
chapter 15 : The Fearless Young Man

After two days, they arrived in New Gift and they saw the small forest made up of large mutated fruit trees and large black deer were already visible in the distance.

 Robert: Seven Hells ! I've never seen trees like this and...how deer can be bo big ?! They look fierce ! 

 Jon: That's right majesty, hunting these beasts does not require long stalks, they don't fear humans much weaker than them, even with weapons. The arrows don't really do much to them either and if they spot you they will charge at you.

 Robert: Alright, we'll set up camp here. These are deer worthy of the emblem of my house, if you capture one alive then you will be rewarded. What do you say, little captain.

 Jon: I refuse.


 Ned: (massages his beard in embarrassment)

 Robert: Do you refuse? Do you know that it is a Crime to say "no" to your king ?

 Jon: I refuse Majesty and by your own decree, this is an independent territory here, your crown has no power in these lands. These animals are gifts from the old gods for safekeeping and we reverently hunt them to eat, I will not allow any of them to be taken captive.

 A silence reigned and Jon looked the king in the eyes without even blinking.

 Ned: Jon, that's enough.

 Joffrey: Father, that loser from the Night's Watch and his people are too arrogant, we should-(interrupted)

 Robert: Shut your fucking useless mouth, you sound like your mother and her opportunist family.


 Robert: (to Jon) Normally I would have had you beheaded, boy.

 Jon: Your grace, I would not have let this happen and all your men would have died before your eyes.

 Ned: Jon, you are crossing the line, you are speaking to your king.

 Jon: We don't have a king here. All of you who come from the South have never had any regard for the Night's Watch or the North, I will not let you regard these lands as an attraction to you.

 Robert's look definitely changed and Ned knew something bad was definitely going to happen when a group of horsemen came towards them with a terribly tall man at their head, it was Gregor Clegane.

They stopped this tension to watch them arrive and Robert turned to Tywin.

 Robert: May I know what your crazy dog ​​is doing here ?!

 Tywin: He was late when I arrived at Winterfell, the young captain mentioned that these animals were very dangerous so I thought about our safety.

 Gregor came and didn't even deny bowing to the king before looking at his brother with a certain contempt then his gaze landed on Jon.

The mountain was a brutal man, hungry for violence who had heard about Jon and his exploits for a little too long in addition to the orders he had received from Tywin.

 Gregor: (to Jon) You must be the little dog of the North that everyone talks about, the so-called best fighter in the kingdom. You're even smaller than I imagined and you even look like a woman, I know some of my men would pay for a night with a petite beauty like you.


 Gregor: Are you mute?

 Jon: Clegane, your house is represented by a dog isn't it ? Have you ever seen a meeting between a wolf and a dog? The dog barks a lot, he even barks a little too much but it ends very badly for him. I don't have time to waste on an out-of-control dog covered in fleas.

 Sandor: Ahahahahahah.

 Joffrey: Father, I want to see a duel between them. I want to see the arrogant captain of the Night's Watch tremble before Ser Gregor.

 Jon: I'm not a fan of violence and I hate fighting, I usually leave that to my men for those who want to challenge me.

 Gregor: I promise not to kill you but just break a few bones.

 Tyrion: This kind of duel has no point.

 Tywin: Stay out of this Tyrion, why you're here is already a mystery.


 Ned: I agree with him, there would be no point .

 Robert: However, your son badly needs a lesson in humility and knowing his place. I demand a friendly duel between you two and no blow will be fatal for either of you.

 "AHAHAH, finally..." Gregor chuckled in delight as he dismounted his horse, unhooking his sword.


 Tywin: You are speaking to your king, Lord Stark.

 Ned: EXACTLY!! (to Robert) Jon is a captain of the Night's Watch and he is not under the authority of the crown, forcing him to this duel is not part of his duties as a sworn brother. Furthermore, we are in the lands of the Watch, independent lands where only the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch has full authority.

 Jon: It doesn't matter, I'll do it if it helps them understand who they're dealing with. 

 Ned: JON!

 Tywin looked at Jon, he had heard about the boy's intelligence but was quite disappointed in his unnecessary risk taking by accepting this duel, he didn't like Eddard Stark or the Northmen but he respected intelligent people. Now he believed that Jon out of pure pride was going to face someone much stronger than him because Gregor was the greatest killing machine in the kingdom.

 Jon calmly got off his horse as Tyrion wished him good luck and just gave him a slight smile before moving closer to Gregor.

 The mountain: The king ordered me not to kill you but I will still break some of your bones.

