

AN: Here we are, 100 chapters. 🎉🎉Let's go for another 100 chs milestone. Oh, don't forget those powerstones.


After destroying the Lex Corps in a single day, Bruce's next plan was to take down both Luthor and Mad Hatter at the same time, but finding the Hatter was difficult since he somehow didn't even have any digital footprints, but after hacking Luthor's phone, Bruce deduced where the Hatter could be hiding. He has two locations and luckily both are in Gotham. One is near Ace Chemicals and the other is close to Bluevilla Mall, that's been closed down after the owner went bankrupt last year.

"What's the plan?" Selina asked Bruce as she wore her suit.

"Divide and conquer. And since a friend of ours is already here, it will be a bit easier to cover both targets. Ivy and Oliver will go to Ace Chemicals... Selina and Diana will go to Bluevilla Mall. Whoever finds that Mad Hatter freak, will interrogate him and take him down while I will go to Luthor. I am sure, he has prepared some nice surprises for me." Bruce explained as he wore his Batsuit.

"I better leave now, if I were to reach in time," Ivy left after giving Bruce a little kiss on his lips.

"Take care..." Bruce smiled.

"Will do..." Ivy left for Ace Chemicals.

"Jarvis dial Oliver's number. I am sure he's having a fun time after profiting that shit ton of money, but it's time to put his suit on." Bruce instructed.

[Affirmative]> Jarvis responded.

Selina took the helmet, "Let me..." She walked behind Bruce and placed the helmet on his head before locking it. "Be careful out there." She kissed his cheek gently.

"Always," Bruce grabbed her waist and kissed her lips passionately before separating. "Keep comms on. And just... Be careful. That guy is a lunatic and uses hypnosis and weird chemicals, so always keep your suit on. No matter what, don't open your helmet in any situation, got it? And don't hesitate to retreat if things go south. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you."

Selina nodded her head hearing Bruce's words before putting on her own helmet.

Jarvis connected a call with Oliver over a secure line.

"Oliver, this is Batman. I need your help with something important," Bruce said using the voice changer in his helmet.

"Batman?!" Oliver, who was enjoying a drink in a bar, stood up with a serious expression. "What can I do for you?"

"We are going after a mass murderer lunatic with hypnosis powers tonight. I will send you the coordinates and information right now. An ally of mine will be waiting for you there with a gift. Use it if you want to take him down in case you encounter him there."

Bruce sent Oliver all the information needed through a secured network, which made the latter nod his head.

"Wait! He is responsible for all those murders and missing cases over the last few months?" Oliver asked with widened eyes.

"Yes. If you find him, you must get him to confess his crimes and get the info on where he's keeping the other girls alive or dead. And if he isn't there, you must go to the next point immediately without wasting a second," Bruce instructed Oliver, making the latter nod his head.

"Don't worry. I will capture that fucker alive!" Oliver walked out of the bar, disconnecting the call. He jumped into his car and drove off towards Ace Chemicals.

Everyone went toward their destinations. Selina picked up Diana from the park where she was busy eating ice cream. They drove toward Bluevilla Mall while Bruce directly flew toward the Lex Corp building in his Iron-Bat Mark III Armor. Tonight they will take down the plague of Gotham.


[Ace Chemicals]

Green Arrow reached Ace Chemicals within 15 minutes after leaving the bar. Ivy was already waiting for him there.

Arrow looked around but couldn't spot anyone except Ivy. "You are..."

"Here you go," She gave him a wristband, "That suit won't do against the guy we are going after, better dress up properly, sweetheart." Ivy smiled looking at Oliver's dumbfounded face.

"You are..."

"Call me Poison Ivy," Ivy introduced herself, "Now change quickly, darling. We have work to do. Just wear the band and press the tiny red button." She instructed.

Arrow followed her instructions and wore the band on his wrist before pressing the red button. The nanites emerged from the bracelet, forming a sleek green armor around his body, complete with a new bow and arrows.

"Whoa!!" He was kinda shocked to see such technology as the hud appeared before his eyes under the mask. "Is this nanotechnology? Batman has nanotech?"

"Too early to be surprised. You can ask all the questions to the boss man yourself after we deal with this shithead." Ivy turned around walking inside the abandoned chemical plant, "Follow me."

