
Vol. 2 Chapter 96: Search and Destroy

Frenzy. Euphoria. Exhilaration.

The policewoman is euphoric. 

Deedee, the green-haired, wily ranger, feels like a hound unleashed. 

Moving agilely up the rock-carved staircase, each silent step resonates with a primal excitement, a call to the hunt that makes her heart race.

The stairs seem endless, but Deedee doesn't mind. She's elated, more so than she ever imagined possible. 

Now, she can focus solely on the hunt.

Her Master has entrusted her with a crucial mission. She has been given a target, and it's her task to track it down. 

She thrills at the thought of unleashing her hunter's instincts. 

Accompanying her are the silver-haired twin assassins, Bicrista and Gallo. 

Strauss's order was clear and direct: "Kill the Elfrider."

Their mission is to find and eliminate Sylthrenn, the spider-elf, the messenger of Queen Azherie. 

Strauss believes he could be a problem, one of the queen's aces in the hole. 

The enemy is capable of using space-time magic, which in a game like this could be decisive.

The twins, each wielding their double blades, move in perfect sync with Deedee. 

Their steps are leaps, making no sound. Swift and lethal, they are ready to carry out the mission entrusted to them.

As they ascend, the anticipation builds. 

Deedee's senses sharpen, attuned to every shadow and sound. The thrill of the hunt courses through her veins. 

She's ready for whatever lies ahead, prepared to face danger head-on. This is her element, where she truly belongs. 

In this pursuit, she is unmatched, and she knows it. The excitement of the unknown, the rush of the chase – it's all exhilarating.

Up they go, closer to their quarry with each step, their resolve as steadfast as their movements are fluid. The hunt is on, and Deedee, along with Bicrista and Gallo, is in her prime, ready to strike.

Before them finally appears a small temple. 

They prepare to enter when suddenly, "Stop!" exclaims Bicrista, having noticed something. 

"What the fuck is going on?" asks Deedee.

The silver-haired girl points towards the temple entrance. 

"Look carefully," Bicrista instructs, her focus sharp. 

Deedee sharpens her gaze and notices faint twinkles. 

"A spider web, but it doesn't look like a spider's," comments Gallo. 

"Those are extremely thin metal wires," Deedee realizes. 

"A trap," explains Bicrista.

"Let's find out." 

Deedee nocks an arrow and fires it towards the center of the web. 

The web, struck directly, unravels.

*Clak* *Clang*

The sound of a mechanism being triggered.

Two gigantic blades like pendulums appear from under the temple's cornice, swinging in opposite directions. 

"Wow, that would have sliced us to ribbons," says Gallo. 

As the blades move, Deedee advances further but is halted by Bicrista. 

"It's not over yet!" she warns.







Darts from every direction. 

Hundreds of darts are fired from points behind the columns at the entrance. 

Anything or anyone passing through that spot at that moment would have been completely skewered.

Bicrista and Gallo exchange a look. They turn pale. 

The green-haired woman senses their discomfort. "How did you know?" asks Deedee. 

Bicrista's expression darkens. "We've seen these kinds of traps before." 

The detective reflects on these words and just as she's about to come to a conclusion...

"Behind you!" shouts Bicrista. 

Deedee leaps forward with a feline somersault, narrowly avoiding the thrust.


A spike on the opposite end of a poleaxe misses her by an inch. 

The enemy is the one they were looking for. The monster with a spasmodic grin and numerous other disturbing tics is their target.

The dark elf spider, Sylthrenn, twists his head while his eight legs tap on the stairs, ready to pounce. 

"My queen, you have been very generous... Very generous indeed to let me play for you," he rambles as usual, while caressing the Azherie gem around his neck, a symbol that he is a participant in the game.

Deedee is surprised she didn't sense the monster until the last second. 

Her senses are very sharp, and she would have immediately sensed if the enemy had sneaked up behind her. 

But no matter. Her target is right in front of her, and she won't let this opportunity slip away. 

With a swift gesture, she nocks an arrow.

She releases.

The arrow is launched towards the monster. 

The Elfrider rotates his poleaxe and intercepts the arrow in flight with the sharp head of the weapon. 

The arrow is cleanly sliced in two and scattered to the ground.


Sylthren's face splits into two like jaws, from which arachnid-like hisses emanate, followed by a disturbing laugh. 

Deedee exchanges a quick look of understanding with the two twins. They both nod.

Bicrista lunges forward, attacking from the left. Gallo does the same but charges from the right. 

It's a coordinated attack, using their numerical advantage to overwhelm the enemy. 

Meanwhile, the ranger prepares to shoot another arrow, her aim focused on that abominable head. 

The bowstring is stretched to its limit, on the brink of snapping.

As the blades of the two assassins are about to connect, at that very moment, Deedee releases the string of her bow. 

The arrow is launched.


The three attacks find only air. 

The twin brothers stab into nothingness with their knives, while Deedee's arrow flies past the spot where Sylthrenn was just a moment before and embeds itself in a rocky wall a dozen meters ahead.

"What the fuck?!" the policewoman swears. 

Bicrista looks at Gallo, who looks back at his sister. They were sure they had hit their target. 

"A fucking space-temporal spell?" No detective's intuition is needed to understand the reason for their miss.


"UUARGHH!" the green-haired woman's scream echoes throughout the arena. 

The axe part of the adversary's poleaxe hits her on the left side. 

Deedee quickly jumps back, clutching the hit spot. 

Fortunately, her armor protected her, but she felt the impact's damage. 

A contusion that has likely chipped some bones. Moving causes her to feel sharp pains. 

Gritting her teeth, she launches an arrow during her retreat.

Deedee is so fast and close to Sylthrenn, who is behind her, that he doesn't have time to cast a spell. 

The arrow embeds itself in his right shoulder. 

The Elfrider, even without the use of spells, is remarkably quick and dodges the lethal headshot by shifting slightly. 

Nonetheless, the damage to his shoulder is real, and he switches the poleaxe to his left hand, unable to use his right arm properly.

Deedee doesn't have time to rejoice over the inflicted hit, as a figure looms over her. 

Metallic long claws descend upon her like a rapace.



Bicrista, using the [SHADOW STEP], materializes mid-air above the ranger and intercepts the new enemy's claws with her dagger. 

Then, with a pirouette, both land on the stairs facing each other.

The Servant also wears around his neck a gem from Queen Azherie's team. 

He dons a disturbing mask resembling the dried face of a dead elf. 

He doesn't seem to wear armor but a dark Hallemagner-style coat that starkly contrasts with the surroundings. 

On his head, a Gat hat: a unique structure with a wide brim and a tall cylindrical crown, made of silk threads with a rigid and partially transparent structure. From it dangles a long bead strap, a rosary that reaches mid-abdomen. 

The clinking beads create an unsettling sound as they sway.

The most disconcerting aspect is the long claws protruding from the gloves the Servant wears.

"I see the fruits are ripe. Time to reap," he comments in a very satisfied tone.

Bicrista trembles, gripping her twin blades tightly.

