
Chapter 12: Leaving the island part 1

[Regina POV]

Making it to the helipad I notice that everyone is there except for Gail, curious I go to ask Rick if he's seen him, answering me that he hasn't had contact with him, it's funny after he left me taking care of Dr. Kirk he hasn't heard from him "Maybe he's already dinosaur shit." I mutter under my breath.

Looking at the helicopter I sighed in exhaustion "We'll finally get off this damn island" were my thoughts.

Listening to Rick's words and Axel making an angry comment that what Rick said raised an unlucky flag makes me a little funny, wanting to joke a little with him, I decide to look at him and just before I make my comment I notice some birds that seem scared of something.

I was shocked. 

A fucking T-rex right at this moment, I get a little nervous even though I have already survived two voices before this fucker. Backing up a bit out of nervousness, I watch in horror as it destroys the helicopter.

Dodging the remains of the helicopter I quickly stand up, preparing myself for a possible confrontation, it was great my surprise to see how this damn T-rex is not the same as the one I faced, it was at that moment that his roar took me out of my surprise.

Something deep inside me felt very bad to see how he focused his attention on Axel determined to support him, I started to move to have a better angle to blow one of his eyes out or that's what I would have done if it wasn't for Rick.

I didn't notice that the coward got behind me and started to struggle with me to take me to an elevator that was behind me.

"Come on Rick, we need to help him, we can't leave him alone, don't be a fucking coward." I exclaimed as I tried to get out of Rick's grip.

"This is our chance to get out of here without the T-rex noticing us regina Get it! Besides, the important objective of the mission is Kirk not this survivor." I was answered by the damned coward, being very close to the elevator with all his strength he managed to throw me into it.

It was late... the elevator doors began to close, my gaze crossed Axel's, I could see the betrayal and sadness in his eyes.

I felt a knot in my stomach, I had never had this feeling before. I could only give him a last look that transmitted my pity for not being able to help him and sadness when I noticed those eyes.

Breathing and exhaling to control my mood I managed to calm down and something tells me that he will be fine, I must believe in him.

It took a few seconds before I heard Rick's cowardly voice "We're screwed. the damn chopper's been destroyed! How are we going to get out of here! The only ones who knew the evacuation routes were Kirk and the survivor who must be T-rex food right now."

Hearing his last comment I turn to him giving him a look of utter contempt and with venom in my voice I reply "Just shut up, don't make any comments about him, besides he will survive. As for how to get out of here we'll find a way."

"Oh come on...You are never that positive" He replied mockingly, trying to calm the tense atmosphere with his stupid words.

When he was planning to answer her the elevator shook and stopped "What.... What happened?" he spoke in a worried tone.

Approaching the elevator panel Rick begins to push the buttons "Mmm. The elevator has stopped. We'll have to find another way to go on, luckily it stopped in a subway passage, come on, let's get moving." Stepping out of the elevator without giving me a glance.

Looking at him I could only shake my head "Because I'm part of this coward's team" I mutter under my breath and continue to follow him.

On the other side of the door I find a place with a silent atmosphere that has crumbles on some walls, with the yellow lighting by the paint gives a gloomy touch to this place. 

Moving forward I see Rick investigating a corpse, approaching him, I just look at him with cold eyes, I'm quite annoyed with him.

Ignoring the way I look at him he hands me a note and a card "Look at this, it's the way we can get out of here".

Looking at the note he gave me I glanced at them it read; "¡¿where the hell did those monsters come from!? I was able to escape, but they cornered me in the basement. I can only get out through the port in area B3. There I should find some kind of boat or something used to transport research materials. The problem is that right now I'm dying, I'm writing this to no one in particular, just venting with the last of my remaining strength."

So wrote his last words the poor man. Looking at the card I could read on it "B3 test zone card. Access to the whole area" Good! With this card we will be able to reach area B3 unhindered.

"We need to go to area 3B regina, and for that we need to take the elevator that is in that door that will take us to a large elevator that transported the material to all areas, come on, I know you are upset, but right now we need to support each other to get out." Rick spoke nervously.

Yes, I know he's right, but I'm still annoyed by the action he took, but yes, he must keep me alive to later meet Axel, I have a feeling we'll see each other again.

"Fine, but act like a coward again and I'll put a bullet in your rear end myself" with a deadly glare I tell him. Swallowing nervously Rick nods. 

"Then let's get moving." With that last comment we move to the next elevator. As we enter we turn it on and it begins to rise.

After a few minutes we arrive toward the large elevator that passes through all the areas.

"We should be able to get to the subway from here" Nodding, Rick walks over to the panel to turn it on.

When it doesn't work Rick tells me "We need it to unlock, should be easy, the unlock panel is in that operating room over there." Pointing me to the room opposite, I proceed to move.

