
Chapter 10

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"I feel like this won't be the last time I'll see him."


A loud knocking could be heard throughout the confines of Kim Bora's humble apartment. Kim heard the knocking and got up from bed very irritated at having his sleep interrupted.

"Argh! Everything is so bright..." he whined when he opened his eyes to get up from his bed. He peaked one eye open and sorted through his item storage for his sunglasses not realizing it was the glasses specially made to counteract the bright light from his light grenades.

Pulling them out and putting them on noticing an immediate difference in perception."Weird... I might have to go to an ophthalmologist soon," he muttered to himself. His vision was different it was seeing the through the lens of a thermal sensor. It was definitely off putting, but he could work with it for now.

"Alright! I'm up, I'm up!" he grumbled angrily.

He was wearing a light blue shirt with black sweatpants and matching black slippers to move across the apartment room.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door so early?" he yawned whilst walking to the door to greet the annoying visitor.

"I see you still can't knock on doors properly, Kil Mi young," the man wearing sunglasses commented on his oddly dressed landlord. "What are you doing here so early anyway?" he continued.

She was wearing her favorite sunshine yellow dress, that went up to her thighs, with a pink sweater and red laced up flat pumps.

"Early? Dude, it's 12 o'clock," Mi young said, but Kim just rose a brow and said, "It's still too early," he looked at her with a deadpan expression behind his glasses.

"Whatever! I'm just here to say that you're dad was here yesterday. He wanted to check on you after you were discharged from the hospital," she explained with a wave of her hand as she made her way into the apartment.

He let out a small smile at the information, "Really? That's cool," Kim said being nonchalant as he closed the door and walked to the kitchen. Him and his parents had an argument and that left them on strained terms especially with his mother. But that didn't mean he hated them or anything its just that he wanted to carve his own path in this world. Something he feels that his mother understands but is too prideful to admit.

"Yeah... He was pretty cool even offered to pay your rent when I told you were behind on it," she said with arms leaning on the counter. Kim had his back turned to her so Mi young didn't see his face cringe visibly at that piece of information. "What did you say?" he asked cautiously. "I took the money of course since it looks like you won't be paying up anytime soon!" she answered pointing an accusing finger on the hunter's back.

This caused him to cringe even more. He didn't like his father doing all that but he supposed it freed up his plans for the day.

Mi young paused for a moment and rose a brow while looking Kim up and down with her hazelnut eyes.

"What?" he asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Have you been working out?" she questioned him on his very visible physical changes, because she didn't remember him being that tall or being that toned.

"Yep," he answered putting his arm out to show off his muscles.

"Also what's up with the sunglasses? You're indoors, it's not that bright in your room," she commented on the strangeness of the accessory on his face.

"Oh! Uh... I got contacts yesterday, because my eyesight got really bad so everything is really bright right now. Probably from all the magic in the gates," he lied smoothly with a small laugh under his breath.

"Makes sense I guess. Do men your age even still grow taller, I swear you were shorter a few weeks ago," she continued to question him with a raised brow.

"What do you want, Mi young?" he deflected the conversation away from his physical changes by approaching the very colorfully dressed woman. He stood right in front of her and tilted his head down a bit due to the height difference.

"Hey! Back up you're too close, Bora," she blushed a bit at the close proximity of the well-toned hunter. She cleared her thoart,"Here's the pay slip for the rent your dad paid up," she handed him a paper with his name on it.

Kim took a second to look at the envelope in her hands before sighing and accepting it. He nonchalantly scratched the back of his head. "If that's all you came to say then you can make your way out," he said, basically shoving his landlord out of his apartment room.





[Quest Instructions:

Daily Quest - The path to the strongest

(Complete) Running — 10/10km

(Complete) Push-ups — 100/100

(Complete) Squats — 100/100

(Complete) Sit-ups — 100/100

Warning: Failure to complete daily quest in the allocated time will result in a penalty.]





"I gained something pretty good from the random bleesed box I opened after completing my daily goals," he muttered to himself as he looked at the description of his new passive skill.




(Passive) -

Warrior's instinct

Allows for the unconscious mastery of most melee and ranged weapons.

Strength Stat (+10)]



"A plus 10 to my strength stat is always pretty dandy too," he commented happily looking at his new stats. "This also means I can use the Razor Tail... Nice!" he pulled the serrated blade from his item storage and stared to twirl it in between his fingers for a bit.



[Quest Rewards:

Choose your reward -

Reward 1. Stamina Replenishment -

Reward 2. Stat points (Accepted) +3

Reward 3. Random box (Accepted) +5

Will you accept?

Accept / Reject]



"I've gotten familiar with this regiment so I think I'll keep this reward for now," Kim put the katana away in his item storage after receiving his rewards.


"I'm still on probation with the Hunters Guild which means I won't be getting my earnings from the practice raid until the end of the month unlike full-fledged members."

For hunters their rank determined everything about them. Their income, status, talent and power. Ranks from B-rank and above are few and far between so naturally they were the most compensated for their work as hunters. Leaving D-ranks and E-ranks like himself as disposal trash compared to them.

'But now with this system I'm different, I'm special even among reawakened. Gaining strength after each battle that's something unheard of...' Kim thought to himself as he closed his crystal blue eyes.

