


That was what most people called Yejun during his active days as a Hunter.

It was because he had never been physically attracted to any of his Guides before.

Or to any other person, for that matter.

Even the Winter Guild's A-Class Guide, the one who gained the nickname 'Nation's Goddess,' didn't have an effect on him. It was the same towards Ahn Kisoo and Park Ruda– two of the most attractive Guides in Korea (pre-Wonhee, of course).

But Wonhee…


[I can't believe I got turned on just because of a tongue-less kiss…!]

In Yejun's defense, he couldn't help it.

[Wonhee is just so… soft… and she smells really nice…]

Yejun punched the water in the indoor pool where he was currently soaked.

It created ripples, and then the water quickly froze.