Entering the room I am surprised to find one of my teammates breathing heavily "Tom!" I exclaim, rushing over to him.

Listening to my voice Tom barely opens his eyes, with a tired and cracked voice he speaks "You're....you...Regina....Get out.....here...This place is a...hell...I can't....stand...Here...Take..It's my last....report" Taking his report, I feel very sorry, seeing how after giving me his report Tom gives his last breath before dying.

Shaking my head with regret, I give him one last look "Rest in peace Tom, you were a good partner" Moving to the panel to deactivate the elevator unlock.

After unlocking the elevator, I step out with Rick "That's it, it's time for us to get out of here" Ascending him we started down. As we were going down I started reading Tom's report, at the end of it something caught my attention the report mentioned Axel;

"I have observed a newly arrived scientist whose name is Axel Rojas. He exhibits behaviors inconsistent with standard security protocol and facility operating rules. This includes out of the ordinary movement patterns, unauthorized access and unusual interest in the experimental lab, the closeness he has had to Dr. Kirk is unusual, a background check is recommended."

I frowned as I read, to Tom Axel was someone suspicious. Now that I can think about it, those movements, the professional way of handling a weapon, how he is agile using the hook, everything fits "Axel is not a normal person "I mutter under my breath, lost in my thoughts I did not realize that we had already arrived.

I only came out of my daze because the light went out and the elevator stopped moving "What happened?"

With an irritated voice Rick answers "Ah this piece of junk has melted a battery" at that moment the backup power makes the elevator move forward again.

Receiving a communication I am surprised to discover it was Gail.

"What's wrong, the power's gone out!"

"Gail! You're alive. Where are you?"

 "I'm in area B3 Solve the power now!" 

Picking up his communicator Rick you reply "Gail, looks like there's a port nearby There's gotta be something there we can use!

"Roger that. What happened to Kirk?"

"He escaped when we were attacked by a T-rex, plus the other survivor is possibly dead." Rick replied and upon hearing the last I gave him a cold look.

"Forget it, if he's still alive that's up to him, as for Kirk leave him to me, you guys restore power and protect our escape route." Were Gail's orders before ending the call.

"Roger x2." 

Arriving at area B3 we proceeded to move, on the other side we came across a huge warehouse that contained 3 generators that were apparently from the backup power, while looking sideways Rick headed for the power panel.

Listening to his diatribe I approach him "What's wrong?"

"This battery is completely busted, look around the place for one we can use as a spare." Nodding, I move towards the door right next to the power panel, stepping inside I come across the batteries.

Taking one of the batteries I move towards Rick so he can replace it "Okay regina, with this the power will be restored." Watching as the power is restored Rick exclaims cheerfully "Great, with the power restored I'll work on the security system. You take care of our escape route." Rushing into the security room, I could only give him a bored look.

"Sure, let regina take care of the dinosaurs while you just type some letters" I muttered in annoyance. Heading to the opposite side of the room from where Rick left, determined to secure our escape route to finally get out of this hellhole.

[Axel POV]

Entering the subway passage I moved in a hurry towards the other part of the link elevator that would take me to the big elevator and from there I could get to area B3 faster and saving bullets, right now I only have 3 magazines of 15 bullets each

"That T-rex sure was tough, he was considered one of the most lethal and persistent for a reason, despite the wounds he kept attacking me." I muttered as I walked.

Quickening my pace, I came across the body of a guard being eaten by several Compsognathus, small dinosaurs that by themselves do not represent a danger, but in packs they are dangerous.

Not wanting to waste bullets on these small ones I use my grappling gun, I shoot the hook towards the other end of the passage, activating the mechanism I allow the inertia to do its thing and with grace I manage to pass over these small ones.

Absorbed in their food they didn't notice when I passed over them, managing to reach the other link elevator I proceed to activate it, however, it takes a while to go down "Apparently regina took the same path as in the game, well, if things go like this I'll find her in no time and I can give her a good punch in the balls to her partner." Dying with a fierce smile. 

Hearing the sound of the elevator arriving, I proceed to enter and activate it, after I managed to go up I came across the big elevator, but this one was currently missing as it had been used.

Moving towards the offices that contain the elevator panel in case it is downstairs, I go inside and find the body of Tom, the undercover agent of Regina's team.

"I know he was suspicious of me and in his possible report he may have mentioned something about me, but right now it doesn't matter" Activating the elevator panel I hear it start to rise.

After a few minutes, I can finally see how it rebels, getting on it I activate it and it begins to go down, as time passes I managed to enter the area B3. 

I found a huge warehouse. Possibly right now Regina's partner is in the security room.

Calmly I moved to the opposite side, right now he is not my priority and there will be a time when I can take revenge for having abandoned me just like that against that T-rex.

