
Kakitha's twisted fate

Upon hearing Adrian's question, the heels remained silent for a moment, then decided to leap onto Adrian's shoulder, as if nonchalantly declaring, "Sure, I'll take you for a stroll."

As it happened, Adrian suddenly felt a sensation in his body, akin to the excitement of winning a lottery. He felt light, as if he had just discovered a cheat code for life. The feeling was bizarre; he was convinced it wasn't boosting him physically, yet simultaneously, it unmistakably was.

'So the probability factor is taking effect I suppose?'

Sensing the change, Adrian began to stride towards the temple. He had no intention of lingering outside, waiting for his arm to heal, especially with uncertain dangers lurking in the vicinity.

The moment Adrian stepped onto the ground covered by the purple hue, he didn't just walk, he performed an unplanned, gravity-assisted nosedive into the ground.

'What the fuck?'

Summoning his inner superhero, Adrian attempted a one-armed stand-up routine, complete with a teeth-gritting performance that even his broken shoulder couldn't resist applauding—albeit with a painful round of applause.

'Supposedly riding the wave of better luck, but alas, my fortune decided to take a detour through the 'what-the-heck' zone instead. Well, isn't that just my luck— or lack thereof!'

Adrian, wobbling back to an upright position as if choreographing a dance with gravity, painstakingly retraced his steps, carefully tiptoeing outside the realm of the clumsiness zone.

As the gravitational pull decided to play by the rules again, Adrian, longing for a simple exhale of relief, found himself stuck in a cosmic comedy where even a sigh seemed to require an intergalactic permission slip, thanks to the persistent ache echoing through his left shoulder..

"Ah, my beloved high heels, what cosmic catastrophe have you unleashed upon my day this time?"

Adrian, donning a perplexed expression, shifted his gaze toward his right shoulder, where the mischievous heels perched like misbehaving pets awaiting an explanation for their latest escapade.

In Adrian's mind, he conjured an image of a girl nervously fussing with the hem of her dress, skillfully avoiding eye contact as if the fabric held the secrets to her perceived uselessness.


"Alright, it's not your fault," Adrian reassured his heels, attempting to placate the footwear with a dose of understanding. "Perhaps I've been overestimating your abilities. But, seriously, could you enlighten me on the mechanics of your mischievous operation or at least spill the tea on what went awry?" With a deep breath, Adrian aimed to decode the enigma that had just unfolded.

Despite a distinct sensation coursing through his body, Adrian couldn't help but feel like he'd just performed a cosmic switcheroo without any tangible results, leaving him to ponder if the universe had momentarily hit the snooze button on its grand plan.

Adrian's train of thought screeched to a halt when he sensed the heels attempting some form of telepathic communication. With a resigned sigh, he closed his eyes, prepared to decipher the enigmatic messages emanating from the stylish but apparently chatty heels.

"So, let me get this straight," Adrian mused aloud, addressing his heels with a hint of sarcasm. "I invest in a luck enhancement, and the cosmic joke is that my luck remains steadfastly unchanged? Talk about a real bang for my buck in the irony department."


"Easy there, don't turn all crimson on me! Are you seriously attempting to pin your own incompetence on my fabulous luck?" Adrian shouted, though his frustration spoke louder than any genuine anger, turning the scene into a comical clash between a man and his rebellious heels.

Just as Adrian geared up for the next round of banter with his enigmatic heels, the rustling of bushes nearby grabbed his attention, injecting a sudden dose of mystery into the comedic chaos.

Eyeing the source of the rustling bushes with a mix of curiosity and caution, Adrian instinctively shifted into guard mode, ready for whatever surprise the universe had decided to throw his way this time.

'I don't want to face any of those two right now.'

Yet, as Adrian had learned, his luck had an uncanny talent for consistently letting him down—much like the present moment, where disappointment seemed to be the universe's chosen theme.

As the bushes reluctantly revealed their secret, Adrian's eyes widened in recognition as he finally laid eyes on the mysterious figure behind the rustling foliage.

Adrian's eyes narrowed as he recognized the creature emerging from the bushes – the same enigmatic being that had previously shot an arrow in his direction before executing a strategic retreat in a direction opposite to his own. The reunion with this elusive character added another layer of intrigue to Adrian's already eventful day.

Spotting the familiar figure, Adrian's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening around a makeshift stick in his right hand. While confident in his ability to evade the mysterious being, escaping wasn't his priority this time. Armed with determination, Adrian sought not flight but answers, ready to unravel the secrets that seemed to weave an intricate web around him.

Recalling the previous encounter, Adrian understood the creature's hasty retreat was likely due to the ominous presence of the cursed skinwalker. However, this time around, the absence of that eerie sensation hinted at a different set of circumstances, giving Adrian a newfound courage to confront and seek answers from the mysterious being.

