
A little glimpse

(3rd Person POV)

The pressure on Toji began to increase as time passed. But it wasn't just gravity that increased, it was also the Reishi in the environment. It was slowly empowering the Chimera Hollow. He was growing more and more powerful.

The Chimera Hollow attacked Toji with fierce strikes and enthusiasm. It was fully devoted to Aizen and was only here in this world to serve him. The Hollow knew that this trap, Sōten Kyūka was supposed to be Toji's final resting place and that he was supposed to stall Toji so that he couldn't escape from it. 

But the Hollow was wrong. This trap was indeed supposed to trap Toji and the Chimera Hollow was also supposed to stall Toji so that he couldn't escape, but there was far more to it. Aizen never planned on the trap working. He counted on something else. The true purpose of the trap wasn't to imprison Toji, although it would be good if it did. Its true purpose was to stall Toji. 

That's all there was to it. Because Aizen knew that should Toji follow the group of Ichigo, then the challenges he had prepared for them would not work. Aizen was indeed a master manipulator and strategist. It was a good plan and it would work ... had something not changed from canon. One small detail was different that Aizen didn't know. An important detail.

Our boy Ichigo had changed. He was no longer just the weak boy who rushed into everything that he could. He used his head but most importantly his power. And he had grown far stronger right now. Not quite Dangai Ichigo level just yet, but he was approaching that level, Toji knew. It wouldn't take much more training for him to reach that level if he trained with him. There was still the Final Getsuga Tensho ...


The Chimera attacked Toji over and over again. Toji had no chance to retaliate or do anything. The Chimera was growing more powerful by the minute. And the most interesting thing? The trap was taking Spirit energy from Toji and saturated the air around them, which was then taken by the Chimera. 

"Cero", "Cero"

Hundreds of Cero were fired. The Hollow never ran out of energy because it was absorbing more of it constantly. 

Toji tried to dodge all attacks. He moved around the room they were in and waited for an attack to hit his position and then he would flash to another position. He did that for about 87 times and then smiled. His work was done. 

He had used the attacks from the Hollow to destroy all the surveillance devices that Aizen had planted to see the fight. He could have destroyed them by imagining it ... but where is the fun in that?

"Cero Gigante", the Hollow said and fired the biggest Cero yet. 

The Cero was so big that it filled the entire room and hit Toji with it. 


"Oh noo! The invincible Toji Fushiguro is being defeated by a mere Hollow?", he screamed. 

But then he had enough of the farce that was this fight. He blinked and the Cero ... vanished. Just like that. 

"Just kidding."

"What?!", the Hollow was confused. 

"Did 'Lord Aizen' not tell you about my powers? I am surprised that he wouldn't. But I guess a sacrificial lamb doesn't need to know such details. You see the Reishi that you have been absorbing was taken from me. And anything that has my Reis--- You know what? Nevermind. I have been telling this lie for a millennium now and I am sick of it. You will die so fuck it."

"What happened? How are you not affected by the environment?"

"Oh, but I am. It is a marvellous Kido. The gravity is already so strong that time and space are being affected in this small space. And any moment now ... it will implode."


"Ha, you see. The Kido manages to stabilise itself thanks to my Reiatsu which it absorbs. But what happens if I don't allow that to happen? The gravity is already so high that we might as well be inside a Black Hole. I don't expect Aizen to have any idea just how much Reiryoku I have. Any other Shinigami or ... anyone really, this would have already collapsed or died to the gravity and then ... it would have imploded anyway. That's the way this Kido works."

"I don't ..."

"You don't understand. Yes, I figured as much. Just now this. I am now no longer allowing my Reiatsu to be taken by the Kido, and the gravity is so high, that it will collapse in itself and the space-time we are in right now will implode and kill you."

"Me?! If I die you will as well!!"

"No. I can't imagine that happening. If anything this marvellous Kido has made me stronger. I have adapted to the monstrous forces here. I am thankful for that. Aizen is truly a smart man."

"Don't make me laugh!! There is no way you could adapt to something like that. Even I who have been feeding on your Reiatsu to grow stronger have difficulty, there is no way that you would survive this!", the Hollow screamed.




"Then let me show you, just how much of a gap there is between us.", Toji said in a very low voice. He was now serious. No more playing around. He reached out with his right hand, with his palm facing upwards. 

Nothing was visible for a moment but then ... a small black swirling orb began to form on top of his hand and it grew bigger. The swirling mass of gravitational and other forces as well as Reishi in its purest form formed a ball of blackness with Toji held there. 

It began to affect the surroundings and after a few seconds, the Hollow saw the entire world get twisted by the basketball-sized ball of destruction.


"Do you see?", Toji asked in a low voice, "this is what it looks like when I don't control my power. I am surrounded by paper and this is what happens when I take the paper and fold it together to form a ball out of it."

Toji's voice sounded menacing and somehow ... far away. Like the sound wasn't supposed to reach the Hollow. Toji spoke slowly and clearly about what was happening. And then ... he dropped the final bomb.

