

"Harry, you need to calm down," said Oleandra soothingly. "Tell me what you saw again."

"He's got Sirius, don't you get it?" Harry cried, wild-eyed. "There's no time! He's being tortured RIGHT NOW, and for all I know, he could already be DEAD!"

If Oleandra had to be perfectly honest (and she always was), Harry looked unwell. His hair was matted with sweat, and there was this frenzied look on his face that she wasn't used to seeing on him. And judging from the sweaty pyjamas, he had just had a nightmare…

"Harry…" Oleandra said hesitatingly. "You're supposed to be blocking the visions, remember? You can't trust anything Voldemort shows you; you know this!"

"You don't understand," said Harry through gritted teeth. "Sirius wasn't the only one I saw in my vision— Voldemort had Ginny and Daphne too! He was making them watch, letting them know they were next!"

Oleandra's heart lurched, but she quickly swallowed her worries. She had to be rational about this— Lord knew Harry wasn't going to be acting as the voice of reason in this situation— but at the same time, she knew that Sirius, Ginny and Daphne all lived at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. If the Order of the Phoenix's stronghold had been taken, then it would have been all too easy for someone like Voldemort to seize all three of them at the same time…

"All the more reason to take a moment to think," said Oleandra, making her voice as steady as she could. "Voldemort's already in your head, so he knows I'm here with you, and that we've left the safety of Hogwarts— why else would he be showing you this? And you're forgetting that Dumbledore also lives at Sirius's house— how'd you suppose Voldemort managed to get through him?"

"I don't know!" Harry exploded. "He might have left the house when it happened!"

For a moment, Oleandra was stuck with a mental image of Dumbledore fetching some milk at the store.

"We need to do something," Harry insisted.

In truth, Oleandra was not that confident in her assertions, which is why she had formulated them as questions.

"And you say they're holding him in the Department of Mysteries?" said Oleandra thoughtfully.

Nothing about this entire situation felt quite right, and the coincidences kept piling up.

First of all, the timing of the Order's letter was quite suspicious. From what Oleandra could understand, the Order of the Round Table had been trying to uncover the truth behind the Heliopaths Initiative for years. That particular mission wasn't suspicious in itself, since the Order's mission statement was to destroy the Ministries of Magic and everything they stood for. However, the mission was only now becoming a priority, because Voldemort was suddenly going after an old Department of Mysteries secret project? That was suspicious.

This was just speculation on Oleandra's part, but… It was a fact that Voldemort was one of the best Legilimens in the world. It was believable that he could easily identify the Order's spy at his side, but two questions remained:

How had the agent sent back the information if he had been found out?

And how much had this agent known about her?

Voldemort would only have needed to catch a glimpse of Oleandra in the spy's memories to make the connection between her and the secret order dedicated to restoring magic to the world. For all she knew, Voldemort already knew all about the secret Order of the Round table, and it could have been him writing to her on the Protean-Charmed parchment at the other end of the line, just a few minutes earlier!

Second of all, there was the timing of Harry's vision, in which he had seen their close ones captured by Voldemort. Harry had been seeing visions of the corridor in the Department of Mysteries for months on end, but it was only now, on his very first night outside of the protection of Hogwarts, that he was getting the sequel to his nightmare?

It all seemed so awfully… convenient.

"I'm about eighty percent certain that this is Voldemort trying to lure you out," said Oleandra reluctantly.

"But I'm already out in the open!" Harry argued. "If Voldemort wanted to get to me, I'm sure he could have found something easier than sending me to the Department of Mysteries!"

This gave Oleandra pause; it did seem like a rather roundabout way of luring Harry out of the safety of Hogwarts. And why would Voldemort keep sending Harry visions about the Department of Mysteries for months? As part of some elaborate plot to kill him?

It didn't make any sense, but in Oleandra's experience, there was no such thing as coincidences…

"Okay, seventy percent— maybe Voldemort hasn't noticed that you've been lurking in the back of his head all this time," Oleandra admitted. "But so what? What are you going to do, storm the Ministry all by yourself?"

"Voldemort's got Daphne too," said Harry, looking her straight in the eye. "If you knew she was being tortured, you wouldn't just leave her, would you?"

Oleandra tried saying something, but the words got stuck in her throat.

"I'd do everything I could to save her," Oleandra ended up admitting. "But only if I knew for certain that Voldemort actually had her. There's a fireplace downstairs— we could borrow some Floo powder from Madam Rosmerta and check Number 12 Grimmauld Place, to see if they're really gone."

"That's brilliant!" said Harry in relief. "I'll go do that right now, then..."

Upon saying so, Harry ran out of her room, slamming the door shut on his way out. Oleandra waited until she could no longer hear his footsteps, before casting a Quick-Change Charm to change from her pyjamas to her Basilisk skin combat robes. Suddenly overcome with foreboding, Oleandra grimly thought to herself that the night was only beginning…

…and was proven correct only a few minutes later.

"I was right," said Harry in anguish the instant Oleandra answered the door. "There was nobody home but Kreacher, and he wouldn't tell me what happened to them."

It was clear that Harry was counting on her, but the Department of Mysteries was deep underground, which meant that at best, Oleandra's runic magic would take effect after a certain delay, or at worst, fail to initiate at all.

However, if the spell that she had invented worked, then she might very well be able to use the magic of the stars underground…

"Let me just make a quick call," said Oleandra, tapping the skin behind her ear to initiate the Faraway Communication Galdr tattooed there. "We'll need all the help we can get…"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Azure_Abysscreators' thoughts