
(XXIV) Water Dungeon

Samael crossed his legs as he plummeted into the cold water, sinking rapidly as he dove into the river. He opened his eyes, looking around briefly before he located the glowing portal, and started swimming toward it. 

At first, he struggled with the current of the river, but as he approached the portal, it became easier until he started being pulled in by the suction. In the next moment, he experienced the dysphoria as he traveled through, entering the Dungeon.

He coughed as he gasped for breath after being expelled from the water and landing on the hard, cold stone ground. He groaned as he slowly stood, soaking wet as water dripped off his clothes, and looked around at the small cave room he found himself in. 

The room was small, with one entrance in front of him and a ledge leading to a small pool of water behind him. He cautiously exited the room, entering the tunnel and peeking around the corner. 

He pressed his hand against the damp wall of the tunnel, not seeing any monsters patrolling. Despite not seeing any torches or light sources, the young man could still easily see down the tunnels as he slowly crept through the winding path. 

Water dripped down from stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the tunnel as Sam continued along the straightforward path. He fought the eerie feeling in the back of his mind as he had walked for a long time and had yet to encounter any enemies or branching paths. 

Soon, he dropped his guard and increased his pace, annoyed with the lack of engagement in the Dungeon. Even in his past life, he had never heard of any Dungeons like this one.

At first, he strolled through the tunnels before increasing his pace and powerwalking but soon found himself jogging; then later, he started sprinting through the tunnels before he activated [Quasineutral] and vanished with a blur. 

He dashed through the tunnels at a blinding speed, needing to use the walls as he ran on them briefly when he needed to change his direction through the winding path. 

After what felt like an eternity, he deactivated his Ability, digging his feet into the stone ground as he slowed to a halt outside of a massive double door with intricately carved metalwork fastened to the wooden panels. 

The young man reached out and placed his hand on the door as a couple windows appeared before him, obscuring his view of the door. 

╔══Congratulations on being the first Hunter to enter a naturally forming Greater Dungeon, Cave of Infinite Sorrows. More difficult challenges await you and even greater dangers.══╝

╔══Challenge: Survive for ten minutes.══╝

╔══Reward: Pouch of Infinite Tears══╝

╔══Failure: Unknown Penalty══╝

╔══The Cave of Infinite Sorrows is home to only one creature, a priestess who offended and was cursed by the Gods, transforming into a half-human, half-serpent monster.══╝

╔══Challenge: Defeat the Naga Priestess.══╝

╔══Reward: Jade Magatama Pendant of Dualism══╝

╔══Failure: Death══╝

Sam grinned at the rewards, finally confirming the location of the spatial bag he had been searching for. He didn't know what the pendant was, but he couldn't recall it from his past life. 

He pressed his palm against the door after dismissing the windows, opening it to reveal a massive water-filled room. Platforms floated on top, creating a bridge leading to a small stone island with a shrine in the middle. 

He stepped inside as a timer appeared in the corner of his vision, and the door slammed shut behind him. He grabbed the wrought iron loop handle, tugging on it to no avail. 

Sam cursed under his breath as he turned around, raising one arm up, resting his hand on the Sword of the Setting Moon's hilt, cautiously approaching the water's edge. 

The young man cautiously stepped onto the banded wood platform, feeling it creak slightly under his weight. He made his way slowly across the massive lake, his eyes scanning the water beneath him for any sign of danger.

Unknown to him, the priestess was stalking him from beneath the water, hidden from his sight. She moved with a fluid grace, her serpentine eyes fixed on Samael as she swam closer and closer. 

As he made his way across the lake, the water beneath him churned and splashed with each step; the naga continued to stalk him, waiting for the right moment to strike. Her scales glistened in the dim light, and her sharp, pointed teeth were bared in anticipation.

Samael reached the small stone island in the middle, but he didn't pause to catch his breath. He slowly approached the stone shrine in the center, looking around for the Dungeon's boss. 

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue in frustration, drawing the Sword of the Setting Moon from its sheath, swinging it horizontally, and unleashing a chilling blast of cold air. 

As Samael swung his sword and froze the water around the island, the Naga priestess screeched angrily and launched herself out of the water, her serpentine body coiling and uncoiling as she flew through the air toward him. 

Her eyes blazed with fury as she hissed at him, revealing her sharp, pointed teeth, stretching her long, taloned hands toward him. 

Samael quickly drew the Blade of the Rising Sun with his free hand, rolling to dodge the sneak attack and slashing at the priestess, launching a wave of flames at her. 

The battle for survival had begun as the Naga Priestess launched herself at him again, her body moving with a fluid grace as she tried to bite Samael with her sharp fangs. 

Samael quickly reacted, dodging her attack and swinging his swords in a wide arc, trying to strike her again, missing as the naga hissed and slithered back into the water.

The young man entered a defensive position, his eyes darting around, trying to locate the priestess as she launched herself at him again.

Samael was prepared this time, sidestepping her attack and thrusting his sword forward, aiming for her heart. The naga was quick to dodge, darting to the side and striking back with her own attack. 

Samael parried her blow with his sword, the two weapons clashing with a metallic ring against her sharp talons. The battle continued like this, with Samael and the Naga exchanging blows and dodging attacks. 

As the minutes ticked by, Samael began to tire, his movements becoming slower and less precise. The naga sensed his weakness and launched a vicious attack; her fangs bared as she tried to bite him.

Samael smirked, his body coated in electricity as he casually dodged the attack, darting around the naga with a blinding speed as he unleashed a series of shallow slashes against her highly durable scales, launching himself away and sliding backward against the stone floor. 

Sam quickly readied his swords, parrying the naga's deadly strikes with rapid fluidity. He felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought for his life against the powerful monster. 

However, he knew he could feel himself quickly running out of energy, and the naga seemed to be getting stronger with each passing moment. 

He coated his swords with plasma, twirling them around his body before launching himself forward; however, the naga unleashed a devastating roar, unleashing dark energy and sending him hurtling backward across the lake. 

He crashed into the wall, hitting the ground hard and gasping for breath as the naga rapidly swam across the water, closing in for the kill.