"What you are experiencing right now, is gravitational forces of such magnitude, that it bends space-time. And it does that so much, that what you are experiencing is slowing down more and more. Until what you experience is so slow that your perception is lagging behind mine."

"Wh-what ... d-does that m-mean?"

"Don't you understand? You are already dead. This is just you experiencing it that slow."


"I can't imagine ... the pain you must feel ... getting ripped apart slowly as your perception slows down more and more..."




- Back in Hueco Mundo -

Toji looked at the small ball in his hands and then tapped it slightly, making it disappear. He didn't smile or laugh. He enjoyed this small demonstration but he understood just how far beyond this part of Bleach he was. Unless he fought Yhwach, he doesn't see himself ever being challenged. And even then ... there wasn't much hope. 

That was why he went to another Universe to have some fun. And Beerus was one such guy he could enjoy fighting. He wasn't that powerful ... yet. So since he was here, he was enjoying himself and that was what he would do. 

Toji left the giant hole he had created and searched for Ichigo's and the other's Reiatsu. He could feel that time had passed faster here than inside the prison. That was to be expected with the way space-time was bent. But it didn't matter to him. He could also see that Ichigo was kicking ass. 



(Toji POV)

I unsheathed my Zanpakuto. It was time to get going and join the others.

"Shape the world, Jūtai no Utagaki!"

I release my Zanpakuto and then slash the air in front of me. Reality begins to shift and transform. All the damage done is slowly repaired as if it never happened. Sand begins to fill the hole and a platform forms underneath my feet. 

Slowly more and more sand fills the hole and my platform rises. It doesn't take long until I am above ground again and leave no sign of my fight. 

I can feel Ichigo fighting Ulquiorra right now. So he has defeated Grimmjow ... that's good. I would be very disappointed in him if he didn't. 

I can also feel Yammi fighting against Uryu and Chad. But the Captains are there as well so the scene will change soon. I think it is better to go to have a look at Orihime. She was quite traumatised by Ichigo's Hollow form in Bankai.


I arrive at the battlefield of Yammi vs. Rukia, Renji and Chad. 

I witnessed Chad punching Yammi with his 'El Muerte'. But as the smoke dissipates, you can see that it did absolutely nothing. 

"You guys are trash, after all.", Yammi taunts.

"Damn monster ...", Rukia remarks.

"What's the matter? Is that all you've got?"

"Shut up! The real battle starts now!", Renji says and jumps into the air. He then activates his Bankai.

"Bankai! Hihio Zabimaru!"

"No matter how many times you try, it's useless!", Yammi screams and punches the incoming Zabimaru, shattering the pieces around. 

"This is lame ..."

The pieces however begin to emit energy and connect again, effectively trying to bind Yammi in place to give the other two time for attacks.

"Dance! Sodenoshirayuki!", Rukia says, "Tsuginomai Hakuren!"

"Brazo Derecho del Gigante.", Sado says.

Both of their attacks shoot towards Yammi ... but they don't meet their target as Yammi emits a powerful Reiatsu, which shields him from the attacks and cancels them out.

The three of them are pushed back and watch in disbelief as Yammi is not even scratched. Then the brute prepares a Cero.


The Cero hits but the three manage to dodge it. Understanding that Yammi is not fast in his current form, the plan is to use that to confuse the Hollow. They use Flash Step over and over again, flashing around him and making him angry.

Chad then blows a lot of sand in Yammi's face. Using this chance, Renji attacks Yammi from behind. That doesn't work however as Yammi grabs Zabimaru and then punches Renji hard. The Lieutenant of Squad 6 flies away and collides with one of the stone pillars. 

I can feel the fight would go on but someone is already wrapping up his fight with another Hollow, above Las Noches. Ichigo is about to come down and help this useless bunch out. 



(Ichigo POV)

This fight ... it's not what I expected to happen. I thought I would have to go beyond my limits and defeat him with everything I had. And while that is true ... it's not difficult. I didn't have to go beyond my limits. Ulquiorra's Secunda Etapa ... was not difficult to fight against. I have become stronger.

Toji ... that is all your doing. If I hadn't gone through that torture, I would never be this strong. 

<Of course you wouldn't idiot King. He made us stronger and now we can just play with this Hollow. Look at him trying to understand how got so much in the matter of one day. Hahahahaha>

Zangetsu ... don't distract me!

<Oh? Do you think are better than me? Don't understand what Toji taught you?>

Of course, I understand. I know that you are my power ... I am no longer afraid of my own power. Toji was right. It is beyond embarrassing to be afraid of his power. But I still don't want to think of this Hollow as nothing more than an enemy that I have to defeat. I can see the questions in his eyes, the loneliness. 

<You with your desire to figure things out. He is fighting us because Aizen told him to. And he will not stop until or you are dead. That's all that matters at this moment.>

Ha, I guess you're right. 

"Stop ignoring me, Ichigo Kurosaki. Take this fight seriously.", Ulquiorra says and fires another Lanza del Relámpago at me. 

I dodge and grab the lance with my bare hands. Ulquiorra's eyes widen in surprise. I turn mid-air and then fire it back at him. 

