

"Dark, dark, dark!" I screamed, blinding the damn thing, rolling like a pig which just found some mud after boiling all day in the summer heat!

Damn thing did not slow down though, no.

It was on to me, with its ridiculously damn powerful tongue. Wait, couldn't snakes like sense stuff with their tongue? Didn't that make trying to screw with their eyes virtually pointless?

Damn it!

"Thunder!" Electricity streaked but merely formed a tiny jolt, hitting he thing's nose. And it just pissed off the snake a little.

Deja vu…

WUAhhHHAAA!!! Slam!

It slammed its teeth on me, but I again dropped like a fly. "How the hell is a snake screaming like that!"

I did not get a response nor did I had time to worry about stuff.

I was fast, I was strong and I was capable of seeing the snake coming and dodging. Of course, I couldn't do any damage to it, but that was part of the plan to begin with.

So- Stay calm!

I didn't need to breath, yet I was out of breath, I didn't have any body heat yet I was burning out. This was proof, I was really alive and I wanted to stay alive. Maybe I was a monster, maybe something else entirely. But- I wanted to stay alive and that's why- FOCUS!

It charged again, this time, from above, ready to pin to me to the ground- but- "Spacia-"

CLANGH! It slammed into me, or rather into my shield. A shield which I'd borrowed from Escalor.

According to him, despite being a mage type, I still had enough endurance to tank these monstrous beasts with just a shield.

Still felt like I was being hit by a truck though.

Staggered, the snake flailed around, each slap of its tail was enough to create dust storms!

"Nice going!" Escalor yelled, up in the sky, axe swinging, he dug below the snake's neck. But his axe didn't go through. It got stuck, along with him. "Oh shit…" Apparently the snake's neck was too thick.

"Moron…" Siarre jumped midair, hammering the snake's head with her heels, knocking it down on the ground. "Finish it Vi!"

"Right!" Vivia jumped ahead of me, a large sword clutched in both hands, slamming it down near Escalor's axe.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't cut my hands!" Escalor shrieked, a handless.

The sword went through. Blood gushed out and the thing started recoiling even without its head.

This was typical.

For the most part, they treated me as a freaking shield. According to them, they were doing it for my own good, as in to get rid of my unease when it came to fighting and stuff.

"Amazing!" Escalor said, staring my way. He had his hand on his hand, and started reattaching it as Siarre slapped his back and fumbled around with her sewing gear.

Amazing my ass, I was literally almost eaten alive!

But yes, that was also part of the plan. Assuming I did end up being eaten, I was to zap the thing's insides and paralyze it long enough for them to cut it and drag me out. Rather risky plan but considering how I was nearly immortal- it wasn't that big of a deal. It was scary as hell though.

"I'm assuming I can't use this thing's corpse," I said.

I could not see its golden bit. Which wasn't really accurate. I could only see the golden bit of monsters that weren't very powerful. As in, my Necromancy skill wasn't strong enough yet. But it was getting stronger and stronger with every use and that made things easier. I could safely turn those smaller snakes to my puppets now if I wanted to. But for a large snake like this, it was still impossible.

And sometimes, these things resisted my skill, which was scary in its own right.

"I would appreciate if you didn't try. This one was technically the master of the snakes here," Escalor said. "So, we can sell it for a large amount. Would be a drag to carry the whole thing tho-" he said.

"I should be able to carry it easily," I said.

"Since when!" Siarre stared, very excited.

"Yesterday. I realized, I could connect my summon dimension and Spacia together."


They were very, very eccentric over it. Vivia too. And the goblin skeleton spectators? They clapped.

Oh well.

I could almost feel a blush coming… You're a skeleton Sean.

"Whoah-" My eyes jumped as I noticed something.

The corpse-

It moved…. "Is that normal?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. They move even without their heads. Pretty casual. Should stop in like two- three hours though."

It had formed a coil, the coil itself was the size of a mini mansion. Damn thing really was big.

"Right…" I cleared my throat, clearly envisioned the whole thing, and actually kept track of it and- "SPACIA!"

It disappeared.

The head remained. Guess I'll carry that manually.

"Let's go back then?" Vivia asked.

"Not yet," Escalor said.

"There's more?" I asked.

"Yes," he sat down on one leg. "It's considered a shame to bow before leaving on a journey. But…" He took my hand and kissed the ring. "Thank you for everything lord Sean. If fate wills it, we shall meet again."

"Yes, thank you," Siarre did the same with my other hand. 

They stood, and- "Well then, farewell," they said in unison.

"Wait, you're leaving now? You haven't even seen my armor!~"

Siarre smiled. "I'm sure you'll look dashing, my lord."

"Do come by if you're ever in Estonium. We live in the C district."

And they left.

Just like that. They didn't even come with me to get money for the snake….



I stared, mouth slightly hanging- not quite believing what just happened. We just killed a fucking snake and were going to celebrate but those two just left?

What in the actual fuck…