Arrow followed Ivy inside Ace Chemicals silently. It was abandoned after a couple of freak accidents years ago. There used to be multiple employees here before everything shut down due to one incident after another followed by multiple lawsuits and in the end it was shut down.

"Don't you need a suit?" He asked Ivy who walked casually without wearing anything special.

"Ohh honey, plants are my suit," She winked at Arrow as her skin glowed green in that dark factory.

They scanned every corner of the factory and finally found a trap door at the back leading underground. Ivy opened the trap door effortlessly before jumping inside with Arrow following behind. There wasn't much light underground. But it wasn't a problem for them as Arrow had night vision in his visor and Ivy had summoned glowing plants around her. It was a tunnel with multiple branching paths. Ivy used her plants to scout ahead and found signs of human lifeforms.

"Why does every villain have an underground lair these days?" Ivy commented with a sigh as they began to walk. "Follow me."

Arrow didn't say anything and continued forward with Ivy. Soon they started hearing crazy laughter coming from somewhere deep inside the underground cave.

"It seems like someone is having a blast down here. Shall we check it out," She began to walk toward the source of the laughter with Arrow following behind. They soon reached a huge metal door that was locked from inside. Ivy used her vines to break the lock and pushed the doors open forcefully. As soon as they entered, they saw a creepy laboratory filled with insane people strapped to tables with tubes connecting to their bodies. All of them were laughing madly while some were crying and shouting randomly.

"This looks like Frankenstein's lab," Arrow commented as he saw a tall skinny man in a white lab coat standing in front of one table working on someone. But something felt weird. Why isn't he looking back toward them even though they forcefully broke in? Something isn't right, is what his senses told him. He nocked an arrow and aimed it toward that skinny guy. He could see thin threads attached to the skinny man's body, like that of a puppet with more machinery attached to the ceiling, controlling his movements.

[Target Deceased- Approx time of death> 6 hrs] "The fuck is going on?" His visor scanned the guy.

"Ah! Cat and Diana, you lucky girls," Ivy swiped a sharp vine over the guy, cutting the threads that were controlling his movements. "This place's a decoy, let's move forward. Seems like the real Hatter is in Bluevilla Mall."

The tall thin man clattered on the floor as his body parts fell apart into multiple pieces.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from outside. Arrow raised his arrow toward the door, ready to shoot whoever enters. Ivy touched his shoulder, "Relax. She's a friend."

Soon, Alice stormed into the room in her nano suit, "Fuck! Ivy?! What are you doing here?" Alice sighed in relief.

"Chasing out puppet killer. What about you? Did Batman call you for support?" She asked Alice.

Alice shook her head, "No. I was tracking Sam's radio signal. That fucker's signal stopped right here and when I came, I saw the hatch open... And here I am." Her eyes fell on one of the guys strapped on the table who seemed to be alive but was laughing like a lunatic. His arms and legs were replaced with prosthetics. "Shit! There goes another lead on H.I.V.E."

"You know H.I.V.E.?" Arrow asked Alice curiously.

Alice nodded her head, "Yeah... Let's say, I have a history with them." She removed the tubes from the guy strapped on the table. "He might be useful to Batman. By the way, who are you? You look all green in that nano suit." She pointed at Arrow.

"Green Arrow," He introduced himself.

Alice's eyes widened in surprise, "What?! Green Arrow? As if 'THE GREEN ARROW?'"

Oliver chuckled hearing Alice's reaction, "Yes."

"Wow!! Is he joining the team?" She asked Ivy as they unstrapped the lunatics while Ivy put them to sleep.

"No idea, honey. Ask the boss man yourself later," Ivy shrugged her shoulders. "You two should leave for the second location. I will take care of them and join you guys later."



----[Powerstones & reviews]----

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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 18 chapters ahead⭐

[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next Ch: 101: Showdown pt1

Ch: 102: Showdown pt2

Ch: 103: Case closed

Ch: 104: Barry Allen


AN: A quick question. How many of you play Mobile Legends? Why? Because I'm thinking of adding a MOBA System for my next Harry Potter FF. So, I need to know how many of you are familiar with the game. [Don't ask for the release date.]
