
Chapter 4: The Youth League Debut – Rhine Derby?

Chapter 4: The Youth League Debut – Rhine Derby?

The international standard football tactical gestures were well understood by Lee Kang. As long as his teammates and coaches didn't perform hand seals like characters from Naruto, he could efficiently execute tactical changes.

In the world of football, among the coaches of the top five leagues, who had the most exaggerated gestures and the quickest hand movements? Pep Guardiola, probably?

The tactical class finally concluded around six in the evening. Hafetz gave Lee Kang's shoulder a friendly pat and glanced at Lee Kang's extensive notes. He looked bemused and then said, "Lee, you don't need to get into so much detail. Mr. Belenta likes mixing in personal perspectives."

"Kai! What are you saying?" The chubby man had just reached the door when he turned back, flustered.

Hafetz shrugged awkwardly, "Mr. Belenta's personal perspectives are also quite unique."

Mr. Belenta adjusted his glasses and seemed pleased when he saw Lee Kang's notes. He was about to say something when Hafetz realized that the coach was about to launch into another of his marathon lectures and hastily pulled Lee Kang away.

"Coach, we need to grab dinner!"

Next to the training ground, Hafetz offered Lee Kang a bunch of advice. "If you don't run in time, Mr. Belenta will praise you and boast about his brilliant experiences when he was young for two hours!"

"Come on, we have a chance to eat out once a week. The club's rules aren't that rigid. This guy just wanted to say 'self-discipline,' didn't he? Just once! It's not like we're drinking. Let's go!"

A short while later, they changed into their casual clothes and headed to a restaurant near the Taitren training base.

The quaint décor of the place, in the style of ancient times, stood out in the tranquil old street.

Lee Kang glanced at the sign and couldn't help but smile. "Three County Snacks?" This parallel world had even embraced internationalization.

Seeing the faces of fellow countrymen, especially a young waitress who appeared to be around his age, made him feel an inexplicable warmth. She might not be strikingly beautiful, and she wasn't very tall either, but her features were delicate and her cheeks were rosy, making her quite cute. Lee Kang gave her a friendly smile, causing her cheeks to redden further.

Hafetz looked puzzled. "Order some food, you two. Why are you smiling at each other?"

Ding! "Currently inhibiting the reward neurotransmitter dopamine!" A sudden emotion in Lee Kang dissipated, and he ordered a serving of dumplings, a bowl of mixed noodles, and a can of beef whip soup.

As they sat down at their table, Hafetz leaned in and spoke in a hushed tone, "Lee, you're a first-team player now. Many girls will be interested in you. I suggest you find someone who's quiet and low-profile."

This guy had a decent family background and had received elite education since childhood. He wasn't like other young players who would go out to party when they had time off. He was probably too far from that life.

Lee Kang started talking about his criteria for a partner, pulling out his phone and opening a social media app, quickly swiping through the screen. "You see, so many girls message me every day. I don't pay attention to them. I even have to spend some time each day deleting their messages. Oh, this one is quite attractive; I'll keep her."

"What are you trying to say? This is too far. Come closer, I want to show you these two words, 'Scientific and rational training program'? I'm discussing women with you, and you're talking about training?"

The next morning at 5:30, Lee Kang was back at the Taitren training base. The security guard at the entrance was using a magazine to cover his face, and the sound of snoring mixed with birdsong filled the air.

However, there was one lone figure running on the track, with the light breeze from the Rhine River blowing through his black hair. It was impossible to tell if the moisture on his body was sweat or mist.

By 8:00 in the morning, the young players began arriving at the training ground. When they saw Lee Kang practicing his shots, they were all surprised.

"Lee, catch the ball! Quick, use a towel to wipe off the sweat; Coach Top will scold you if he sees you practicing extra!"

"He really doesn't like it when people do extra training!"

"He'll probably say, 'You guys are still in the age of growth, and you don't have as much testosterone.'"

Lee Kang took the towel and quickly wiped off the sweat. His training clothes were already soaked, and he needed to grab a quick shower.

Ding! "Speed: 58 → 58.5!"

"Stamina: 69 → 69.1!"

"Strength: 57 → 57.3!"

What's going on? Why do my attributes now have decimal points? Although the training effect of these attributes is a bit exaggerated, it won't be long before I max them out, right?

Ding! "Even with the Growth Template's assistance, the growth rate of attributes will slow down as the values increase."

So, does this mean the higher the values, the slower they will increase?

After a morning of training, Lee Kang's "Body Contact" attribute also increased by a decimal point. For now, he couldn't discern any impact from it.

The assistant coach briefly explained the new playing style and then headed back to the field with Coach Top to discuss the upcoming game a week later.

Bayer Leverkusen Youth Team vs. Borussia Mönchengladbach Youth Team!

Both clubs were neighbors in the same region. A clash between the first teams would get the fans' blood boiling!

The Rhine Derby!

Bayer Leverkusen had the upper hand in their recent meetings in the first team.

However, on the youth team side, things had been grim. Over the past two years, despite having talents like Hafetz, Bayer Leverkusen's youth team still struggled against their rivals. Unfortunately, Borussia Mönchengladbach's youth training system had accumulated over a hundred years of history, producing numerous German legends such as Heynckes, Effenberg, and Deisler, to name just a few.
