
Chapter 133 – Fine, I’ll do it Myself!

In the end, Max decided to spend $500 to change his Lobby as he saw fit. He only left a bit of grassland, a chair and a table, and the large tree from the original lobby.

Everything else was changed using custom decorations he bought from an online shop provided by a VR designer. There were various things, such as a low wall and even some interesting pillars he could buy.

After three hours of designing his new Lobby, he finally got a satisfying result. Poles, pillars, pipes, railings, staircases, slides, walls, boxes, and waterways. It was designed to be the perfect parkour park that one could imagine.

There was even an imitation of a playground near the center where the big tree was.

The ground was also made with different altitudes in some areas. There was dirt and pavement; he even imitated the roof's mossy condition in some parts.

Looking at his work, Max nodded in satisfaction.
