
Nature Protection && collective ownership

After reading this many people understood that they requirements will be not get full field so all the merchants of other countries left the hall with respect.

They have regiment in their hearts but they do not have the power or rights to say it. Because if they do they will never see the light of tomorrow.

Bindusara do not have to do anything people from their country will kill them to get the favour of bindusar or to prevent anger of Maurya dynasty.

So they can only shut up and leave the court room with respect. Susima like this feeling to dominate everyone. It's Iike" I am slapping on your face what you can do?"

After that he thought of various policies that he have to recommend so he said to his father, "Maharaj, I have few things to suggest and it is not regarding those merchants but other things."

Bindusar with happy expression said," go ahead Yuvraj."

Susima started to said, "Maharaj, I want to let everyone understand the reckless use of natural resources. Is just like a child trying to peel off his mother skin for his entertainment. Bharat is mother of all of us and recklessly using resources and destroying nature is equal to peeling off the skin of our mother."

"So, hunting animals and cutting trees for unnecessary purposes should be banned and also some wild area should not be entered by people it will only belong to the nature. I call this policies then prakruti Suraksha Yojana policy"

"It will involve events the royal family, that prohibited places will only be visited if there is a military requirement, dangerous diseases is spreading or there is some illegal activity happening there."

After hearing his words the court room which was laughing and quite careful before become silent. Everyone started to think about how they harm the nature by killing animals unnecessarily. While destroying forest for unnecessary purpose.

Every action and words of his represent the next emperor thought who was about to succeed. So no one dear to take it likely.

During this moment one person started to clap and that was none other than Acharya Chanakya.

Chanakya hasin various people from a determinant and wise person like Chandragupta Maurya to a stable and kind person like bindusar.

But Susima was different he can see each and every action of his was for the future. First 2 policy was to create a pool of talent for Maurya dynasty. Afterwards he started implementing various economic policies which had created various new companies throughout Bharat and create a new reform.

Now the new change which Susima has suggested is also for the future to create enough resources for the future generation.

This thing nobody can better understand then Chanakya. Because he knows how much beneficial the trees and other natural resources are important to Bharat.

So he clap and shows his approval and appreciation for his new disciple. Now inside the Chanakya mind a thought suddenly came. A thought of creating a perfect emperor which will went down in history throughout the ages.

This thought had started taking a root inside Chanakya's mind.

But after everyone see Chanakya clapping they all started to clap for the Yuvraj proposal.

But then Chanakya stand up and sho respect to bindusar and then ask Susima, "Yuvraj, your proposal is very good and important for the future of Bharat. But it will let to lack of resources for the current Bharat how are you planning to resolve those issues. Like many people get money after cutting trees or hunting animals."

"Do you even thought about them how they will survive after your policy. If you do so please explain Yuvraj."

Susima first is showed respect to Chanakya then he started to speak, "Aacharya Chanakya, you have taken out the most important thing which I have to say in this court. The people now trying to cut trees for the living or trying to hunt animals for the survival."

"But for them there is no alternative work previously but today they have lot of work many companies are starting many new factories are being started everyday and it is not just in Patliputra but in all the cities."

"But they are still many people and many villages where this technology and this changes had not been reach. So for that I have plan to implement one more policy that is to start various collective ownership companies."

"For example if there is a woman who is making a clothes and that cloth will be given to that company which she is part and the amount of money is based on the amount of clothes they make and the quality and the quantity of that particular clothes will be tested and afterwards the result will be given and that clothes will started to sell throughout Bharat with the help of that company. The clothes can have various colours, various patterns and so on."

"So using this type of business model many people can earn a large or a small amount of money based on their own hard work."

"And if you do good you can also got higher position inside the company faster. And the most important part of this all is those company will generator share profit not collective profit."

"Means everyone's profit will be they in their hands. So for me it is the best way to let Ordinary people who are currently doing harm to the nature can change their profession and also earn more money"

After listening to his second policy of collective ownership everyone was shocked. Because they have never thought about this kind of company who was totally depend upon peoples hard work.

Chanakya reply after hearing this thing was, "it is a great idea but many things should be considered there is many possibilities of froding common people."

Sushma boud and and replied "every thing has loopholes but how should we implement it that's up to the court."