Entering through the door I find a metallic corridor, illuminated with blue LED lights, moving cautiously I turn around at the intersection, finding two Therizinosaurus lying dead on the floor, their imposing forms motionless.

These slow but lethal dinosaurs resembled velociraptors, but their claws on their hands were longer and sharper, making them formidable predators that could easily kill any human being or animal smaller than them.

"Those bullet wounds, they are from my casull, regina already passed this way, well, if I get to see her I should thank her for clearing the way." Chuckling I continue moving cautiously, managing to reach the rest room in area B3.

Upon entering I find a large room, which contained vending machines, tables, massage chairs and the icing on the cake, a dead body of some scientist I never get to meet.

"Alright, now I need to find Kirk as he has the keys to the helicopter, he must be in his personal lab." Remembering the game and the access card to all the levels I have I can advance without doing the whole walkthrough that regina does in the game.

I know that the door that is at the bottom, will take me to the dock that contains a hovercraft, but this has a space time distortion vortex that prevents one can reach it and to get to remove it you need to overload the reactors of the third energy and it is a tedious task, I hope there is no vortex in the helicopter otherwise it will be a hassle to do all those steps.

Deciding to take the shortest way I enter the door that will lead me to the central stairs. On the other side I find a long corridor that is the fine image of a futuristic corridor, because of the lights and the structure made of only metal.

Hearing some loud footsteps, very carefully I start to move forward, taking only a few steps a Therizinosaurus is shown turning around the intersection.

Looking at me the bastard growls at me and with hurried steps advances towards me raising his claws trying to look intimidating "Sorry buddy, I already faced a T-rex and I doubt you can intimidate me" muttering in a joking tone I calmly point my grappling gun at it.

With precision I manage to pierce his head, launching a last scream of pain, I activate the mechanism and I rush towards him that begins to fall, with grace I throw a hook kick managing to hit and making him fall faster. I can feel a tingling that goes up the leg with which I hit him.

That move was unnecessary, but I wanted to feel like Ada Wong when she uses her hook on enemies "Well, now that I remember Ada does it on enemies that don't have such a hard fucking skull." 

Moving forward I turn around at the intersection that contained stairs leading to a hallway, climbing the stairs I move cautiously down the hallway, I know that at this time there must be a velociraptor lurking around here.

Indeed, turning around at an intersection I find a velociraptor under a ventilation grill waiting for its prey, calmly I take out the hook gun and my knife, shooting I see how the hook pierces its thorax and when it falls I activate the mechanism that makes me pounce on it, with the momentum I put the hand with which I hold the knife a little back and when I reach the veloripator I quickly pierce one of its eyes.

By the force of my action I managed to pierce through to the brain "oh, it seems that I'm getting better at handling the hook" Certainly it was safer to shoot him, but I need to save bullets in case I come across another damn T-rex or failing that a large dinosaur. 

As I kill the velociraptor I calmly walk past its body and head for the door that will allow me to pass through the security pass room and into Kirk's personal lab. 

Entering the room I find a room that is constantly sounding an alarm, knowing that since the alarm is activated I will not be able to access the cubicles, I move into the panels.

Ignoring the scientist with the twisted neck I move towards the panel that will deactivate the alarm, deactivating it I proceed to move towards the cubicles. 

Upon gaining access I was surprised that it did not require me to enter a DDk disk, I was already prepared to enter my card and code, but apparently it is unnecessary, Regina must have already opened the door.

With the door open I go inside. I can finally make it to Dr. Kirk's personal lab, as I was advancing down the hallway a warning sounded that made me stop. 

<Initiating decontamination process> With a red light that surrounded my whole body, giving me a cold sensation.

<Effective sterilization in the facility>

With the sterilization done I continue on my way, walking into Kirk's lab, as I walked calmly into his lab some voices caught my attention, heading towards the door where the voices were heard, as I was close I could clearly hear Regina, Gail and Kirk talking.

"Well, but look what we have here, I guess the way things are going I'll go out along with them, it serves that if I see their regina's partner I can retaliate with a kick in the balls or a bullet between her ass" Muttering with a confident smile.

Crossing my arms, I lean against the side of the door, waiting for them to come out or, failing that, for one of them to do so.


Hello, I know I promised to upload two chapters but the ending took too long and not wanting to leave you another day without a chapter I decided to upload the ending in two parts. 

I hope that with the chapters that I upload tomorrow we can enter the Top and so more people can see the fic.

Thank you very much for the power stones!

I plan to include the first 5 in the top of power stones in the story of dino crisis 2.

If you are one of them tell me how you want to be introduced and how you want your character to die.

either a stylish death or a funny death, tell me in the comments. 

Give me your power stone!!!

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