
CH : 28 Apokoliptian Tech and End of Joker

Fuck men I can't upload this work on Patreon due to its guideline (About any work that involve insest between blood relation or from same background) So no advance chapters for scum noble work. 


A Huge Thank You to My Realmkeepers!

I want to give a massive shoutout to Matthew Badtke, KnightZ, Airam Bachiller, James Fleming, LordKad, Dragonman97, Trevor Standifer, Cédric NGOUBY, Bluebane2, Deadpool2695!, Hibu,

Luci alarri, Dex Deer, David Aderoju, isaiah man123, Vegito Blue, Benjamin Louri and Danger321456 for joining my Patreon at the Realmkeeper tier!

A Huge Thank You to VBDA and Surprise for joining my Patreon at the Early Adventurer.

Much love and appreciation.


Dashing across the rooftops, I followed along silently as I tracked them back to their secret base. The secret chase took me ten minutes, but I wasn't going to complain. The Hunt was enjoyable, and I was going to enjoy getting my prize tonight. Taking up my position on the rooftop, I sent down a bug to latch onto the window to pick up the sonics. This way, I could listen in and know what was happening.

I waited and listened, and I was a little distracted by how weird it was to walk with vibranium laced soles. No sound nor bump escaped from my steps, and it was something new I had to get used to. Putting those thoughts out of my mind, I focused on what was happening before me. The guys that got away from the heist had pulled into a warehouse on the bad part of town, but from what I saw through the window, I should have brought some big guns.

Down below were more than thirty people with high tech laser weapons with what I could only guess what I was here for. The other set of technology that the InterGang was using had to have come from Apocalypse, and that gave me both the good and the bad vibes. The big bald guy in the center pulled out exactly what I wanted. There was no way I was going to miss the Mother Box, well that, and he summoned a Boom Tube not ten feet away from him.

From the roof, I watched the gang go from the warehouse and through the Boom Tube and back again. With the Bald ones back towards me, I struck down on them as swift as lightning. The glass beneath my feet didn't stand to my telekinetic push as I forced my way inside the warehouse. The Mother Box that was in my line of sight was pulled into my hands, I then placed it on my magnetic belt clip. I wanted to fly back out and leave, but my hunger for their tech and knowledge couldn't stay bottled up inside. The grin on my face was hidden within my helmet, but that didn't stop me from giving out the vibes of a hunter. My HUD zooms in on the scarred face of the man before me; the fear on his face triggered my primal instinct to act.

In the middle of my yank, the Bald man pulled on a tab that connected to his jacket. The jacket burst forth with nano-tech, Apocalypse nano-tech, and he was ready to play. My eyes widened as a red laser beam came out of the chest cannon that was currently aimed at me. Throwing my hands before me, a shield manifested to block the beam of energy. This cause the energy to knock me into the wall of the warehouse. There was no shock, there was no jarring, but that didn't mean the sudden impact didn't shake me for a moment.

"Well, well lookie here another wanna be hero," The bald man said as he looked at me from his position.

There was nothing to say between us, I had the Mother Box, and I wanted whatever knowledge that was in his head, but I will enjoy my hunt first. Out of the sheaths on my back, daggers were released, and I had them moving to my telekinetic commands.

Three daggers launched from over my head while two were launched off from my left side. I dashed to the right to get out of the way from another cannon blast. Out of the Boom tube came more of the InterGang, and I wasn't going to have any of this shit today. With a twitch of my finger, the shield I summoned turned sideways and launched at the back up that came out of the teleportation tube.

Six people were instantly cut down, and some of the others were able to jump out of the way. Flying over the crates, I grabbed one person with my telekinesis and launched him at the Bald guy with the cannon on his chest aimed at me. I could have done this the easy way and just took the knowledge while I was on the roofs, but I needed actual battle experience, so I wasn't going to skip out on this opportunity.

I sent more bodies flying around me as I watched my daggers hit upon a shield that flared around the body of the bald man. The only thing I would think besides interesting was that I want that shield generation technology. My HUD was cataloging and analyzing everything within sight while I was also making my own plans and how I wanted to approach the battle.

Dodging around the heist truck took me out of sight from the Bald man, and I used this time to set up another attack I wanted to pull off. The daggers that got knocked back from the initial attack returned to my sides, and I launched them back out to attack the guards that took up position behind some cover.


Screams abounded when I made a leap at the bald man with my hand outstretched. The guy didn't even flinch, he pulled the trigger, and I prayed that my suit could take the punch. I took the full blast force so I could gather data on how vibranium would do against attacks in the DC universe. Gritting my teeth, I took the full force as I held myself in the air. The suit took the hit, and my HUD showed slight heating on the outside surfaces, the eye ports cracked, and I made a note to myself to upgrade the recipe on glass or maybe find something to replace it with.

The cannon blast tapered off before I lowered myself back to the ground.

"Doom, has deemed your efforts of defending your territory worthy," I said before grabbing the bald man in my telekinetic grip and pulling him to face me.

The bald man screamed and struggled, but I refused to release my grip on him. The shield that protected his body flared and kept my grip at bay, but that only increased my interest in the device even more.

"Shhh, there is no need to scream," I said as I tapped on the bald man's forehead. "You should be honored that Doom has taken an interest in one such as yourself."

The wad of spit never made it to my helmeted face. Pulling the man forward, I had him splatter himself, and then my anger flared. My gloved hand gripped onto the head of the man before me, and I yanked the information that I wanted out of his head. There was no care to go easy, nor was there a need to be kind about it. This was an enemy, and he had what I wanted, and Doom shall have what he wants.