He wanted to test just how far he could really grow with system, potentially reaching S-rank and even higher than that.

For the past fifteen minutes he had been looking for an attack force to join just he could test his potential for growth with the system.

"There has to be an attack force out there looking for members even if its someone like me," he muttered. 'Mmm,' he stopped scrolling when something interesting caught his eye.


Kim was wearing a purple, high collar, sleeveless shirt with matching gray pants and sneakers. He also had his dark sunglasses with his white hair in an unruly fashion. He was able to join an attack force that was willing to accept him and had finally arrived at dungeon site, even if a bit fashionably late.

"I hope I'm not too late. I had to schedule an appointment quickly," Kim apologized for his tardiness garnaring the attention of the man ahead of him. He wasn't too tall but had an imposing aura, one that demanded respect.

"Huh?" he uttered turning to see the unfamiliar voice addressing him. "Who the hell are you?" the striking figure said raising an eyebrow. His black eyes had a hint of violet in them with his longs bangs hanging to the right side of his face.

"My name is Kim Bora, D-rank hunter... The guy who joined last minute," Kim introduced himself awkwardly as the man grew more confused. After a few moments it seemed as if a switch had been flipped because the young man's face lit up in recognition. "Ah! You're that weak guy Song yi was talking about," he replied causing Kim's eyes to twitch behind his dark glasses because he didn't like being called weak, however, he couldn't refute such a statement because of his rank.

"Yo! Song yi, the new guy's here! Let him know what's going on so that we can start heading in... I'm done waiting around," the spiky haired man muttered that last part to himself. He jabbed a thumb out pointing out Kim before walking off and leaving the white haired man with another man of similar stature to himself.

Song yi was a shaggy orange haired man with a thin scar running vertically over his right eyebrow, he was carrying a quiver filled to the brim with arrows and a bow strapped to his back suggesting his classification of hunter being that of an archer.

"Oh, you must be the guy that entered last minute. I'm glad you could make it! Name's Kil Song yi, by the way!" the orange haired hunter said, enthusiastically offering a handshake. "Kim Bora. D-rank hunter," Kim nodded his head accepting the handshake. "Good. Don't worry too much about that brute over there he's like that with everyone. He's the captain of this raid squad and his name is Lee Min Su, the strongest C-rank hunter I know. We talked over the phone about your role here, but just to confirm I'm gonna need you to sign this contract," Song yi explained whilst handing the white haired hunter a piece of paper.

"If he is the leader shouldn't he be the one here talking to me?" Kim asked. "We don't really work like that. I'm the one that usually does all the talking while he's more effective leading in the dungeon," Song yi said giving him a charming smile.

"You said since I entered last minute I don't have to fight?" Kim asked still reading through the contract to which Song yi nodded causing the D-ranker to frown slightly.

"I've noticed that you're still short on numbers regardless of me joining. Care to explain that?" Kim rose an eyebrow with a more visible, unimpressed, frown on his face.

Song yi just smiled charmingly,"This is something we've always done and nothing has gone wrong before. You know what they say don't fix what ain't broke. Besides it's just a simple C-rank dungeon."

"Like that's supposed to reassure me..." Kim muttered under his breath deciding that harping on about the numbers wasn't worth it even if it bothered him quite a bit.

There's a rule that when entering a C-rank Gate, there must be at least be 10 or more people and at least half of them must be C-ranks. This attack force didn't reach that minimum number even with Kim joining last second.

"Do you have a healer?" Kim asked.

"Nah! It's too difficult to get those guys to join a personal attack force like ours. Like I said we've always done it this way and you'll soon see that if you have people like Min Su with you then who needs a healer," Song yi smiled in manner meant to reassure Kim, but it only made him more wary. As shown by him frowning at that little tidbit of information. An attack force of only tanks and damage dealers is not uncommon even if they were decently strong, which seemed to be the case with this group, was highly inefficient.

"It's time to go!" Lee Min Su shouted out signaling everyone to ready up faster.


"That looks pretty big. Are sure about this, Cap?"

"Yeah, it's unusual. Is this really a C-rank Gate?"

"Don't doubt the Association's measurements." Min Su told everyone simply, not at all bothered by their comments. The size of a gate didn't matter, what mattered was the magical energy flowing within. The Association determined the amount and quality of the energy and assigned a rank to it. Large Guilds like the Hunters Guild dealt with B-rank and higher ranked gates whereas lower ranks weren't that dangerous.

'That's usually the case....' Kim frowned tightening the grip he had on the straps of the bag filled to the brim with equipment.

Kil Song yi had said that since he was late this was his punishment, carrying the group's equipment like first aid kits, pick axes, shovels and other necessities.

'Basically a porter...'

"You guys better be ready, because I'm heading in," Min Su said loudly. He entered the gate with no hesitation and, after a few moments, was followed in by the rest of his party.

"Let's do this." Kim took a shaky breath as he was the last one to enter.



[Name: Kim Bora Level: 18

Title: Lynx Predator,... Fatigue: 5

Job: None

HP: 2718

MP: 1418


Strength: 37(+10)

Agility: 26 (+55)

Vitality: 26

Sense: 26 (+65)

Intelligence: 30 (+75)


Remaining Stat points: 7]


