
Chapter 22

A few days later after Clark went off to meet with Virgil Swann, Leonardo was alone in the storm cellar late at night. Clark was snoozing off as he scared himself into a near panic attack the night he returned from visiting Virgil Swann. For he read a message left inside the ship.

"On this third planet from this star Sol, you will be a god among men. They are a flawed race. Rule them with strength, my son. That is where your greatness lies." Leonardo said. "Why in the world would you present a message like that to him, Jor-El? Clark is a brash teenager who has been taught not to use his brain half the time in order to blend in easier."

"It is my wish for my son to be the best he can and hope to lead this world to a better end then Krypton." Jor-El's voice said as the ship floated.

"Did you know many versions of your son across the multiverse, did just that, becoming a beacon of Hope. Even when he is just a comic book character." Leonardo said softly. "I agree that training needs to be done, but Clark's not ready. He is near paranoid about being some conqueror and thinks you sent him to rule over the planet like some tyrant."

"He may not be ready, but the forces that threaten this planet won't care." Jor-El stated. "They won't allow him to grow up and develop into the hero we see before they begin their assault."

"I agree, but that's the issue. Clark has developed such a bad inferiority complex and is beginning to despise Kryptonians and you. He thinks if he were human he wouldn't have as many issues and can get the girl that is truthfully stunting his mental maturity at the moment." Leonarod complained.

"Kal-El's future is far greater than tucked away on a farm." Jor-El said. "Only he can face the threats that are coming. Well, you too, my son."

"Yeah, it is. However, at the moment, he can't see past his own desire for a girl who just wants to string him along." Leonardo sighed. "The girl has her claws so deep in him, unless she gives the ok, he seems near incapable of doing anything else. She grounds him and makes him feel terrible if he does something outside of her control."

Leonardo looked at the ship that remained silent while he pinched the bridge of his nose. "He can't even hover because of her. He says he loves her, but he loves the image he built up and not the actual ambitious and devious girl she is."

"As far as I know, my son, not even you can hover at the moment." Jor-El spoked.

"Low blow, Jor-El." Leonardo mumbled.

"Now, what has brought you to me, my son." Jor-El asked.

Stretching his arms as he pushed himself off the wooden steps. Leonardo took a moment before he began to talk.

"Well, the first reason was indeed to rant about teenagers with love sick brains, the second one is getting my own body." Leonardo said. "It is really boring sleeping or trying to navigate Kal's impulse thoughts. Many of which he fails to learn there are consequences to his actions or in self loathing and self blames for things outside his control or knowledge."

"It is not time yet." Jor-El began. "There is much for both of you to learn yet."

Leonardo sighed as he guessed that A.I. Jor-El would say that. Which just bummed him out, but he decided to be more patient. So he decided to move onto something more interesting in his opinion.

"Well, you hold the database for all the knowledge on Krypton right?" Leonardo asked.

"I only hold a small bit of information, for the ship is unable to run this A.I. at full capacity and only store not even a percent of Krypton Knowledge." Jor-El replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, since I got nothing to do, I might have learned something. So, does this database include knowledge of pleasing the female sex?"

"A tiny bit. In order to have full access the Fortress of Knowledge is required." Jor-El stated.

"Well, it's better than nothing. So let's begin." Leonardo grinned, since everyone had their hobbies and this happens to be his.

For the rest of the night, Leonardo studied under Jor-El and boy did he learn a lot. While most was scientific in what he learned, females might as well call him God of Pleasure. Which made him laugh to himself.


Later, during the day after a rough morning since Clark's reaction to Leonardo's gift. Which just made Clark stutter and even more embarrassed as Leonardo got a kick out of it when Martha came to wake Clark up. For he drew and put up a poster size picture of a pretty woman with clothes falling off her body while displaying a nice size chest.

Which led Leonardo getting a talking-to saying he was a bad influence, yet the poster was left up since Jonathan found it a bit funny. He was told not to do that again, which made him a bit disappointed. It's not like he was posting them up all around the house, and just adding a bit of his flavor to Clark's room.

Now, after having lunch, Leonardo was chatting with Clark as they did some light chores.

'So Lana didn't want to sell Whitney horse that is on death's door, so you take it in making your family pay its medical bills. While Chloe tends to overreact, she is right, you are brainless when it comes to Lana.' Leonardo said to Clark.

'I just don't like seeing her sad.' Clark retorted, petting said horse.

'You don't like seeing anyone sad, Clark.' Leonardo shot back.

'Is that a bad thing?' Clark asked.

'Depends on the situation, Clark. If anything, the horse probably should be put down if it is on its last legs if our x-rays are correct. My guess is a few days tops and that being generous.' Leonardo said.

'Is there anything we can do?' Clark rubbed the Horse head.

'Well, unless you want to try and read hundreds of medical books and research notes, not to mention master the skills veterinarians study over their eight years of schooling. Then go ahead and give it a try.' Leonardo held no hope for this cause. 'Even then all we would do is extend it suffering. Though the choice is yours, since I didn't make a choice on my dog that was on her last legs as cancer spread through her body.'

'Your probably right.' Clark said. 'It is always sad when it comes to putting them down.'

'It heartbreaking, not to mention telling the brunette.' Leonardo started already feeling a headache.

Clark flinched at the thought as he too could already feel how that would go over. Not to mention the blame she would inflict on him, since in less than a day of giving him the horse. They were already planning to put the poor guy down.

'Lana should be able to understand right?' Clark asked.

Later that night, after the veterinarian gave a similar diagnostic that Clark and Leonardo determined in the morning. Jonathan and Clark looked at each other before they gave the go ahead and put the poor horse down as it was cheaper to put down then trying to cure or extend it suffering for even a few days.


While stopping by the Talon the next day to pick up some coffee for Martha and Jonathan. Leonardo didn't expect to have coffee thrown at him alongside a tray with cups on it. So having his shirt and coat drenched in three different half drank coffee as well half eaten cake. Leonardo's mood dropped dramatically.

"How can you do that! I gave you Whitney Horse to take care of, not to be put down." Lana screamed.

Using his hand, Leonardo pushed the large piece of cake sticking to him off to the floor. He glared at her for ruining a set of clothes. Since it was a nice shirt, even if it was plaid, it was still a nice shirt and brand new.

"The horse had a few days at most and it was cheaper to put down. Unlike what you might think, just the medicine and drugs to extend its life for a few days. It would have bankrupted my family within three days." Leonardo explained.

"Still you should have told me!" Lana accused. "Now leave as I have the right to refuse service."

Thanks for Reading.

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