
Spatial Explosion (Part 1)

For most creatures, losing one's head was a mortal wound, since even monsters had a brain inside the skull, at least in most cases.

However, unlike humans, each monster species had a different physique and some were able to grow a new head, while for some losing their head was not a serious problem as it was just one head among many.

The Obsidian Hydra was one of those monsters. Silvana cut off one of the three heads, the left one, but the Obsidian Hydra had two more, this time the monster wouldn't let Silvana and Abel attack without getting seriously wounded in return.

'Are you okay?' Adam asked in a calm voice, 'Considering the size of the scissors, you should have spent a lot of energy.'

Silvana stepped forward, holding her massive scissors firmly in one hand.

"Don't worry about me. Rather tell me what Obsidian Hydra's weakness is?"

In response, Adam shrugged nonchalantly.