'Hold up, what if this dude's the newest recruit at the Skinwalker Social Club?'

The moment this whimsical notion crossed Adrian's mind, he executed a nimble backward hop, landing right next to the patch of ground still under the whimsical influence of the mischievous gravitational shenanigans.

Kakitha's pov:

Coming face to face with the very human he was assigned to eliminate, Kakitha couldn't help but emit a resigned sigh, wondering if his luck had taken a detour through a cosmic comedy club.

"Just when I thought I'd shaken off both him and the mysterious third party, fate decides to drop me at this temple. Why is my journey turning into a destination for unwanted reunions?" Kakitha pondered, contemplating the peculiar twists in his already intricate tale.

Glancing toward the temple, Kakitha couldn't shake the feeling that the architecture looked oddly familiar, triggering a sense of déjà vu that added an extra layer of perplexity to an already bewildering situation.

Embracing his fully trained cowardice, Kakitha's mind raced through the extensive catalog of forest-related books he had devoured, focusing on the chapters that outlined potential dangers. The sight of the temple, coupled with the uncanny feeling of familiarity, triggered an instinctive alarm, convincing him that whatever lay ahead was far from the realm of favorable outcomes.

Shifting his attention back to Adrian, Kakitha's eyes zeroed in on the sluggish arm, dangling in a manner that hinted at a recent misadventure. Connecting the dots, he couldn't help but piece together a speculative narrative of the quirky events that had unfolded in this peculiar spot.

"Your arm seems to be broken." 

Verbalizing his musings, Kakitha found a newfound confidence in facing this shadowy adversary, recognizing that a battle with a broken arm presented a substantial handicap. Seizing the opportunity, he resolved not to let this chance slip away, gearing up for a confrontation with a determination fueled by the advantageous twist of fate.

"It seems luck is finally cutting me some slack. Perhaps the ancestors are tossing me a bone of fortune that I've been deemed worthy of," Kakitha mused, savoring the taste of a fortuitous turn in his favor.

Putting an end to his contemplations of the inconsequential, Kakitha focused on the shadow being's movements. With his bow raised in self-defense, he braced for an anticipated attack, yet the strike he expected failed to materialize, leaving him in suspense.

The very spot the shadow being had occupied now stood vacant, leaving Kakitha in a perplexed state, his senses heightened as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of the elusive adversary.

'Dived into the shadows?' 

Surveying the area, Kakitha's eyes caught a dark shadow gliding across the purple-hued ground, confirming that his elusive target was still very much in play. With heightened focus, he readied himself for the imminent confrontation.

Crouching to gather the required momentum, Kakitha propelled himself forward, sprinting toward the trajectory of the elusive figure. However, as he ventured into the purple-hued domain, an unexpected twist unfolded—he found himself plunging into the ground, caught in the whims of the peculiar surroundings.


Lying on the ground with a broken nose and blood trickling from his mouth, Kakitha's groggy state triggered a sudden surge of memories, each piece clicking into place as he began to piece together the puzzle of his enigmatic past.

On a radiant and fog-kissed morning within the clan, Kakitha, finding himself with an abundance of free time, decided to grace the library with his presence. Entering the sanctuary of knowledge, he couldn't help but notice the envious glares from fellow clan members, their expressions seemingly whispering, "Why can't I be as cool as him? I hope he meets an unfortunate end."

Nonchalantly brushing off the resentful stares with a practiced ease, Kakitha made his way to the farthest corner of the library. There, he delved into the realm of books chronicling the history of the forest and the enigmatic entities that called it home, seeking knowledge that fueled his curiosity.

Drawn to a book with an enticingly pristine cover, Kakitha plucked it from the shelf, appreciating the promise of undiscovered tales within its pages. Seating himself, he prepared to unravel the mysteries concealed beneath the unblemished exterior of this seemingly untouched volume.

"The purple temple? Now that's what I call a bold fashion statement for a place of worship. It's like the divine decided to redecorate and went with a grape-flavored theme!"

Eyeing the book's title, Kakitha couldn't help but let out a sarcastic quip, unable to fathom a temple bathed in purple hues. Dismissing the thought, he delved into the pages, only to find beads of sweat forming on his forehead and hands, suggesting that the contents weren't as lighthearted as the vibrant temple color implied.

Struggling on the ground, his trembling hands attempting to regain composure, the weight of a forgotten memory slowly unfurled before Kakitha, like the dawning realization of a puzzle piece finding its place.

'I remember now. I remember where I am.'

"The ancestors didn't grace me with luck. No, they've finally decided to spice up my fate by sending me to a place where survival is optional," Kakitha mused, resigned to the cosmic comedy that seemed to be his destiny.

In the dance of destiny, a twist untold,

Where gravity's tricks, both sly and bold.

A tale unfolds, in shenanigans' embrace,

Fates entwined, in a whimsical space.

samandridakucreators' thoughts