
The White Line 

The Blind Commander hoped to get back into the fight with his leaps, but his opponent was ready for it.

Moreover, Adam wasn't going to let The Blind Commander back onto the platform, he was going to win right here and now.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The crimson energy flowed through his body, while purple flames ran through the two rings.

Neither Silvana, nor Blind Commander, knew what Adam's new Nexus was about, what its rings possessed, yet it was no great secret to the Evolution Tree.

[Oh... The crimson rings bring destructive power to your hands.... but... things are a little different now... isn't it?] 


Adam's eyes sparkled as his hands headed forward directly towards the Blind Commander who was still in the air.

He aimed to grab the Blind Commander's legs, but at the last moment, the Blind Commander created a wall of ice between them, not to protect himself but to use it as a base for retreat.