Within seconds I went over and assimilated the knowledge that I wanted. With a smile on my face, I forced the bald man to turn off the shield that was placed on his belt. With the shield off, I took the belt into my hands and read the glyphs in Apokoliptian on the side. With a nod, I tossed the body of the bald man aside now that I was finished playing with my food. Pulling up my wrist communicator, I sent out a message to Waylon to come and make a pick-up.

With that message sent, I pulled up the Mother Box and closed the Boom Tube that was still open. With my biggest concern out of the way, I went along and did my plundering. There were a lot of alien computer components that I wasn't going to leave and some weapons that were also going with Waylon. Everything that didn't pick up my interest was destroyed, but the good stuff I had placed aside and prepared for shipment. Floating up into the middle of the warehouse, I folded my legs for meditation and released my telekinetic control, and everything came under my command.

Hundreds of different components came alive and did my bidding. This was all considered practice by me for future plans. There was no backing down now, and not too long after I sorted the things that were going with Waylon, I received another message that placed a smile on my face. This night was getting better and better.

[Joker is located at the chuckle palace. - Ivy]

That message was all I needed to make my night even better.

[I'm around back.-Waylon]

With a quick mental command, all of the floating weaponry that I had no need for warped and lowered back to the ground. With the rest out of the way, I floated myself and the items that I deemed worthy towards the back garage door. The back door went up, and I was greeted by a large black man staring me down.

"Really, I didn't make that hologram-watch for you to use it as a crutch," I said as I floated the box out into the back of the pickup truck. "It's so you can blend until the serum is complete."

Waylon shrugged before looking me up and down, "It's just good not to have people run away from me scared, you know."

"I understand," I replied as I helped the big man tie down the items in the bed of the truck. It took fifteen minutes of hard work to get everything strapped and set before Waylon was ready to go back to the house.

"I have something else to take care of big-man. I'll see you back at the house." I said as I gave Waylon a nod and closed down the garage. Without looking back, I floated above the roofline and made my way towards Gotham in haste. At the start of all this, my plan was to cure the Joker, but things have changed.

One of the things I did during my research time was to see what the villains have been up to before I came. It was one thing to read the comics, and it was another to be a part of the world. One of my conclusions was that Jack Napier had to die. There was no if's and's or's but's about it. I wanted him alive for some sick justice to be done, but that was the geek inside me and not something that a Doom would do.

So, I put aside my feelings on the matter and went after my prey.


Chuckle Palace….

It took a twenty-minute flight over the bay, but I had to take my time because I knew that Batman had all kinds of sensors rigged around Gotham. There would be no other way for him to know someone was in his city if he didn't have some type of detection systems set up for alerts. So I took my time, and while I flew, I talked to Ivy, and my decision for Harley was solidified.

So here I was sitting on top of the Chuckle Palace waiting.


There was a laugh that used to make me chuckle, but now I had to accept that it was from a horrible man. There was a flash of pain, and I waited no longer. I descended on the Chuckle Palace with a vengeance. The wall was blown into the air like so much confetti because Doom would not be denied. There was no stalling; there was only action.

The halls were filled with grime and glass, cobwebs, and dust. It was all kinds of nasty within the old Chuckle Palace, and no one had taken down any of the clowns. None of that was paid any attention though; I forced my way through everything before me until I came to a room and found the duo.

The Joker sat there in his chair laughing at Harley on the ground, and from the smudged bruise on her face, I knew what it was from. The Joker had a crazed wild grin on his face, the suit he wore was purple and damaged, his hair was green and bright while his skin was white in contrast to his stained yellow teeth. Harley Quinn on the ground was something else, though.

Harley wore a set of booty shorts in her iconic colors of red and back paired with a set of fishnets that covered her legs with boots on her feet that had the same color. Even from my location, I could tell she was a shapely woman, but this wasn't the time to get swayed with my feelings over the female gender. The corset that she wore hugged her chest but was also in the same color scheme as her leggings, which also matched the hair. On her face was blurred makeup.

"Ya!" Harley squeaked as I pulled her towards me with my telekinesis. Now she was outside the reach of the Joker, and even though the night was late, things were just starting. "Who are you?"

"There will be no more Joker, there will only be Doom," I said as I traced my index finger from under her chin so I could take a better look at her face. "And you my dear, are now my Harley Quinn."

And without further preamble, I laid a blazing kiss on the dame within my arms. Harley was flushed, but the dazed look with the wide smile on her face said all that I needed to know.


The Joker fired a gun, and the bullet froze in the air before us, no the bullet was frozen in the air right before my face.

"Not fair, not fair." The Joker ranted as he stomped his feet where he stood.

With an arm outstretched, it was time to clear up a little karma.

"Doom believes that Ms. Quinzel is spoken for and is now free for your debasement," I said as I had Joker suspended in the air. Slowly my hands curled into a fist.

"No, no, no, that's my pudding, put him down," Harley yelled as she struggled in my arms. With a quick mental flex, I placed Harleyh asleep so she would not witness what happened next.

Before things could get out of hand, Harley was locked in position at my side as I looked at her. This would be a step in the way to a brighter future for her. There was also no way I was going to share with Joker or anyone even if it's a true god. The Joker yelled and laughed, but I ignored him for the lady before me, then with a swift wrist jerk.


The heart of the Joker floated suspended in the air before us. The blood flew everywhere, but the shield up in front of us kept the blood from splashing onto us. The heart floated for a moment, and the Joker's hand extended for the retrival, but I crush that last moment of hope that I noticed in the Joker's eyes when I crushed his heart.


Thanks, you can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon.


Thanks, you can read up to 20 chapters ahead on my Patreon.


GodOfGreedAscreators' thoughts