
Chapter 525: Finally Got the Job

Today, Gu Fan gathered his spirits, took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and walked into a company. Inwardly, he prayed that this would be a job he liked and hoped that he would be hired this time.

Upon entering, the receptionist politely asked if Gu Fan was there for an interview, guided him to the waiting room, and even poured him some water. Gu Fan, in turn, expressed his thanks politely.

Just a little while later, the person conducting the interview arrived. To Gu Fan's surprise, it was the company's boss who decided to interview him personally. This made Gu Fan feel incredibly flattered; he was secretly wondering why he was so lucky as to be interviewed personally by the boss of a company.

The boss introduced himself as Boss Ding and then asked Gu Fan to introduce himself.
