
Setting up defences

Aizen went to see his fiefs and he saw his list.


Village – 2

Castle – 1

Stronghold – 0

Military camp – 0


Aizen returned immediately to the base with only himself. The rest stood to watch the castle and guarded the place. They have men in the castle in case the goblins will take over.

Aizen then traveled back and his travel was not easy. Rain follows him wherever he goes and can only camp in a wet tent. The cold ran through his veins and couldn't help but shiver in the cold.

The past base was now a fortress and Aizen can only be at ease. With many guards stationed on the wooden walls, his worries lessened.

Without wasting time, he assembled a new army and instructed them to cut the trees to make a road for the supply chain of resources. The army can move inside the trees but not the carriages; carts as well.

The army were numbered 24 all in all with 4 builders in their ranks. It will be a great help for builders to construct several buildings and structures.

They traveled without rest during the day and camped at night. With ample rations with them.

The soldiers arrived at the castle and the gates were opened. Having several dead goblin bodies on the side of the gate.

The army marched inside and were greeted with weakened soldiers. They were exhausted from all the battles they had for several days already. They immediately cooked food as they were famished for several days. Eating the cooked food they made.

It was that the soldiers told them their tales of defending.

It was a rainy night and they were soaked wet. Torches were burning even when the rain poured. The soldier can't help but were shivering but stood awake. They don't have the time to have leisure as enemies can attack anytime.

They were fired with arrows and one was hit on the neck. Making him drop on the floor limply. Others rang the alarm and goblins attacked the gates.

The soldiers soon stood behind it and grabbed spears. The gate has an iron frame with holes. Blocking their entry while stabbing them with their poled weapons.

Their assault didn't halt there and they threw ropes with hooks on the tip. Climbing on the walls and were slowly getting up. The soldiers then cut the ropes and they dropped from above.

Others made their way and the archers fired at them with their bows. Many were felled one by one and the goblins fired back at them. Arrows rained at them and several archers were hit with their arrows. The arrows were poisoned and they can only curse at their predicament. The army still fought after being poisoned and several others went limp after several minutes.

They struggled to defend their posts and many were wounded in the process. Many goblins were able to climb the walls and a bloodbath soon followed.

Without their commander to command, they were in chaos. Still, they knew the basics. The infantry lifted their shields and went to cover each other's backs.

The enemies then attacked and they gritted their teeth. Roaring as they defend.

The goblins then attacked them with their crude weapons. Rusty weapons were smashed on their shields. With the height of a kid, they attack their lower parts. With weapons that were poisoned, the soldiers became wary of their attacks.

Not wanting to be poisoned was what they were all thinking. The enemies attacked and they bashed them with their shields. Combo it with their swords and they were slashed with it. Making them fall one by one.

Bodies then were slowly piling up. Other guards sadly didn't survive their onslaught. Making them buried afterwards in the fight. They fought bravely and were buried with respect.

After Aizen arrived, that they were fed. Their story was something to be sad about. But it was just the start. More will follow in the future.

It was that they went starting their day by constructing more buildings inside the castle. Builders made spiked fences outside the gates to have more defense and protection. They also built a garrison that can accommodate 50 soldiers. It will be upgraded soon for more capacity.

Next was the training field that was established inside the castle grounds. Having training infrastructures and dummies on the grounds made the soldiers leisurely train.

After that, they started training in the training fields. Archers fire arrows and melee soldiers attacked the dummies.

Next, to be constructed were the towers that were soon put with archers. Next was the watchtower that alarms enemy attacks. Having more views from the rest of the towers to have more range of detection. With an archer that had a telescope equipped, it was now a working watchtower.

Next was the barracks that held weapons and armor. Also, the war tent was made where Aizen was inside it planning their next move.

With the castle liberated, Aizen found a library inside it with a map of the land. Aizen then placed it inside the war tent and made the scouts scout the realm.

They soon arrived back and they gave hints on where the goblin camps were. Also, Aizen found out that the realm was inside a valley. It was encompassed by mountains and has a single road that goes north. An entrance with only one exit.

Aizen then made them construct the blacksmith tent. Having it, they can repair their weapons or upgrade them. They can even make new ones.

Then, the healing tent will be put with wounded soldiers. Making them healed with a healer.

Next was the ironwood tents that make bows and arrows. As well as wooden shields. They soon started their production and gave more weaponry to the army.

Next was the tannery that crafts leather and was made into leather armor. Their armors were made with leathers as of now and it was enough. Yet, they will have better equipment when they have better resources.

Next was the repair workshops that repair the destroyed infrastructures. Either with cement or wood, they were prepared to repair.

After that Aizen commanded his workers to cut trees to make new roads toward the castle. As well as several road outposts along the way.

Aizen then migrated several of the workers to the castle to have more workers there. They will have to endure the onslaught of goblins if they stay there.

They soon discovered limestone veins and then put a mining station there. The men soon repaired the walls of the castle and then used cement that was from the limestone they mined. They soon prepared the walls for more destruction and an onslaught of enemy goblins.

The roads and road outposts were made and more supply of resources can be traveled from the fort towards their current location. Caravans of resources were transported from them towards the castle. All were guarded just in case of enemy attacks.
