
Chapter 136

The explosion destroyed the water that was sealing the place.

The wall of water was also affected, but it didn't collapse and close the exit.

So, the vampires that were still alive started to climb the stairs from the black ground where the explosion happened.

"You shouldn't have done that. Now, we have to deal with them alone."

Aqualad took a little more water from the pouch on his back and used his weapons to make two swords.

He was ready for the fight.

"I've told you I'll handle this and leave it to me!"

Speedy took the lead.

When the first vampire stuck their head out.


A precise shot to the head.

Luckily, the vampires are being controlled, so they keep running toward the exit without being scared.




Speedy fired continuously at them while holding the M4A1 in both hands.

It's hard to aim and hit with this gun, but Speedy was a natural shooter, and after years of using his bow, it's not too hard for him to change the trajectory while firing.

No vampire has been able to walk more than ten steps after leaving the subway.

"I'm running out of bullets!"

Speedy warned Aqualad.

Aqualad beheaded two vampires when the gunshots stopped.

Aqualad directed one of his water swords after seeing more of them enter, and the glowing water blade pierced their hearts like a long sword.


After reloading his weapon, Speedy turned his attention back to them and began firing again.

Aqualad was in the middle this time, but Speedy's shots were accurate, so he was never really blocked.


On the other side


Dio saw Batman and Robin arrive in his peripheral vision while screaming in pain.

One of them must have thrown something that slightly altered Cain's trajectory to save his life.

Cain became interested in the new intruders and looked at them.

Batman took something from his belt and threw it in their direction—small silver balls that hit Cain's body.

Cain didn't bother trying to dodge.




Cain's torso was covered in smoke from each mini-explosive ball. This attack also caught Mary.

After Cain released Dio, he tumbled to the floor and swiftly rolled to his left.

Luckily, there was a nearby car, and Dio crawled underneath it to stay low.

Dio looked at the underside of the car, and there was enough space to maneuver.

Dio then held the side of his body that hurt like hell while trying to stop the bleeding.


Dio removed his hand from his stomach and exerted himself to bend over for a better view of his wound.

He didn't have to see his own guts. Cain was a biblical being, and injuries like these take time to heal.

Dio should be able to heal on his own in a few days, which wasn't long at all given how bad the wound was.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any more days, and he had to return to battle right now.

Dio resumed applying pressure to the wound while struggling not to scream in pain and ignoring the sounds of the nearby battle.

The only chance to get back into the fight now was by using a drop of the River Phlegethon.

Dio didn't have much luck using magic now, but he had no choice, and he could only pray that the conjuration spell worked.

Dio raised his free hand and a gray energy orb appeared floating above it.

A simple spell that almost made me faint, but the pain from the wound was enough to keep him wide awake.

Dio brought the energy orb over his mouth, and its bottom part opened, which allowed only a drop of liquid fire to fall into his open mouth.

These few drops he brought from his adventure were supposed to be used for study and the creation of new spells, but he was using them to save his life.


Before screaming in pain once again, Dio made the ectoplasm sphere disappear and covered his mouth to suppress his voice.

Dio could only endure the pain of being burned inside now.


Dio didn't know how long it lasted, but the pain finally subsided, and his body was now healing only from the effects of the drop.

A few seconds later, Dio felt at his peak.

The real drop Dio summoned with his spell is much worse than the one he made.

Dio thought he was gonnna pass out in the middle of the healing process.

"Cain, your son gives..."

Dio didn't forget the one who let him experience these new sensations.

He wiped the blood from the side of his body and revealed his healed flesh, but his armor in that area was destroyed.

Cain tore off a large part of it with his claws, and if it weren't for his armor, Dio probably would have been cut in half.

Dio rolled out from under the car, and as soon as he stood up, he saw Boston looking at him.

"Are you okay?"

Boston asked with concern.

"Better than ever,"

Dio smiled at him.

"I think I can help by trying to possess him."

"You said you couldn't do that before."

"And I can't, but when I enter his body, he'll definitely get a surprise, maybe stopping him for half a second."

Boston proposed and really wanted to help.

"So be prepared."

It's better than nothing to have half a second.

Dio turned back to the battle and saw an unexpected scene.

Batman and Robin have joined the fight.

They were fighting around Cain while dodging his hits, and attacking when he gave them an opening.

Cain was very strong, but their training and ability to work together kept them from dying, which made for an amazing scene.

They were not alone.

Starfire had recovered and was flying around Cain while firing her starbolts whenever Cain was about to catch one of them.

Mary was also fighting on the ground with a form of furry monster.

Mary was not as skilled as Batman, but her range of enhanced powers after drinking Andrew's blood made her quite hard to kill.

"Kírix, we need to move in a few seconds; we won't be able to cast anything. Cain's influence was almost taking total control over the energy in this part of the city!"

Zatanna warned Dio using the communicator.

Dio felt it when she did it; they were following them while waiting for the opportunity.

Dio touched his communicator.

"Wait for my signal."

Dio told everyone.

Dio grabbed his sword and lowered his body.

One good thing about using the droplet to heal was that it not only healed him but also obliterated the physical and mental fatigue Dio accumulated over these days.

So, it's time to end this.

Dio sprinted at full speed and crossed the street while only stopping when he was facing Cain's monstrous body.

Dio's sudden attack caught Cain off guard.

Cain tried to defend himself with his long claws, but Dio's sword was faster and cut one of his legs.

Cain missed his attack and tried again, this time going for Dio's chest with one foot.

He fell to the ground when Robin came from Dio's left with his staff and hit him in the arm and on the side of the head.

Cain exploded while transforming into a red mist and reappeared whole behind Dio, ready to bite his neck.

Starfire shot at him from above and hit him in the back. This allowed Dio to grab his head with both hands and throw him in front of him.

Cain rolled on the ground and stood up, but Mary was behind him with both hands raised above her head, and she lowered them while slamming Cain's body into the ground.


Cain definitely felt that, but his regeneration was terrifying.

Cain turned into mist once again, but instead of returning to his physical form immediately, the red mist enveloped Mary's entire monstrous body.

Mary also turned into the mist to avoid suffocation. The two of them were in mist and different colors while spinning in the air together.

Batman then arrived and threw two small spheres into the battle ahead.


The shockwave caused by the explosives scattered the two and forced them to return to their physical forms.

When Cain stood up again, Starfire dove, hitting him with a punch in the face.

Then she rolled on the ground and spun her body to face him while pointing her hand at his face to explode another starbolt.

However, this time, the concentrated solar energy beam did not turn into a ray but blinded him, who covered his face with his hands.

Mary transformed back into her monstrous form and took advantage of Cain still being blinded.

Mary grabbed his arm, stretched it to expose his neck and shoulder, and then gave him a bite.


Cain roared in pain as Mary pulled a large piece of flesh from his neck and then forcibly tore off his arm.

Cain spun his body with his extended hand in anger, even though she couldn't see him and didn't have time to dodge.


This time, it was Mary who screamed in pain as she spun in the air and split in two.



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