true that you are a—"

"Devil, yes."


"I see, so they are real."

"...Is there…"

"No, it's fine. The constant shocks I have been having…daily." She said that while giving a stingy look at her son who was checking out the meat selection in the freezer section… the guy ditched them already…

"...I can understand that. He is far too blunt…"

"You don't say... Now tell me what is going on…how did a Devilkind end up getting involved with my son."

Hearing the question made Sona slightly nervous.

"...This is well…the Chess finals in Stockholm… I have been using Chess as an excuse to dodge all the marriage proposals in the Underworld. This was until he beat me…well more like wasting me in the match."

"...And my son? What did he say about the engagement he had with you?"

Sona slightly gulped down.

"...He accepted it, he liked it quite a bit." The devil girl said with a small smile.

"...I see…"

"...I think he likes the whole idea of being engaged to a devil."

"And you?"

"...Me?...Well…I am here, aren't I? I transferred out of Underworld and ended up in this place."

"Indeed, and him fighting your sister?"

Once again Sona slightly gulped. Is this how it feels like to be grilled by a boyfriend's mother? She read about this before.

"...he beat her and made her into his summon. I even gave her an earful which hurt her more than being beaten in a fight. Satan or not."

"I see… for now I have a headache, we will talk about this more in the future."


At that moment Raynor's mother put her hand on Sona's shoulder before walking over to get some mineral water.

'In that nervousness, I forgot to offer my help…Damn…'

This was some nerve wracking experience.

After visiting the Supermarket Raynor took Sona to her home. Which was a two floor newly built house.

She offered to enter since she was in his house. Internally the teen hunter just rolled his eyes at how silly and cute she was about this.

"So who does food since you live here alone?"

"I live here with my Queen. Thought for food we started to practise cooking after seeing you do it."

"Oh? Was I that inspirational to you?"

"...In a way…"

"Good to know. Why don't we cook something together then?"

She nodded at him and the pair proceeded to make the preparations.

After a while, she had something on her mind which Raynor noticed.

"If you have something then just say it."

"...*Sigh* you are far too blunt…"

"Sharp is the word. It helps in the hunt, in the fight, in stealth, and in stalking one's prey. Everything starts from the mind which translates into actions."

Sona slowly nodded before she started to tell what she was thinking.

"Next year my childhood friend and I will get an area for ourselves to govern."

"Oh? Like training to manage your clan?"

"Yes. Exactly, we will take it further and we will attend a school. Since I want to be a principal of a school…This is…well what do you think?"

"It depends on where this is."

Sona knew this was quite a serious situation. It depends on what he will say. She knows that she MIGHT have to rework her plans depending on what he thinks.

"It's in… Japan."

"Good! I am going with you then!"

"Eh? Just like that?"

"I am fond of Japanese culture. So attending their school is on the list to do things. Alongside conquering a big medieval city, getting knighted."

"...I don't even want to know where you got these ideas…"

"By being in the Medieval world." He said with a 'duh' voice.

"Regardless, it's good to know you are coming with me." She had a relieved voice.

Raynor patted her head before giving her a quick hug.

"Though we need to do something about my parents and Arno. He is my wingman."

She rolled her eyes when she heard the wingman part. It sounds amusing.

"It can be arranged. My family has a multitude of holdings all I have in the world. Finding work for your parents in Japan should not be an issue. Though the language barrier will need to be addressed."

"I assume some sort of magic will be involved?"

"Yes. We can talk about the details at a later date."

He nodded at her as the pair proceeded to continue to cook.

~~~~~~Few Hours Later~~~~~~

As Raynor was practising shooting arrows at the back of his backyard his phone vibrated.

Another message.

He was getting famous.

He put down the bow and pulled out his flip-flop phone and checked the message.

[Crimson Satan: I have acquired facilities where you can work on the potions. You can check them out at your convenience.

Sending the address in a few moments.]

"He works fast. Nothing like in Westeros. Right, Dogo?"

Raynor looked at the sleeping dog under an apple tree.


"...Fucking useless dog…"

He said while rolling his eyes. A few seconds later another message arrived. It was the address.

"...That…street…is it the street where father used to work in earlier days?"

Thinking for a bit he recalled that there are hangars in that area.

"Damn…did he buy the entire hangar section just for me to make those potions?

I could do them in my basement."

For a second he felt like some sort of criminal making illegal stuff in the basement.

"Well, whatever, it's free stuff. Can't complain. Though that area is large, I could practise my archery at a bigger distance."

He started to think about the perks of such a large area. He could use it to make some obstacle courses. And stuff like that. Not bad for some training.

"I can check it out tomorrow."


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