
duel between David and Florence

"Increase the bet amounts; the bets have reached the mark," she drew attention to that, her voice carrying a sense of urgency and excitement.

"I noticed, what do I do?" asked Lucca, not entirely grasping the intricacies of the situation.

"Phew," she sighed, a tinge of impatience in her tone, "it's basic. Increase the odds for Florence! And decrease those for David," she replied, her annoyance evident at having to provide such guidance.

"I understood that, but to what value should I change?" asked Lucca, seeking clarity.

"You tell me! You have to figure it out yourself! Analyze the proportions of the bets and see!" she spoke, trying to guide Lucca through the process.

Lucca's eyes focused on the jugs, contemplating the odds. What would be suitable? After a moment of consideration, he confidently stated, "2.30 for Florence and 1.70 for David!"

"Why 1.60 for David? Don't you think it should be lower?" she questioned, her skepticism apparent.
