
chapter 8 : The Reach

(Three days later)

 [Oberyn's POV]

 I've never seen this or even heard of it before, this kind of performance is just inhumanly possible!

 For three days in a row, the young captain of the night guard fucked the girls I brought.

 His men played with the girls for two days but this kid picked up the other girls when they finished and the palace is completely filled with the screams and moans of fulfilled women.

 He didn't go out, only the girls went out to get food and drink or change sheets, my own daughters wanted to join him but he sharply rejected them.

 This guy was fucking almost thirty women without rest and it's lucky that there were baths inside the rooms too.

 [General POV]

 On the morning of the fourth day, Jon sat at the end of the terrace facing the sea filing his sword while his men drank wine and tasted the local produce.

 He was shirtless and his muscles despite his young age were very well defined, they didn't have much volume but they were chiseled and clearly visible.

 "In my opinion, this sword is quite sharp enough as it is…" Tyene said as he moved closer.

 Jon: Your opinion would have mattered if the blade was intended for you, no blade is sharp enough.

 Tyene: If your blade was aimed at me, it wouldn't have a chance of hitting me. The only stiff thing you could touch me with for sure is between your legs my little captain.

 Jon: I'm not interested.

 Tyene: What kind of boy are you?! Do you think you are the king of this world?

 Jon: Why? Because I'm not interested in someone? It's funny because when a woman has the same whim then everyone finds it normal but on the other hand, a man should not have the privilege of choosing according to his tastes. And know that if my blade was intended for you, it would not have sought to reach you but to kill you.

 Tyene: All right, let's do this. If you manage to beat me in a fight then I will stop harassing you but if you lose you will belong to me for days to come.

 Jon: I refuse.

 Tyene: WHAT?

 Jon: I refuse.

 Tyene: Coward! You're scared, right?!

 Jon: No, just, if you want to fight me then you'll have to beat my men.

 Tyene: It's not fair!

 Jon: Your sisters can help you with that.

 Tyene: I accept.

 "Levy, you face Tyene and her sisters for some practice." Jon said and one of his men who was eating a fig, he got up to come closer.

 "To train?! I hope you're kidding captain."Levy replied mockingly.

 Jon: Ladies, this is Levy. He is the weakest of my men in close combat because normally he excels in using the bow more than anything else. He will face all three of you and if you beat him, you will face the next one up to me.

 Obara: Isn't that too unfair for your men?

 Levy + Jon: No.

 They got into position and Jon went back to filing his sword as if nothing had happened while the other eight sworn brothers began to playfully cheer the girls against their brother who swore revenge on them later .

 The girls started by surrounding Levy who stood there watching them with amusement.

 He drew his short sword but threw it back so that it stuck in an orange tree and only used the scabbard as a non-lethal weapon.

 Nymeria: He's making fun of us!

 Tyene: He'll do it less later.

 They began to attack Levy who with malicious pleasure began to dodge their blows.

 He moved so fast that they had trouble focusing on him and it started to annoy them especially since he was the weakest among them in close combat according to Jon.

 He eventually grabbed Nymeria's whip and pulled the girl who was unable to resist the mutant's superior strength.

 Coming towards him, she drew a small blade but Levy tied the sword hand with the end of the whip then he kicked the girl's supporting leg before wrapping the whip around the neck of Nymeria to strangle her with his own whip.

 The action was fast, it went so fast in the execution of Levy's movements that the other girls could do nothing but could only react when Nymeria's own small blade in her own hand but guided by Levy in his grip stopped a few centimeters from his neck.

 "The fight ends here for you, if this was a real situation then you would be dead like this" Levy said before dodging a stab from Tyene, he grabbed her wrist and gave her an armbar to neutralize her. 

 Obara attempted a spear strike and he suddenly turned Tyene towards Obara's strike before suddenly catching the tip of the spear which almost disemboweled Tyene. Levy's speed was such that for him, time was half its normal speed.


 Levy: It's over for you, your sister would have killed you with her blow.


 Obara: That strike was for you, not my s-(interrupted)

 Levy quickly hit Obara on the side of the neck with the sheath of his sword as she wanted to speak.

 She understood herself that she would have died there if it was her real sword but Levy's speed was too tyrannical.

 He then went to put his sword back in its sheath before returning to eat his figs under the amused looks of the others who applauded him.

 Jon stood up calmly ignoring the girls and went straight to his room. Oberyn had seen everything in the distance and his shock was not small.

 He knew the level of his daughters in combat, they were far, far from being weak and seeing them lose like that opened his eyes to the combat power of Jon and his squad, he was going to have to be very careful with them .

 Trystane, Doran's son to whom Jon had already been introduced, came to him to ask him with politeness and humility if he could also teach him to fight like his men because he admired him a lot since Jon had healed his father.

 He gave a smile before accepting, the child had a very good attitude. He ended up making the child a host for his nanites too.

 On the sixth day, in one of the pools, Jon and Tyene were fucking with the young woman's legs around Jon's hips who was kissing her passionately .