 Jon: Hmm, that's a pretty interesting future prospect and I'm going to do the same as you. Ser Gregor Clegane, in exactly a few seconds you will be on your knees before me crying...like a good little dog squeals.

 Gregor: (annoyed) Draw your sword.

 Jon: I only draw my sword to kill, a sword isn't a toy. Didn't they teach you that at the kennel ?

 Gregor was quick to anger, very quick even if we consider what he had done to his brother because of a toy and this last provocation from Jon who looked him in the eyes and smiled irritated him. 

 "FUCK THE KING'S ORDERS, DIE..." He screamed as he swung his sword in a diagonal slash to cut Jon from the left shoulder to the right hip but Jon gracefully dodged the large sword on the left when suddenly...


 A noise was heard as Jon punched the mountain hard at his liver and all around that area, Gregor Clegane's armor had completely distorted .

 A great silence reigned as Gregor immediately dropped his sword before dropping to his knees to double over in pain as he was in such intense pain that he couldn't hear anything and couldn't even think. as tears flowed from his eyes.

 "Looks like my prediction came true, amazing." Jon said in amusement as he looked at his fist and turned back to his horse.

 Despite all the pain, Gregor tried to grab Jon's leg from behind but he was slow, much too slow for Jon who happily sidestepped to avoid the miserable attempt.

 Jon: Is that how Southerners win? Pathetic... 

 Sandor and everyone else remained silent about what they had just seen when Jon spoke to Tywin.

 Jon: Your puppy has broken ribs, there is a doctor in Mole's Town very well equipped by the night guard, Gregor will not be well seen there because of his bad reputation but he will still be treated there.

However, if he or your men ever cause the slightest trouble there then they will be massacred by the patrollers on this side of the wall.

 Tyrion: Are they all...impressive as you?

 Jon: I trained them myself and the old gods gave them their blessings before the Weirwood trees, any of them could stew with Gregor in a duel. This is why I prefer to leave the fighting to my men, I hate violence.

 Robert: I asked your father to become my hand and he accepted. Now I ask you to join my royal guard, become its lord commander and protect your king.

 Jon: Only the Night's Watch and the North matter to me, majesty. Besides, why protect the king when I can protect the whole kingdom here ? I refuse but majesty if you can allow me some advice?

 Robert: Speak before I cut out your tongue.

 Jon: I won't let it happen. This is my advice, you need to start being a good king and not a frivolous drunkard with a crown. Before you get angry, remember that Lord Stark and many others accompanied you in a rebellion against a king called mad, a bad king. Your children will succeed you so be an example for them if you don't want the kingdom they will have after you to be miserable.

 Tywin looked at Jon with interest, a lot of interest while Robert remained silent and Ned had a surge of pride for his son.

 Robert: So you never feel fear for anyone ?

 Jon: I fear the old gods who gave me my gifts but I don't fear any man, king or not because I have the strength with me, I don't intend to hide it or hesitate to use it against whoever becomes my enemy . However, rest assured that I will not meddle in the affairs of the kingdom like the Night's Watch has always done no matter what as long as we are not attacked.

 Tywin: A cruel lack of ambition, my boy.

 Jon: It's called honor of duty, Lord Lannister. Don't they teach you that in the South? I had forgotten that your son Jaime killed the king he was supposed to protect while you and your men ransacked King's Landing, raping, killing and pillaging poor people. Real ironborn work.

 Tywin: You weren't there boy, pay close attention to-(interrupted)

 Jon: You can try to hide your wrongdoings but the facts are there. Poor Elia Martell was raped and then killed with her poor children by Gregor Clegane under your orders, it is known throughout the kingdom. The truth is in the mouths of the poor and the taverns when people complain about what they suffered that day. King Robert even thanked you handsomely for all this, your daughter queen and your son kingslayer still under the honor of the royal guard with your family more powerful than ever although now outclassed by Stark gold.

 Tyrion looked at Jon with a warmed heart, his friend was truly special.

 Ned: Jon, that's enough. I taught you honor but also respect.

 Jon: It's true, it's by his manners that you know a man and I apologize for my bad manners in front of you all, it's difficult for a man to exercise restraint when he has the gifts that I 'have. We can set up camp here.

 They set up camp and prepared for the hunting party in a rather strange atmosphere, all after Tywin sent Gregor for treatment at Mole' s Town.

Eddard tried to talk to Robert so that he would not be harsh towards Jon but Robert confided to him that on the contrary he appreciated the child, that he had "balls", strength and that strangely reminded him of Lyanna , Ned's sister.

 He confided to Ned that he would have even wanted Jon to be his son all this without restraint in front of Joffrey and it made Ned deeply uncomfortable but it was Robert's manners
