
Chapter 114

"Stop moving, you idiot!"

John Troughton pushed the needle into Andrew Bennett's arm with no hesitation.

Andrew was almost unconscious in bed, and blood was already on the sheets.

John quickly pulled the axe out of his chest before putting the needle into his arm. Then blood started to come out all over the room.

Now, a blood bag hangs over the bed, and the blood flows down the thin rubber hose to Andrew's wrist.

"There, that's better now."

John stood up and wiped his bloody hand on a towel while Dio looked at Andrew's wound, which was slowly closing and stopping the bleeding.

"This is the first time I've seen Andrew so injured. Who did this to him?"

"His wife."

Dio replied.

John didn't say anything more and pushed him out of the room to the small kitchen where Raven and Speedy were.

After their little dispute ended, Andrew convinced them to come here for a place to help him—the small apartment of his best friend, John Troughton, a professor.

When their little fight was over, Andrew talked them into coming to this place to help him.

The small apartment of his best friend and a professor.

John Troughton.

He may be a professor, but he's definitely more than that.

This is the man who attacked Dio.

He has short gray hair, a mustache, wears sunglasses, and has the body of a well-trained soldier, even though he is over fifty years old.

"Do you kids want something to eat?"

John walked over to the table where Speedy was bandaging his cuts with the first aid kit from the apartment, and Raven was sitting in front of him.

"No, thanks. We just came here to make sure he didn't die."

Dio turned down the food since neither of them answered.

"He won't die. Andrew just needs a blood bag, and he'll be fine."

"I still think we should stick a wooden stake through his heart while we still can."

Speedy said this while closing the kit and putting his shirt back on.

"Are your wounds okay?"

A lot of adrenaline can hide serious injuries during a fight, but Speedy didn't look like he was hurt very badly.

It's only after it subsides that anyone knows how badly hurt they are.


John replied.

"No one is going to stick a stake my friend in my own house."

John warned.

"This guy is probably under vampire control or something. He looks like a trained vampire hunter, so I don't understand how he could have a vampire friend.

Speedy's argument is not wrong, and he clearly read John very well, but he's not hiding it.

There's literally an animal with wooden arrows stuck to the wall in the room above the TV.

"I'm not under anyone's control."

"He's not lying."

Raven confirmed.

"Let's stop questioning our new friend's loyalty, Speedy. He has already proven it by fighting against the woman he loved, and that's not easy to do."

Speedy just shrugged.

"He can also help us find Mary."

Raven also provided a good reason for cooperation.

"You guys are smart. Andrew is the only one who can find that woman. The connection between them may have been cut, but he has known her for a very, very long time."

John said this while opening the refrigerator and grabbing another blood bag along with a beer.

"I'll put another bag to speed things up a bit."

John said before returning to the room to leave them alone.

"You two keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, I'll inform Robin about everything."

Dio knew they were on their side for now, but that doesn't mean they'll work with them, so it's better to keep an eye on them.

Dio stood up and went to the small balcony of the apartment.

From there, Dio leaped to the roof of the neighboring apartment, which had fewer floors.

Dio looked around to confirm that he was alone and sat in an old beach chair left up here.


Dio spoke while touching his communicator.

"Robin here, ready for the report?"

Robin asked immediately.

Before coming here, they informed him that they were fine without going into too many details about what happened.

Meanwhile, Robin stayed with the rest of the team to take care of the captured vampires.

"We found an ally..."


"I see, so that's what happened."

Dio told him everything that happened, and he listened silently until the end.

"Do you trust this vampire?"

"So far, he hasn't given us a reason not to trust him, but we're keeping an eye on him."

"Alright, we're wrapping up here too and heading your way. I'll also inform Batman that Mary is heading to Gotham."

"How did things go for you guys?"

Dio asked.

Robin didn't respond for a few seconds, which isn't a good sign.

"It happened that..."

It seems that the idea of taking prisoners didn't go very well.

The sun weakened the vampires, and the military was supposed to arrive and take them to an appropriate prison.

Dio knew this world too well to think that the vampires would be better off dead than locked up in a military prison.

Before that could happen, everything went wrong.

Starfire's abilities could clear the clouds but couldn't stop the Earth from moving.

After a few minutes, a building blocked the sun.

The group of vampires quickly broke free once they were completely recovered, and the fight began again.

They managed to kill several of them, but most managed to escape, and Kid Flash hesitated during the fight and ended up injured.

"Is the injury serious?"

"Not for a speedster; he'll be fine in a few hours."

Dio can feel his guilt from here.

Dio knew that saying something wouldn't help, so he put down the communicator and kept looking at the scenery, which was getting darker.

The city has awoken from its calm during the attack.

The noise of sirens from ambulances, firefighters, and police throughout the city is almost unbearable.

It was strange that the authorities took so long to respond since the attack happened in the metro, which is a highly crowded area.

Dio didn't sense any magic being used to hide what happened, so it could be the power of stronger vampires since it only happened here, where Mary was.


Dio silently drew his sword, and placed it on his lap.

There isn't a scratch on the blade, even though it's been used a lot.

It still looks the same as the moment Dio acquired it.

The only difference is that it contains a lot of the souls he killed today.

He had complete control over all twelve souls, which were all quiet.

In the mystical arts, there is no more powerful energy than a soul.

It wouldn't be hard for Dio to destroy the whole city with a massive explosion if he used these twelve souls to their full potential.

It was simply the souls of the twelve that his blade had touched. Dio used magic to kill the others.

"I need information."

Dio said to himself while looking at the souls.

Dio didn't want to see their memories; he didn't want to remember what he did.

What's done is done, and the memories of these souls might have information about Mary's next plans.

That's why Dio let himself sink into each memory.

At first, Dio discarded almost all vampires.

They were turned in to the city a few days ago, so they haven't known Mary until today.

They didn't have any useful information; they were just following those who turned them because they felt powerful and their leader's lies.

That didn't matter because their connection was strong and none of this was needed.

Finally, the last soul had what Dio wanted.

Mary personally turned him and sent him to the city to set up a trap for Andrew.

The preparation was nothing more than turning people and hiding them until the right moment.

Unfortunately, Mary isn't the type of woman who likes to reveal her plans to her "children."

Dio was captured by something she managed to slip.

"The First."

It makes sense to think that she is referring to the first vampire.

The things will get complicated depending on the version of him in this reality.

After Dio put the sword away and stood up, Raven walked up to the balcony and looked at him.

Dio teleported behind her, and she turned while saying.

"He woke up."

They then walk to the small kitchen, where Speedy is now standing near the refrigerator.



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