

Laleen couldn't hold in her laughter any longer and it burst through her lips before she could control it. It lasted for a few more seconds, her shoulders quaking with laughter while the other two watched her.

Veronica glared at the lowly waitress with deep hatred whilst Shane's expression was mostly unreadable.

Silence reigned as Laleen drew in a breath to steady herself.

Her chocolate brown eyes now teary with laughter fell on the two people in front of her and she suddenly gasped as she brought her hands to cover her mouth that had undeniably put her in trouble. 

A sense of panic seized her as her mouth turned dry and she gulped. Her eyes darted between the two of them. While the woman in green glared at her like she wanted to squeeze the life out of her, the man with shiny shoes stared at her with a blank expression.

Laleen immediately felt the need to explain but what should she say? Her gaze lowered to the Shane's lips and her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. It's your fault, she scolded and she raised her gaze to meet his eyes but he wasn't looking her way anymore.

"You scum! How dare you!" Veronica growled ready to bare her imaginary fangs at her. Laleen shrieked as she held the menu in her hands close to her as if to save her from Veronica's ugly stare. 

Suddenly and out of pure instinct, she turned away and ran to hide under the counter. 

Veronica blinked as she stared at the counter where the stupid waitress had disappeared under and she scoffed. Did she think she was going to get away with this by hiding? 

She was about to take a step forward when she heard the clinking of the glass doors signifying that someone had passed through it. Her face instantly went pale when she realized her date had left her behind.

"Mr Degavon, please wait" She pleaded as she ran after him leaving the stupid waitress as she was barely of any importance.

Laleen let out a relieved sigh when she heard the clinking of the glass doors signifying that the both of them had left.

Slowly, she peeked her head and a smile crept up her face. "Safe" she muttered as she slowly stood up. 

Thankfully he stole away her attention before the woman in green could scratch her face for laughing at her. Standing up straight, she looked around her. In the end, all their preparations had gone to waste.

She closed the shop earlier than usual as there was nothing left to do and went home.

All the while, she couldn't stop thinking about what transpired earlier.

Was that how a date worked? Definitely not! She had had her own fair share of meetings with men to know that that wasn't how it worked.

A small sense of pity bubbled within her as she stared at the ceiling of her room while snuggled into her bedsheets in silence.

His date… though she was rude to her and looked distasteful in green—something Laleen knew was only because she disliked the woman—she would have to admit she was a very beautiful lady.

With a skin as fair as snow and her sparkling doe eyes in a golden brown hue, Laleen couldn't help the confusion that twisted and pulled within her.

The woman was not ugly. And she didn't seem dumb either despite the fact that she had no idea what Mr Degavon considered dumb.

But he had cut her off in such a humiliating way. Infact, one might think he bore a grudge against her. Laleen couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for her. 

A sigh escaped her lips as it dawned on her. The mystery man was not kind.

Remembering their second encounter and how it ended, she sighed again as she tossed and turned uncomfortably in the bed. Was that not kindness she saw in those breathtakingly cold eyes of his? 

She blew out a breath as she resigned from the matter entirely.

He had such high impenetrable walls positioned all around him enough to keep people away despite his zero effort at drawing up attention. A mystery indeed.

The next morning, Laleen was a bit surprised to realize that the cafe had been rented out just like the previous day.

Her boss was grinning ear to ear as he informed her. Laleen could only nod, ignoring the bubbles of anticipation that sprang up in her heart. She was meeting him again. Twice in a row. Something that had never happened.

An unsettling sense of unease gripped her suddenly. Was he coming alone or with the brown haired lady? Her lips pursed into a thin line at the thought before she shook it off with a frown. Why should she care?!

He could walk in here with a hundred girls and it'd make no difference to her, she declared in ease as her chest rose in determination. How wrong of her.

It didn't take long after her declaration when his tall imposing frame walked in through the glass doors. Even without the clinking of the bells she could tell it was him even before she turned.

Her heart thudded in her chest in amazement when her gaze fell on him.He looked…ethereal.

His long coat seemed to cling to him gracing his gait as he took long steps into the establishment. His black hair, combed backwards with a few falling at either sides of his face with such lazy grace, it felt unfair. He was a sight for sore eyes.

Just like before, every other thing blurred into nothingness as she drank in his presence. His elegant long fingers held onto the phone in his hands and Laleen gulped when his eyes landed on her for barely a second. Barely a second yet she felt blessed. She suddenly wished she could switch places with the phone in his hands. What would it feel like to have him run those long beautiful fingers of his down her shoulders?

Laleen immediately swallowed as she shook her head berating herself. Why did his mere presence alone leave her feeling so lost and willing to…surrender?

A blush crept up her cheeks as she pushed the thoughts away. Surrender to what exactly? 

Her stalker eyes were still on him as he tucked away some of the strands of hair at his sides in a simple fluid motion. Laleen melted at the simple action and she bit her lip. Oh, she knew what.

Almost immediately, she heard someone clear their throat from behind her and her eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way she disregarded another person because of him!

But there she was when she turned. His date that was not Veronica, staring intently at her with her ocean blue eyes as a cryptic smile crept up her face. 