 He had decided to give her a chance and he had not been disappointed, Oberyn's daughter was an exceptional lover gifted with very good flexibility and Endurance.

 They were treated to scenes of Nymeria's jealousy but she was too annoying to please Jon.

 "Please stay...stay with me..." Tyene asked pleadingly to Jon who explained that he had a duty to his new family and that he belonged there.

 The little serpent of Dorne had finally fallen in love with the young Wolf and the separation was going to be unbearable for her because it was the first time she had felt this kind of thing.

 They enjoyed the last 4 days together as a young couple, 4 days during which Tyene almost went crazy in bed each time with one orgasm after another because of Jon.


 Once again, Jon was sharpening his blade when Doran came to him with Oberyn.

 Doran: My young friend, there are 1200 men and boys from Dorne, volunteers or convicts, who will all join the Night's Watch. We have equipped ships loaded with what is needed to transport you to the shores of Oldtown where you will find a way to go up the king's road.

 Jon: Your generosity will not be forgotten, prince. 1200 recruits is an incredible number for us.

 Doran: No, you have no idea what you did for Dorne by healing me. You'll always be welcome here.

 Jon thanked Doran and shook D'Oberyn's hand before kissing Tyene goodbye and going to inspect the ships loaded with his recruits before boarding and leaving the shores of Dorne with his men and their horses.

 They landed in Oldtown and Jon already had his nanites in each of the recruits thanks to the water they drank in the ships during the trip.

 They were now in Reach territory and the old city was an extremely populated place and certainly rich in orphans or willing prisoners.

 This time he left his brothers in charge and left them gold, lots of gold to ensure the recruits were well-nourished so they would know that the Night's Watch would take care of them.

 Jon told them that he would only have a few days and that if they had finished recruiting, they could wait for him near Roseroad.

 He had a plan to curry favor with the crown and Jon had to start so he left with Levy.

 The 6 days before their arrival, disturbing news had begun to shake the Reach as a band of murderous raiders had begun attacking and robbing the rich of the territory.

 Rumor has it they were a little over their twenties, very organized, fast, and excellent fighters.

 People didn't know where they came from but apparently, they called themselves the "vultures" but obviously, they were just bandits that Jon controlled after having mutated them long before going to Dorne.

 The wealthier houses had increased their security and two weeks passed until at Highgarden, one evening while the Tyrells were dining, a noise was heard outside and immediately the room fell into disquiet.

 Olenna: What is this noise outside?

 Mace: Maybe an argument between the guards, nothing more. Let's eat, let's eat.

 Loras: Maybe I should go and see, father has placed all the guards outside and there is no one to send here.

 Margaery: It was a very bad idea father.

 Mace: I did it for our safety, with these vultures pillaging and killing we need to maximize the guards outside to prevent anyone from coming in to pillage us.

 Olenna: And if they manage to sneak up here for us, where will the guards who are supposed to protect us be if they aren't ready for us to do so?


 Olenna: You are an idiot my son and-(interrupted)

 There were a few cries of pain and panic definitely took over the place. Loras stood up and grabbed his sword to go see when, opening the door, he was sent to the ground by a frontal kick to the chest.

 The Tyrells immediately stood up with concern to see a tall, bald man enter the room with a big smile in dire need of clean teeth.

 "Good evening, good evening to all lords and ladies of great fortune. I am Randhall from Iron Islands and I command the prestigious band of raiders the Vultures.

We have heard a lot about the rich territories of the Reach and especially about the rich House Tyrell who governs these lands with prosperity…" He introduced himself with a smile.


 Poor Mace screamed as an arrow lodged in his thigh as he fell to the ground, his wife Alerie and two children rushing to him in worry.

 [The entities]

 Death: What a fool!

 Eternity: What an idiot!!

 Reality: This version of Jon is really far from the one in the series, he seems to like manipulation.

 Eternity: I find him better, he knows very clearly what he wants and What he's worth . I just hope he doesn't end up with Daenerys. I didn't like this character.

 Death: I thought I was the only one...

 Reality: Why?! She fought to have what she has... No, wait... Forget it.

 Eternity: She fought?! This girl is immune to fire, three Dragon eggs came to her and all the men next to her fought for her beautiful eyes.

 Death: THANK YOU DEAR SISTER! What are the Targaryens without their dragons?! Why is Daenerys immune to fire? Plus the end showed that she didn't have the mental strength to face all that, she went crazy!!

 Eternity: Okay, Missandei's death is a terrible tragedy but from there to burning all these people!!

 Death: She clearly wouldn't have had the strength to endure what Jon or Arya experienced...or even Theon. Imagine that she had been taken captive by Ramsay like him.

 Eternity: AHAHAH, you are evil.

 Death: No, I am Death.

 Eternity: Moron.

 Fact: At the same time, the people she burned in King's Landing were the same people who cheered for Ned Stark's execution...The crowd didn't know the truth but they cheered anyway...




 Death: Let them all die.

 Eternity: May they burn forever.
