
Chapter 154

[Third Person's PoV] 

"So, how are you feeling?" Cid asked Alpha, who was smiling proudly to herself.

"Strong," was all she answered as she slowly lifted her hand. With a simple gesture, grass started to grow around her, quickly blossoming into different flowers and creating a flower bed all around them.

She crouched down toward a rose in front of her, held the flower with care, and gave it a kiss. The rose then bloomed and shook before two green hands popped up from the ground. It walked towards Alpha and saluted, awaiting her orders.

"Did you just..." Cid began.

"Bring it to life? Yes, I did," Alpha said proudly, pushing her hair back. "I am the Fertility Goddess after all."

Cid used his Ruler's Authority to bring her into his arms and kissed her forehead. "Congratulations, but don't let it get to your head now," he teased.

Alpha playfully tapped a finger to her chin. "I don't know. As your MAIN wife, I feel like my ego has to be bigger."

Bellion gave them a look before flying away with Zeta and Delta in his hands.

"So, is it only plants that you can give life to?" Cid asked curiously.

"For now, yes. Later, when I'm more in control of my powers, I should be able to affect other things... if you know what I mean," she said, placing a hand on her stomach.

Cid looked at her, noticing her gesture. "Are you... by chance..."

Alpha sighed regretfully. "I'm not, unfortunately... but that could change whenever you please," she said, leaning on his shoulder and looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Is this something you truly want?" Cid asked seriously.

Alpha nodded, her gaze unwavering. "More than anything."

"Alright, I'll arrange it," Cid agreed, kissing the top of her head, causing Alpha to melt into his embrace.

"Can you two please go and flirt somewhere else? Some of us are trying to attain godhood here," Epsilon interrupted, glaring at them.

But her envy at Alpha potentially having a child with Cid was palpable.

One of Epsilon's main skills, Mana Rotation, allowed her to multitask and draw and purify mana simultaneously. In her heightened emotional state, she unconsciously drew in more mana and purified it.


Both Alpha and Cid witnessed a light blue aura explode from Epsilon, causing the ground to cave in as she floated. Her pigtails came undone, and her light blue hair floated softly around her aura.

"Woah... So this is how it feels," Epsilon marveled.

Cid smiled, accepting the evolution. 'It was either going to be Alpha or Epsilon who evolved their cores first. Epsilon does have the most control of mana and magical abilities.'

Excitedly, Epsilon turned to Cid. "So, what are my titles?" she asked impatiently.

"You, Epsilon, surprisingly have more titles than Alpha. They are quite a lot: The Goddess of Melody and Frequencies, The Siren of Covetous Envy, One of the Seven Deadly Sins, The Lady Who Sings for Death, The Blessed of Mana, and The Melodious Consort of Death."

"Woah... They all sound so cool," Epsilon said before floating back down. She blurred into action, appearing to side-hug Cid.

"Now pamper me," she demanded with a large smile.

Cid obliged, giving her kisses and running his fingers through her hair. "Good job."

Epsilon looked smugly at Alpha. "Heh, I have more titles than you."

"You're just overcompensating," Alpha scoffed, choosing to ignore her.

Epsilon stuck her tongue out and then turned to Cid. "You mentioned that Monarchs have their own titles and things like that. Does Celeste have some of her own?"

"As I mentioned before, titles are based on experiences and understanding. Since Celeste is still a baby, she hasn't fully gained her own title yet, though her Monarch abilities are in development. But I have a feeling about what she will be a Monarch of."

They nodded in understanding, but soon felt a change in the quality of mana in the distance, unable to discern its source due to its improved quality. 

So Alpha and Epsilon turned their quizzical looks towards Cid.

"That was Zeta, and it appears she was the third person to gain a good job, which isn't much of a surprise," Cid informed them.

'Zeta is very talented in everything she does, her only problem is her demeanor. Due to mastering anything quickly she as quickly grows bored of it and becomes lazy. Thus with her talent, it's only right for her to be among the top when it comes to mana.'

"Bellion is now congratulating her by reciting her titles," Cid added.

"What are her titles?" Epsilon asked curiously.

"Zeta is the Goddess of Combat and Metal, The Beast of Voracious Gluttony, The Master of All, One of the Seven Deadly Sins, and The Feline Spouse of Death," Cid listed.

Epsilon looked proud, particularly of her own numerous titles.

Alpha then turned back to Cid with another question, "There's something I never really understood. Why is Delta Wrath and Zeta Gluttony? Shouldn't it be the other way around? From what I've seen, Delta fits Gluttony way more, and Zeta fits Wrath due to her anger about her past."

"That's because you're basing it on their personality and personal experiences. I'm basing it on their skills and abilities," Cid explained.

"Gluttony isn't just about being hungry all the time like Delta is," Cid continued. "It's about consumption. Zeta fits that role best of all. She consumes skills and knowledge like no other, making them her own. She devours her opponents' abilities, whether with weapons or in combat, and adapts them to fit her own style. That's why she is also the Goddess of Combat."

Cid paused before explaining further, "While Wrath is more than just anger. It's about madness and being uncontrollable. When Delta enters combat, you've seen how she becomes. She's driven by bloodlust, becoming more uncontrollable and therefore more dangerous. The stronger her rage and bloodlust, the more formidable she becomes."

Alpha and Epsilon had a look of understanding upon hearing Cid's explanation. 

"That's the second one now, why do they get two divinities while I only possess one?" Alpha asked, she wasn't bothered by it but she was curious… alright maybe she was bothered a bit by it. But it's understandable, Pride has become a part of her afterall. 

Cid responded calmly, "Oh, you have a developing second one, but like I said, it's based on your experiences and understanding. You don't have much experience with your second one, which is why you are only The Goddess of Fertility, while the others have more than one."

Alpha was surprised by this revelation. "What? What is it?"

"The Sun..."
