

Aizen went to find the Shrine of the God of Creation. It was just ahead of their realm. Located at North. The road was lonely with several monsters along the way. But what Aizen was thinking was that, the shrine was nearby. He could check it out along the way.

There were many kinds of shrines and one was the Shrine of the Creator. It gives a boost of 20% faster learning rate of all skills to the one it gives its blessings.

Another one was the Ascended gods' shrines that give specific blessings that differ from the others.

Either a faster skill rank-up or stats. Others were in the blessings of the realm as a whole.

Last was the Guardian shrines. They give blessings to the specific job class that they were under. Like the Necromancer shrine was only affecting the specific job class of the person. Making it have a faster learning rate or a buff on the rank of the skill. There was also a blessing that gives a skill higher than your proficiency.

What Aizen would go was the Shrine of the Creator which gives faster experience gain. It was on the top of a hill and has stairs up. Slabs of stones were piled as a gateway.

Aizen ascended the steps and then went to venture higher. Having the wind blow against him made his trekking more challenging.

Aizen then felt the cold subside in his skin. Sending shivers as he followed the steps upwards. Several torches were lit along the way and Aizen saw a brazier that was not lit up. He then made it spark and soon, a fire started to burn from the embers. With the magic of the flint that made it burn.

Aizen then saw the shrine of the creator it was seen as a statue with an offering table on the bottom. Aizen then put on a gold coin and offered his prayers and his body glowed. Though he didn't receive the blessing itself!

Aizen then soon felt that something was amiss. He looked at his back and saw feral rotten rising from the ground. Encompassing him and the shrine.

"So this shrine was tainted. I have to purify it," Aizen muttered then drew his sword.


The enemies then attacked and Aizen prepared to meet them with his steel blade. One clawed him and he sidestepped while slashing it off. Its torso was cut in half and its body was flung separated from each other.

Aizen then saw the others starting to head toward him. Making him grit his teeth in sheer excitement. Aizen then attacked the others that were heading his way.

He slashed one and stabbed the other. Rotating and then making a rising slash toward the enemy. Sending its head away from his body.

Another one attacked and it roared as it did so. Aizen then decapitated it on its neck and it halted on its wail. Aizen then attacked the others and hacked them with his sword.

Another one attacked and Aizen kicked it. Gaining space then slashing it off from the neck towards the waist. Killing it in the process. Its body was flung and separated.

Aizen then saw more was rising and so he prepared for another slaughter. One rose near him and Roan was surprised. He skewered one with both of his swords and then ripped it apart. Making only its torn body left.

Aizen then was attacked on the back. Aiming to bite him but he stabbed its mouth and then swung the sword to the side. Another one attacked and he slashed its hands off and then kicked it. Making it flung away from him.

With the enemy down, he stabbed its head with his sword and twisted it. Pulling it afterward.

Aizen then dashed toward the enemies that were rising and then slashed them one by one. Making him decapitate or cut their limbs in the process. Aizen then ended their lives.

Others then wailed as they attacked which made Aizen agitated by their noise. Aizen then slashed their heads which made it quieter.

Aizen then saw that their bodies became dark miasma and they started to disintegrate.

"So it seems, they were summoned by the demons to taint the shrines. I have to cleanse all the shrines in that case," Aizen muttered.

[Mission: Cleanse all the shrines]

[Reward: Permanent buffs from each shrine]

"Oh, I see,"

Aizen then went to the shrine again and saw that it was glowing. A holy aura was felt as Aizen approached it. The statue was seen emitting an aura.

He put a gold coin again and then offered his prayer. Making him feel that a blessing has entered his soul.

[Blessing of the Creator added]

[+20% faster skill learning rate]

Aizen then prepared to leave as he went back to the Necromancer encampment. Paving the path towards it.

He traveled for many miles and finally arrived. The necromancers stood guard and Aizen was opened with its gate.

The village elder was already waiting for him as well as the three grandsons.

"Aizen! I am glad you're back! I was worried about you," The elder said.

"I am fine, hehe." Aizen chuckled.

[Mission: Gather all job class tribes]

[Reward: Humanity's survival]

"I accept the quest," Aizen replied.

"Good, build your own realm. All tribes have to be collected and united. Or all will be lost," the elder said to him.
