
Incompetent Fools

[Third Person's PoV]

All important members of the Zenin Clan at the moment are having a meeting while fighting is going on outside.

The leader of the Zenin Clan Naobito Zenin is sitting at the head of the table with an enraged expression while leaning his head against his index fingers.

"Now then, I'm only going to be asking you this once, what the hell did all you do, that I'm seeing purple fire outside my courtyard?"

Naoya Zenin looked around the meeting in amusement, and scoffed, "You must be getting pretty old, old man. What we've done is something that should have been done a long time ago. Especially now, I could tolerate the girl since even if she couldn't see the curses, she still had a tiny amount of curse energy.

But now? Now that brat doesn't even have an ounce of curse energy. She is useless, the only good thing about her is that she's a woman. The Clan has no need for uselessness, but she's still a Zenin, so she could still be of use another way, she still carries the blood of a Zenin.

The only way she could be of use now is to be able to produce new members, who knows maybe she'll be able to produce one that also possesses the Ten Shadow Technique. After all, she's just like Toji now, the conditions have been set."

The more Naoya spoke the angrier Naobito became, Naobito controlling his anger turned towards his younger brother "Don't you have anything to say, Ogi, after all they're your daughters he's talking about"

Ogi scoffed as well "Why should I care about them, I would have been a little worried if the Maki girl was older, since then she would have had more experience and would have been just like Toji, but she's not, she's just a little girl, there's no way she's remotely close to him at this age.

Now for Mai, that's a different story, her curse energy has improved and has grown stronger, so Naoya you're going to leave her alone. She could be of use, after training her up a bit she could be a new pillar towards the Clan"

Naobito presses his face against his palm, he then wipes his face trying to wash away all the anger he is experiencing at the moment.

"You incompetent fools, not only have you sold some of the important weapons in the vault, you have put us against a fate far worse than death. I'm not even confident of coming up victorious against Maki, and you went and angered that monster"

Jinichi Zenin, who was the older brother of Toji, was the last one to scoff "Why are you so scared of a kid, he's like what 16/17, Naoya is right old man, you are losing your touch with age. Why are we even having this meeting? Let's just go in there and discipline them."

"Do any of you have any idea just how strong he is? How fearsome his power is? You all weren't there during the meeting, just releasing his curse energy is enough to pressure us all….

Before they could continue their conversation they heard a loud explosion and the entire building shaking. Naobito silently cursed 'Why do I have to bare the punishment for their blunder and incompetence, I just want to quit being the Clan head at this point'

"The hell was that?" Jinich asked, putting a hand on his knee and slowly standing up.

Naobito just sighed at the question "That, That was the being of which you all have enraged… Ash Phenix"

Ash was looking at the destruction he caused while flicking his hand dispelling the smoke from it with a smirk on his face.

"That should get their attention" he said. Ash then looked at the guards who were looking at him with fear and weariness.

Ash then conjured a large eastern dragon and made it coil around his body, Ash saw them back away with fear and dread, while looking at them just casually said "Just cause I embody the Phoenix doesn't mean everything I do has to do with it"

Ash then stretched out his hand and sent the dragon flying towards their direction with his mouth wide open. The dragon was slithering around all the members in its path, as the dragon passed through them they would soon be turned into ashes.

Some would try and run away but Maki would appear and decapitate them without an ounce of hesitation.

Ash then controlled the dragon and made it return to him coil itself around him. And with one final gunshot from Mai, all the reinforcements were dealt with.

Looking at all the destruction they caused Mai let out a sigh before shaking her head and went to regroup with the other 3.

"What now brother?" Todo asked while looking around, "Do we go in or do we wait for them to come out"

"We wait for them to come out, I can already feel them making their way over here as we speak" Ash said.

"Okay but question why do you just have that dragon floating around you?" Mai asked Ash with a weird expression.

Ash just tilted his head in confusion, he looked at Mai like he was wondering why she asked such an easy question "Isn't obvious… because it's cool" Ash said with a proud smirk.

Maki's hand went straight through the flames, without getting injured or burnt, and smacked Ash right on the back of the head

"Stop being childish"

"Yes ma'am" he replied, dispelling the dragon. After a few seconds they were the footstep of 4 people. Those 4 people soon appeared and stood by the destroyed part of the building.

Those 4 beings were, Naobito Zenin, Naoya Zenin, Ogi Zenin, and Jinichi Zenin.

Naobito seeing all the death and destruction of his clan let out a long and heavy sigh "This, This right here was the reason I didn't want you to angered him"

Meanwhile when they arrived Ash's previous playful expression was completely gone, all that was left were cold, purple, glowing eyes, looking at them as if they were already dead.

All 4 stood at a respectable distance to the other 4, like it was already destined who would fight who.

Todo, who was cracking his knuckles with a bloodthirsty smirk was at a distance from Jinichi Zenin.

Mai, who was reloading her guns was at distance from Naoya Zenin.

Maki, who casually had a hand on her sword was at a distance from her father, Ogi Zenin.

While Ash, who stood at a distance from Naobito Zenin, just had his hands on his pockets with his head held up high while looking down on him.
